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The time has come to leave the nest. We will be moving our son in on the 21st. He is excited to be a Paladin and start his future and become his own man. We are so proud of all that he's accomplished. I will be half an empty nester, as I have a HS Jr. daughter, though I will have a big void with him gone. We are looking forward to see what his future holds and already excited to see him on parents weekend. I'm ready to start planning our weekend trips watching him play in the spring. Good Luck to all of you with college bound freshman and wish all good health.

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Do returning college seniors count?

After an 8 year hiatus, son heading back to finish what he started. Although soon to be 30, I still think he feels some of the nervousness he did when he left not knowing anyone. But he will be busy ion a new role and he cant wait for baseball season to begin!!!!


Best of luck to your son as well as all of our hsbbw parents players.


Enjoy the ride!


I feel ya.  I put my firstborn on a plane for Central America exactly a week ago. From there it's straight to college.


The tough part is the big hole we feel in our hearts right now. The good news is that his room is a lot cleaner and I've already noticed a big change in the grocery receipts.

My freshman drove home Thursday night, after completing his Summer II session, to a clean room, ice tray loaded with ice (it was always empty from him stopping by the fridge and eating a couple of pieces of ice), upstairs spotless, etc.

Driveway has pieces of trash where he "attempted"'to clean the bed of his truck, He's gone for a out of town day trip to the zoo with his GF and her young brother but TV is blaring upstairs, And to top it off, he hurriedly found me as I was out grocery shopping this morning because he couldn't find the CC that my wife had given him the night before; he needed my CC for his trip. (Turns out he left the CC at his favorite sushi place yesterday afternoon)


The more things change, the more things stay the same!

Last edited by RedFishFool

Son is flying home tomorrow and will be heading back to Lubbock on the 17th.  It's been a strange five weeks without him here.  He's not much of a phone talker, so it's either texting or Twitter...  I'm glad Volleyball is starting.  I'm going through withdrawals not being able to watch any sports (live).  Daughter made the varsity as a sophomore.  Very excited.    Especially after they won State last year.  They have a good chance of making back.  

Son leaving in 6 days.

Glad he went for 4 wk Summer session, began conditioning and met others on team. He has an idea how dorm life works, and knows the campus a little better. Came back more confident, mature in just a short time. Plan to keep busy as empty nesters with other family, friends. Will miss him like crazy, but it's a great opportunity for him to learn, grow.

My 16-year old leaves September 1st for a Junior Year Abroad in France. Will not return home until June 1st, 2016.  Will not be playing any HS sports.  That's right no school ball.  But he will be playing club baseball with a pretty active club league there.  There is actually a fairly strong baseball community in France.  Seems like each city has a group of players who are fanatics about it. 


Anyway, like everyone else on this thoughtful and timely thread, I'll be missing my baseball buddy. 

Originally Posted by RedFishFool:

My freshman drove home Thursday night, after completing his Summer II session, to a clean room, ice tray loaded with ice (it was always empty from him stopping by the fridge and eating a couple of pieces of ice), upstairs spotless, etc.

Driveway has pieces of trash where he "attempted"'to clean the bed of his truck, He's gone for a out of town day trip to the zoo with his GF and her young brother but TV is blaring upstairs, And to top it off, he hurriedly found me as I was out grocery shopping this morning because he couldn't find the CC that my wife had given him the night before; he needed my CC for his trip. (Turns out he left the CC at his favorite sushi place yesterday afternoon)


The more things change, the more things stay the same!

OMG..welcome to my world!

Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by RedFishFool:

My freshman drove home Thursday night, after completing his Summer II session, to a clean room, ice tray loaded with ice (it was always empty from him stopping by the fridge and eating a couple of pieces of ice), upstairs spotless, etc.

Driveway has pieces of trash where he "attempted"'to clean the bed of his truck, He's gone for a out of town day trip to the zoo with his GF and her young brother but TV is blaring upstairs, And to top it off, he hurriedly found me as I was out grocery shopping this morning because he couldn't find the CC that my wife had given him the night before; he needed my CC for his trip. (Turns out he left the CC at his favorite sushi place yesterday afternoon)


The more things change, the more things stay the same!

OMG..welcome to my world!

Glad to see our son home after a month of collegiate league ball followed by summer term II at his ACC school. Looks bigger/stronger and seems adjusted to college life with a little experience under his belt amongst college level talent.


He's off to Florida next week to work with his old infield/hitting instructor Scott Hemond (Oakland A's) and a little vacation in Destin, FL after the long summer. Hopefully he'll be a little more prepped to tackle the baseball side of things this fall.  


Absolutely unreal the amount of dirty clothes that he brought home! Not to mention the stuff he ruined trying to do his own laundry. I wasn't sure if we should burn or wash his comforter! I told my wife yesterday that I was happy to see him home but I also think I'm going to by happy to see him go!


For those that don't mind sharing, how much cash outside the meal card are you providing your son each week? We continue to debate what he NEEDS for cash to survive. I'm not interested in funding a 9-month college vacation, just the essentials.

Last edited by BK_Razorback
Good question.
We didnt fund the meal card more than necessary.  We funded a debit card seperately that was linked to his own checking account that we could control. He understood very quickly that you cant get what you dont have!  If they have a full meal plan they dont need much more, but its nice to go out for a meal. On a big campus, they accept the student card at most fast food places or movie theaters but u cant see it.

With phonenapps life is much easier and it becomes a good lesson in learning how to budget.

Furman is a really cool campus and great school. Congrats. My son spent the summer at Clemson and will go back next week for the fall. No contact with the baseball coaches over the summer, just classes and the strength coach/weightroom so fall will definitely be the real deal as far as the team etc. I'm excited for him and he has shown some skills required to survive without us. Fortunately, there are 4 players per apartment and one them, a MIF from Charlotte cooks! Divy-ing up the workoad, washing dishes or not, is the primary issue..son takes out trash and has the cleanest room in the he says. Buying a scooter for him so navigating to classes will be easier as campus is super busy with limited parking. Congrats to all with players taking the next step, find a hobby until the spring and best of luck to yours during the season! 

When I saw the title of this tread it struck a chord and made me remember when I bought the plane ticket for son for Boston…a ‘one way’. From now on for the next four years his round trips are from there, his new home. 


Son leaves in 10 days and through all his getting ready, I can’t help but going back 14 years to his first baseball game (4yr old) at a church where he tried to bat lefty and righty…it was funny. I have gone through in my mind remembering all these years of youth baseball, travel ball, showcases, tournaments, and high school and what a great pleasure it gives me to see him move on to his next step in life playing baseball and getting a good education and enjoying college. Too bad I won’t be able to see as many games (I don’t think I have ever missed one!) as I would like since is close to three hours away flying, but I will try to see as many as I can.


I read this forum all the time and really enjoy it and get a lot out of it from you guys, and help and advise from great people like fenway, goosegg, TPM and the many many others contributors.


Now I beginning to feel how many of you have felt in the past just before your sons left. It is an empty feeling right in your gut that churns the stomach, albeit a proud feeling.

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