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Hi all. I'm the parent of a 2013 grad looking to play ball in college. He's a solid student with a 3.6 GPA and 26ACT and has done all the work to try and get noticed. He realizes that he most likely is a DIII type ball player and is interested in a number of smaller schools where he believes he may get a better opportunity to shine. He's talking to 8-9 coaches for the past year. A few have come to see him play and are interested so some doors are open. Others have information from showcases he attended. However, others located further east of us want video as they have limited budgets to travel and watch him. I really don't have the $$ to spend on fancy video production so we put this together ourselves. We tried to follow many of the recommendations of others on this site. Now I'm looking for a critique on the video and what we might do to improve upon it. Thank you all for your input!
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