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Espn has an article on it's site. Says the Yankees want to keep A'Rod and the offer could be for $30,000,000 per year, for 5 years.
I am not quite sure how it all works, but the article also says A'Rod would receive those moneys due under his existing contract. All told, over the next 8 seasons, he would be paid $230,000,000.
According to the article, that will be the "offer."
Nothing to suggest Boras will think it is the "market" for A'Rod.
This will be interesting to watch.

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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Right now Arod is owed 91 million for the next 3yrs. Texas pays 30 million of that to the Yankees. If he ops out of the contract the Yankees would lose that subsidy from Texas. To extend it to 8yrs at $230,000,000. The Yankees would be responsible for $200 milllion or 25 million per year. Nobody is worth that much but if someone is Arod is one of the few. That is why if he ops out the Yankees won't continue contract talks. Boras is not stupid if he wants to get the most money for his client as he professes he stays with the Yankees.
Last edited by bb1
Yankees will have to sign Arod because he sells tickets with his regular season numbers. With a new stadium, Yanks need star power. Also, Yanks would be the only team that could afford his demands.

Problem is the $150M will go to a major playoff choker.

Yanks will win because of their future pitching stars.

A better solution for playoff success is for Yanks to re-acquire Mike Lowell because he's a clutch player in October. Something Arod isn't.
To put this in perspective, I think Britney Spears made over $150 million in one year once.

Someone will have to explain to me why everyone gets so upset that the most elite talent in the national pastime can cash in, while some bimbo gets many times that amount to dress trashy, sing horribly and wiggle around on stage like some bad 8 mm film.

Why don't we complain about that? Instead we blame a guy for doing what we ourselves would do (or have our sons do) if only we had the opportunity.

In other words, all this stuff is nothing but jealousy if you ask me.
The next question is which team can afford him, regardless of whether they are willing to?

Red Sox?

Any others?

Otherwise, is there an up and coming team with a low enough payroll that could afford him to take them over the top in the next year to three years, yet deal with his salary for five years total?


What about a contender desperate for hitting?


What about the Giants replacing one star with another?

I'd suggest the Marlins for hometown appeal, but they can't fill enough seats to pay for him. Nor do they have the cable deal to afford him.
Last edited by TG
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
Someone will have to explain to me why everyone gets so upset that the most elite talent in the national pastime can cash in, ...
You're right. His value is what someone is willing to pay him. No he's not saving lives or teaching the youth of America. But 2-3 million a year aren't willing to pay to watch a policeman, fireman or a teacher. ARod is marketable.
Arod could've been one of the greatest baseball legends of all-time if he wasn't a post-season choker for the Yankees..He would've been at the level of Ruth and Gehrig. However, by bolting Yankees, he leaves a huge question mark as a true big time clutch player and unable to do it for the greatest sports franchise in all of sports.

Arod is very aware of his place in baseball history and he knows what failing in NY means to his overall body of work.

Some players just can't hack NY and just maybe it was too much for Arod.. He may need to go to a lesser team where he will e appreciarted for compiling regular season stats. So if Boras gets him his money, go to a low pressure team and play SS again, maybe that's what makes him happy.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by TG:
Even if he takes a cut in pay his salary will still be substantial and still unaffordbale to many teams. Is he willing to not be the top paid player in baseball to choice his destination?

I'm sure Boras don't want that to happen. By Arod opting out of the Yankee deal, he's looking for the BIG payday. Otherwise, he could've easily reupped with Yanks and still be the highest paid.
My guess is A-Rod goes with a warm-weather team. I remember when he was with Seattle he made the comment to the press: "I'm just not a Northwest guy." He also prefers a big stage..

..I'm guessing the L.A. Dodgers. It's warm, it's a new league (fresh start), and it's as far away from New York as possible.
If you assume a 9 inning game will take, on average, 3 hours, A-Rod is asking for $61,728.40 per hour, before taxes; if you assume 4 at bats per game, he's requesting $$46,296.30 per at bat. Every fan walking through the gate is paying at least $1 of their admission fee to A-Rod alone. This assumes he isn't paid for pre-season games, which are basically scrimmages with fans.

I don't think any team will pony up $30,000,000 per year. Maybe the absurdity of these numbers will smack Greed-Rod squarely on the noggin. Nah, probably not.

He's obviously very good, but nobody, repeat NOBODY is worth that amount of money, unless they develop cures for cancer and the common cold, and figure out why anybody anywhere gives a hoot about anything that relates to Paris Hilton. If they do those three things, write them a check.

A Baltimore Sun columnist refers to Greed-Rod as "a certain all-universe, thin-skinned, self-absorbed pig of a free agent third baseman." Not bad.
Last edited by hokieone
And after all the Arod hoopla, he 'settled' for $27.5M. Apparently, Boras priced themselves out of a bidding war by the $350M over 10 yrs to begin talking but with Arod's ability, he's not going unsigned. The only thing a bit surprising was the multiple attempts Arod made on his own to hook up with The Frog (Hank Steinbrenner) after Frog told them throughout that an opt-out means take a hike.. Apparently, Arod went out of his way to try and square things up with Frog so thay could open the lines and negotiate.

What's most surprising is Arod's desire to want to come back to the Yanks. With the way he is ridden by the NY fans and the media for his constant playoff chokes, he still wants to come back to NY.

I gotta give him some credit here in that he didn't allow the fans and media and the whole deal of playing for the Yankees to drive him off as it had done to other players in the past and settle in a cream puff town that won't hound him and love him to death for his regular season exploits.

I'm sure he understands that being a great Yankee is more than just regular season numbers. They are judged by October play. That's a lotta pressure and it takes a certain type of player to handle it. For some reason, I think he gets over that hump. Maybe because he's got too much talent not to, but who knows.

I have a different spin on this in that this circus that went on for 2 weeks may actually take pressure off Arod and he can do his thing and may actually dominate in the playoffs one of these years and once he does, it'll get that monkey off his back. He shouldn't feel any pressure from the contract he signed because the new contract's a slight raise in the one he signed from Texas and no matter what, he was gonna be the highest paid player in all of baseball anyway.

All that's left for Arod is to get the playoff monkey off his back. With 10 years to do it and the Yankees focus on getting the pitching needed to go all the way, he should get some chances.
Last edited by zombywoof

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