First, a kid has to want it to become a player. Tom Saunders (ESPN) was discussing this on a show once. He said his daughters obviously have the athletic ability and all the tools at their disposal but they don't want it. Saunders was a D1 college athlete if you didn't know.quote:Originally posted by Doughnutman:
Genes, genes, genes.
Let's see.
1 uncle played for the Cowboys, 2 uncles played college basketball(but only Div. II), Grandpa's on both sides played college basketball(one was only JUCO though), one uncle played MILB(only got to AA, not good), Mom was a pentathlete in college,(Div. II again, not good), 2 Uncles offered full ride Div. I football rides, chose to stay home with HS sweethearts.
Now, Dad had 3 knee surgeries before age 18. Most Uncles walk around like they don't have knees. Great Grandma was 4'11" when she stretched. One aunt can't walk and chew gum. 3 Uncles trip if they don't look down when they walk. Vast majority on both sides(Cousins) never played tag let alone HS sports. One aunt 5'2"(she claims, I have my doubts). All first cousins think that sports are for idiots and refuse to play, thus screwing up my data.
Could someone tell me how my kids will do?
You can start down the family tree with the most recent generation. If you see athletes and athletic ability the odds are greater the kids are going to be athletic than a kid without athleticism in the family tree/genes. Don't confuse not playing with lack of athleticism. Some parents had the ability but chose not to participate or opportunity did not exist.
There are exceptions that enter into play. A friend was 6'6" and played in the NBA. No one in his tree ever came close to being that tall. I'm the shortest male in three generations in my family tree at 6'1". I must have got a touch of grandma's 5'2" genes.
The higher up you go on the athletic food chain (high school, college, pro) the more you're going to see kids with athletic family trees (people, please don't start posting your personal individual exceptions).
It's funny you mentioned a mix of athleticism and non athleticism. A friend was a first team All-American pitcher from the SEC back in his day . His son is extremely less talented (is that better TPM?). He didn't make the middle school team. He jokes he polluted to the gene pool with his wife's non athletic genes.