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Everybody on this thread is LOONEY!!! I have tired head just reading. Hornsr1, live in the present, not the past. PW is good. They have good players. Focus on them not the idiot McKinney Boyd fans that want to chase after your post (by the way, Hornr1 your an idiot also). Didn't want anybody to think I was being biased.

Bronco Baseball- Your son gave the invocation at the DBAT Mustang kick-off earlier this year. I was absolutely blown away by how mature his prayer was. Please don't degrade what you, your family and your son stand for by participating in this nonsense.

IT'S NOT FUN FOR EVERYBODY!!! If you and hornsr1 want to get a room, then do so and don't tell us about it.

If I had a gun right now I would shoot.....the 2008 PW State championship trophy.
I guess its time for me join the parade of idiots.

Survey Question of the Week:
What excuse will Horns1 use on Wednesday Morning?

1. The Flux Capacitor of DeLorean malfunctioned when trying to get back to 2008.

2. Rose Colored Glasses were broke when trying to figure out how to change the year on his calendar.

3. Plano did not distribute their programs with slogan " the Reign Continues" before the game.

4. Kirk Shot the PW State Trophy.

5. Fill in the funny but nice. The moderator gods are watching.

The winner gets to deal with Horns1 until Friday.
Upperdeck, why would you try to encourage this idiocy? I am trying to shut down the ridiculous banter that is going on between hornr1 vs McKinney Boyd and you are encouraging it.

What is your affiliation?

Step away from the time machine, you are 40 something, not 18!!!

Who are the kids in 8-5a going on to play ball in college? Good luck to them...and as an aquaintance of mine has said, "love the grind"
Originally posted by kirk:
Everybody on this thread is LOONEY!!! I have tired head just reading. Hornsr1, live in the present, not the past. PW is good. They have good players. Focus on them not the idiot McKinney Boyd fans that want to chase after your post (by the way, Hornr1 your an idiot also). Didn't want anybody to think I was being biased.

Bronco Baseball- Your son gave the invocation at the DBAT Mustang kick-off earlier this year. I was absolutely blown away by how mature his prayer was. Please don't degrade what you, your family and your son stand for by participating in this nonsense.

IT'S NOT FUN FOR EVERYBODY!!! If you and hornsr1 want to get a room, then do so and don't tell us about it.

If I had a gun right now I would shoot.....the 2008 PW State championship trophy.

Sorry to say Kirk, but you're mistaken. I'm not the dad, just the brother-in-law. Glad you got to see him give the invocation because he is a very mature young man with a good head on his shoulders and his parents have raised him right.

I guarantee you won't find any posts by me disparaging any players or teams as I generally just come here to report the Boyd scores and recognize some of the outstanding performances from the games. However, if someone chooses to reply to my posts with a bunch of nonsense that is degrading HS kids (I think we know who I'm talking about here) then you can bet I will have a response because I think that's completely uncalled for. Sorry if it's not fun for you, but I'm not really concerned about that.
Plano West is still a very solid team. We shouldn't let the idiocy of one take away from the accomplishments of a team of hardworking players. As much as I want to jump on the "PW excuse of the week" bandwagon, I won't because that team has a very good chance of winning every game they play. On a personal note my favorite excuse for a bad game, We didn't take BP before the game... any former Broncos want to chime in on that one Big Grin? Hell of a year for 8-5a lets see what happens!!
haha im pretty sure coach kept you from playing in that game because u said that. i have no idea what you were thinking haha. Porter flipped! But at the same time i really dont blame you. For how much talent we had and how much we were underperforming, we NEEDED an excuse haha. Im just glad that the team this year found a groove and are sticking to what they know. Alot of seniors have stepped up and im really happy about that.
And kirk, seeing as though i actually came from the boyd program i dont regret anything i have said on this thread. I know its silly to argue about certain things that we have argued about. but like everyone on this website, im going to back my team. I dont think anyone planned that this thread would keep going on and on like this, but some inaccurate comments were made about the program and i didnt want anyone reading this to be mislead. no one was chasing after his posts . we were just trying to talk about the game last friday, not our previous record against PW. Im pretty sure the players for Boyd this year could care less about their overall record against them.
I pretty much agree with Newscout. Isn't there a mental skill challenge we can use in this example? How to deal with outside distractions such as PW parents making it rain when trying to get their son more newspaper time? And please Kirk, don't come on here trying to act like the HSbaseballweb Oprah or something. Bottom line, just report on how Huber does. He's really the only one worth a hill of beans on that team.
Last edited by Pick Johnson
PJ, I agree that Robert is a very good player but he's not the only one. I think we need to recognize guys like Andrew Blum and Blake Parker who have been great players as well for PW over the past 3 years. Also, the freshman 1B McKinney has had a very impressive season. With 4 or 5 games to go who knows how the district is going to finish, but if PW does finish in the 3rd or 4th spot I kinda feel sorry for their 1st round playoff opponent who'll probably be thinking they have an easy path to round 2.
Originally posted by kirk:
Upperdeck, why would you try to encourage this idiocy? I am trying to shut down the ridiculous banter that is going on between hornr1 vs McKinney Boyd and you are encouraging it.


Just trying to bring some humor to the posts. Now why would you come in here after 5 pages of posts and think you could shut down this ridiculous banter?

I would love to talk about who could play at the next level...maybe you could start that topic with your thoughts and that would divert the discussion more to your liking.
Allen: 5
McKinney Boyd: 4

WP: Taylor Black
LP: Doug Ashby

Tough loss for the Broncos tonight in a game that was back and forth the whole way. Brad Burnside and Joe Mills both started on the bump tonight and each exited with the game tied at 3-3. Allen hit better with runners in scoring position than Boyd and managed to plate two more guys off Ashby compared to the Broncos only managing one more off Black. Nice win for the Eagles as this keeps them in playoff contention.
Jesuit 10 Wylie 3

WP Freimuth
LP Petty

Wylie 3B Mays HR Bowers
Jesuit 2B Rader, Terry, Bell, Kalina, Wright and Savage.

In the first inning, Wylie had a triple and the throw was wide at third. Runner heads home and Jesuit makes the play at the plate.

In the second, Jesuit had the bases loaded with one out and cannot get a run in.

So it was tied 0-0 until bottom of 4 and Wylie scores 2. Jesuit comes back with a 5 double inning and scores 8 runs in the 5th.

A very close game for 4 innings and really much closer than the score would indicate.
Last edited by UpperDeck
Originally posted by ILoveMyDucks:
Congrats to Allen. Black can be ridiculously tough to hit at times and it sounds like tonight was one of those times. Tough loss for Boyd, lets hope there is no lingering hangover from the big PW win and Boyd can right the ship from here on out.

I left out a few details from the game that should be mentioned. Evan Williams hit his 4th HR of the year last night. Pretty darn good considering he's a sophomore. Also, Alex Pastor came in the game in the 7th inning for Allen with the tying run on second and 1 out and got the save. I had my concerns heading into this game with Allen playing good baseball recently. I thought they looked much improved since the first time Boyd played them.
apologize to McKinney Boyd followers for using the word idiot. The post was poorly worded and meant to imply that Boyd followers were being sucked in to a discussion by an idiot, therefore Boyd followers were being idiots also.

After re-reading, I would like to amend my post and simply say, Boyd followers, stop giving satisfaction to the idiot by responding to his nonsensical post.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by UpperDeck:
Jesuit 10 Wylie 3

WP Freimuth
LP Petty

Kudos to these two pitchers. Both did a great job. First time to watch Freimuth. Very impressed with his ability to locate the offspeed and fastball. A lot of off the handle grounders. Very enjoyable to watch even though he was the opposition.
Jesuit 3
Plano West 1

WP Degruy
LP Troutman

2B West Roberson, Jesuit Rader
HR Jesuit Bell

This was a close game all the way to the end. Jesuit had a couple of errors in the 7th leaving West with bases loaded, two outs and a full count before getting the strikeout to end the game.

Jesuit scored their first 2 runs as a result of West's throwing errors and finished their scoring with a solo HR by Bell.

deGruy pitched a complete game giving up 3 hits.
Last edited by UpperDeck
Another great district game comming down to the last out. de gruy a Tulane signee, hadn't throwm in 3 weeks due to an illness and was a bit rusty and didn't have his best stuff. Showed alot of composure and competitiveness to work through this outing and close out the game for this critical district win.

Originally posted by UpperDeck:
Jesuit 3
Plano West 1

WP Degruy
LP Troutman

2B West Roberson, Jesuit Rader
HR Jesuit Bell

This was a close game all the way to the end. Jesuit had a couple of errors in the 7th leaving West with bases loaded, two outs and a full count before getting the strikeout to end the game.

Jesuit scored their first 2 runs as a result of West's throwing errors and finished their scoring with a solo HR by Bell.

deGruy pitched a complete game giving up 3 hits.
Jesuit 3 on 8 hits and 1 error
Allen 2 on 6 hits and 1 error

WP: Nick Jans LP: Joe Mills

No extra base hits in the game.

Jans had another complete game giving up only 2 runs on 6 hits. Jesuit scored a couple of runs in the early innings and Allen came back with a run of their own in the bottom of the 4th. In the 5th Jesuit has runners on 1st and 3rd and bunt the run home. In the sixth, with 2 outs, Jans ran into some control issues and walks in a run before getting out of the inning. Jans comes back in the 7th and strikes out the side.

Mills pitched well for 5 innings and Allen played the game close until the end.

With Boyd winning tonight, it sets up what should be an exciting game on Friday between Boyd and Jesuit.
Last edited by UpperDeck
McKinney Boyd: 5
Plano: 4

WP: Brad Burnside

What an incredibly exciting 9 inning affair this was. Boyd was down by 1 run in both the seventh and the ninth innings but was able to come back and tie and eventually win the game. I know Plano is out of the playoff picture but kudos to those guys for playing with a lot of heart and making it as difficult as possible for Boyd.
Did anybody happen to watch a great game last night between Plano West and Plano East? Saw these two rivals go at it for 7 innings in one of the better games of the year. Kudos to Plano West for coming out on top of this one, and kudos also to Plano East for the valiant effort they made last night. After watching Jesuit, McKinney Body, West, Allen and Plano and Wylie, this has to be one of the tougher 5A districts in the are if not the region. Should make for an outstanding game Friday at East for the 4th and final playoff spot to be awarded to either East or Allen...
[QUOTE]Originally posted by planoeast86:
this has to be one of the tougher 5A districts in the are if not the region.

I have to agree 100% with this statement. Even though Wylie is yet to win a district game, the Pirates have made some games very interesting. Just the luck of the draw for us I guess. The talent in this district has been something special to watch. From pitching, fielding, to hitting; there hasn't been a district game that I haven't come away impressed with several players from each team, as well as some of the coaching. It's great that it is coming down to the wire for the 4 top spots. Good luck to all the teams involved, represent 85-A well.
Jesuit 9 8 2
Boyd 4 7 2

This was a game that had all the look and feel that Boyd was going to win. They were cruising with a 4-1 lead after 5 innings. And then in the bottom of the 6th inning, Jesuit got to the Boyd relief pitchers and before you knew it, 8 runs had come across before Boyd got an out.

Another complete game by the Jesuit starter, tonight it was deGruy. Out of the 11 district games played, 10 of the games have been a complete game by the Jesuit starters.

Bronco...hopefully you can give the deserved credit to the Boyd starting pitcher. He pitched pitched really well.

Congratulations to Jesuit for clinching the 8 5A district championship.
Last edited by UpperDeck

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