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Agreed COVID will never go away.  It will mutate and should become progressively less virulent (of course unless the concept of pathogenic priming by incomplete vaccines is real).  But the hell if Im getting a booster every 3 to 6 months.   Oh!  Did you know that Pfizer put out an estimate that they feel boosters will add 29% in covid vaccine sales raising the total sales to $36 billion.

Shocking!  Of course that’s only an anecdote!!

Re beliefs …I had a cardiologist appointment a couple of weeks ago mostly to get an EKG. With Covid I only had Zoom appointments for two years.

Before seeing the doctor I dealt with the nurse. She asked what I was doing to avoid getting Covid. She could see from my online file I had been vaccinated. We talked about healthy diet, vitamins and exercise. I did these things before Covid.

I told her I won’t wear a mask unless it’s required. Plus I try to avoid places requiring masks. It’s mostly planes and trains. Then I added I started taking 3mg of Melatonin per day. I read it may help in preventing contracting Covid. This was an experienced nurse. I was at MGH. It’s one of the top hospitals (also in cardiology) in the country.

Her response: You didn’t get “that crap” from Facebook?

My response: No, from my news aggregator.

Her: You can get a lot of junk news from news aggregators.

Me: It was a press release directly from The Cleveland Clinic (top cardiology hospital in the country).

It got real quiet. She told me the doctor would be there in a few minutes and left the room.

@RJM posted:

Re beliefs …I had a cardiologist appointment a couple of weeks ago mostly to get an EKG. With Covid I only had Zoom appointments for two years.

Before seeing the doctor I dealt with the nurse. She asked what I was doing to avoid getting Covid. She could see from my online file I had been vaccinated. We talked about healthy diet, vitamins and exercise. I did these things before Covid.

I told her I won’t wear a mask unless it’s required. Plus I try to avoid places requiring masks. It’s mostly planes and trains. Then I added I started taking 3mg of Melatonin per day. I read it may help in preventing contracting Covid. This was an experienced nurse. I was at MGH. It’s one of the top hospitals (also in cardiology) in the country.

Her response: You didn’t get “that crap” from Facebook?

My response: No, from my news aggregator.

Her: You can get a lot of junk news from news aggregators.

Me: It was a press release directly from The Cleveland Clinic (top cardiology hospital in the country).

It got real quiet. She told me the doctor would be there in a few minutes and left the room.

That’s interesting. I also had an appointment with my cardiologist today. First question the nurse asked was if I had gotten a booster. Told her there was no reason to support getting one as I just recovered from Covid and had gained natural immunity. When Dr entered the room his first statement was that I should get a booster. I informed him that I had natural immunity and he doubled down. I’m not gonna repeat what I said but he didn’t like it. All of you should be questioning your Drs motives when they continue to push a narrative that makes no sense. Malpractice is rampant and nobody is talking about it.

One of my cousins is a highly regarded pathologist in the NYC area. He signed a national petition of doctors requesting the country be locked down immediately and when available, vaccines mandated.

Due to personal experience (intubated, in a coma, nearly died from a food allergy when he was a lot younger) and working in the NYC metro area I figured the first wave was overwhelming his reaction and decision making. We’ve had some interesting conversations. Of course, being a doctor he believes he’s right and I’m crazy to even question how well the vaccines are working.

@adbono posted:

I am currently recovering from a pretty bad case of Covid. And yes, I was fully vaccinated. Back in April I believed that was the responsible thing to do. During the course of dealing with this virus I have learned a lot. I pretty much have the playbook of what to do (and not do) if anyone ever needs it. In my case the Pfizer vaccine didn’t provide me with much (if any) protection. That fact was determined by measuring the amount of antibodies that were in my bloodstream before I contracted the virus. Now that I have somewhat recovered (and tested negative after 14 days) my antibody count is very high - achieved thru natural immunity. But even a high antibody count in my bloodstream will not prevent an airborne particle from entering my airways. So I’m as likely to contract the disease again as anyone else - regardless of vaccination status. As a result of my experience I now have different beliefs based on the FACTS of how I have personally been affected. It’s high time for all the “follow the science” proponents to do exactly that.

how have you managed to get multiple quantitative antibody tests? did your PCP recommend that? I've been wondering why that hasn't been emphasized more.

@adbono posted:

It’s absolutely a personal choice. But it’s a choice that should be made after receiving honest, accurate, and complete information. Evidence is mounting that indicates that has not been the case.

The fact that not only is the true evidence not reported, it is almost hidden or called misinformation.  Australia, who we all know has lost their minds, won't vaccinate kids yet.  They said they want to see how it plays out in the US because the test groups were too small.  The CDCs own website says the test sample for children was too small to determine if myocarditis was a risk.  They said they would reevaluate in 5 years.  If that doesn't say, "we are experimenting on your kids", I don't know what does. Most countries recognize natural immunity.  Not us.  The vaccines clearly don't stop covid at all, yet our government is trying to force mandates and fire people over it.  They released 27 men from the airforce the other day for refusing it.  Men that are willing to lay down their lives.  It is so outrageous it doesn't seem real.  Medications that don't work are endorsed at 2K per treatment (remdesavir) while cheap treatments that have shown promise (at a minimum) in other countries are forbidden.  Something doesn't add up, but the money sure is flowing.

Last edited by baseballhs
@MattC posted:

I switched doctors. Couldn't stand them trying to force the vax on me. Have natural immunity from Covid. Was sick for less than 48 hours and no fever. There is no need for me to get it. Glad its out there for people who want it but people need to mind their own damn business.

More people should be asking qualifying questions of their Dr to determine the Drs priorities and agenda. Does patient care come first? Or is the Dr placing self interests/pushing an agenda above patient care??  The answer will determine if you need to find a new Dr.  I asked those questions and immediately knew I needed a new PCP - so I found one. Now it looks like I need a new cardiologist too.

At the risk of adding to perceived "misinformation" or it being dismissed as "anecdotal," I'll share my story in hopes that it helps someone in some small way.  It's not very exciting, but another perspective on what some doctors are doing.

Symptoms that I was sure were the result of a sinus infection and a cold on Sunday night gave way to a positive test on Wednesday at a drive through testing site.  I immediately called my PCP and spoke with his nurse to see if they had any direction for me.  The nurse said my doctor is recommending Vitamin D and Zinc supplements and to take Mucinex for any congestion.  She then said I could go get a monoclonal antibody infusion if I wanted to, which I opted to do.  But it was the following Tuesday before I get into get them.  They were administered at a hospital and took about 2 hours total.  The infusion only took about 20 minutes but then you have to stick around for some observation.  I am no expert by any means, but I was told the infusion is supposed to lessen the symptoms and speed up recovery.  Did they work?  I don't know.  I did get better (I'm 90-95% as of now), but no clue what was responsible.  Oh, and I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer.  I will note that when I told people I was getting the infusion, every one seemed surprised I was so easily able to get it.  I had to wait 6 days to get in because they were backed up, but it was super easy and insurance paid for it.  To date, I am the only one I know who got the infusion.

Last Thanksgiving and Christmas (2020) I flew to see my kids. This was when Fraudci and the media were pushing stay home big time.

I had an aortic dissection nine years ago. I beat one in six odds of survival and twelve hours of surgery. I had four small strokes. I had to learn how to walk again. I was fortunate to have the surgeon who invented the new surgery. Then I was assigned to one of the highest rated cardiologists at one of the top cardiac hospitals (MGH).

I contacted my cardiologist about flying or taking the train. I told her I had barely seen anyone I know in person in eight months. She told me in my health condition there was absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t go. I was fit before the dissection event. I was fit afterwards once I gained back the weight and strength. I was passively biking five miles a day five months after my surgery. I now bike 150 miles per week except from December through February.

The point I’m making is I’m very fortunate to have an open minded cardiologist. She allowed me to push myself to certain limits after surgery. She knew she was dealing with a former athlete/weekend warrior who is still competitive. My recovery was like a competition to me.

Every decision she’s made for me, especially since Covid had consideration for my specific condition rather than what should be for a (now) 66yo or the general public. Rather than fear monger she was honest enough to tell me my rehab from my dissection this many years later did not make me an at risk candidate for Covid unless I wanted to be at the front of the line for the vaccine.

Regarding PCPs, there’s a shortage. I was insured in PA until my dissection. I hadn’t switched my insurance to MA yet. I was assigned to doctors associated with MGH. I also had a neurologist (had balance issues for a short while due to the strokes) and neural ophthalmologist (had vision issues for a short while due to the strokes).

Since MGH is a learning hospital connected to a Harvard Med I get a new resident for a PCP every two years. They’re under the doctor who is on record as my PCP. The only issue I have with a resident as a PCP is due to their lack of experience they tend to operate in CYA mode. Fortunately the experienced doctor drops in at the end of each appointment.

Last edited by RJM

In California the independent doctor is going the way of the dinosaur.  Most private practices have been gobbled up by hospital chains and large medical groups.  Doctors of all sorts - PCP, dermatologists, Gastro, etc, etc are now employees of large corporations... and they act like it.  Personal care is being reduced to on-line chats, 4 month wait for appointments (with the PA or NP).  I have no doubt that the corporate agenda is driving the Covid dialog as well.  I worry about the medical profession, it is changing very rapidly and not in a good way.

They better continue.

I wasn’t talking about baseball games. But yes, I hope they continue. In all likelihood it will be a repeat of 2020 to some extent and some schools in blue states may cave in and cancel games. I certainly hope not but history tends to repeat itself. Which is exactly why history isn’t being taught accurately in schools anymore. Wouldn’t want an inquisitive young mind (if there are any) to recognize a reoccurrence of an awful event. Can’t have that!!

I think Omicron is going to blow through America in the next few months no matter what your vaccination status is.  It won't matter if you are physically at school or at home (unless you are a complete loser hermit like those masked people driving alone in cars; I honk at them btw).  But then we will be on the other side of the issue with a huge number of people w immunity.  Over time, it will be like the common cold or flu.  (Remember 15% of all cold viruses are actually in the corona virus family.  They just weren't genetically engineered in a lab to result in systemic inflammation).   But I suspect there are a pretty high chance there will be college baseball conferences which cancel this spring again as a reflex reaction.   

I think Omicron is going to blow through America in the next few months no matter what your vaccination status is.  It won't matter if you are physically at school or at home (unless you are a complete loser hermit like those masked people driving alone in cars; I honk at them btw).  But then we will be on the other side of the issue with a huge number of people w immunity.  Over time, it will be like the common cold or flu.  (Remember 15% of all cold viruses are actually in the corona virus family.  They just weren't genetically engineered in a lab to result in systemic inflammation).   But I suspect there are a pretty high chance there will be college baseball conferences which cancel this spring again as a reflex reaction.   

I read an article today from a credible medical source if a person gets vaccinated, social distances and washes their hands several times per day a mask may diminish the chances of getting Covid. However, it said the mask should be multiple layers to be effective along with the other efforts.

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..unless you are a complete loser hermit like those masked people driving alone in cars; I honk at them btw).  

This is actually not funny.  I drive a friend who has breast cancer to her chemo appts.  I wear a mask before I pick her up so as to not spread aerosols that would remain in car and while we are in car together, actually I double mask with both a surgical and a KN95.  I have had people honk at me, yell at me at stoplights calling me a "covidiot" "loser" "stop living in fear".  It is insane what people feel will do to someone who is just trying to be a good human who cares about other humans.  You never know what people are going through and should offer some grace.

@RJM posted:

Harvard announced today students will not return to campus in January. All classes will be online.

Although they didn't say, and I haven't heard this yet, it stands to reason that they must suspend Winter sports until this lockout is lifted (which they can't because Covid isn't going anywhere and will certainly be around at the end of January).  And then there goes Spring sports.  Once they start down this path they are unlikely to jump off it (see "2 weeks to flatten the curve).

@Smitty28 posted:

Although they didn't say, and I haven't heard this yet, it stands to reason that they must suspend Winter sports until this lockout is lifted (which they can't because Covid isn't going anywhere and will certainly be around at the end of January).  And then there goes Spring sports.  Once they start down this path they are unlikely to jump off it (see "2 weeks to flatten the curve).

No way. We were assured there is nothing to see here and it was just one day of classes. They wouldn’t cancel sports too. There isn’t a precedent of that is there?

Harvard has not canceled any basketball games yet.  That does seem a little inconsistent.  My hope is that cooler heads prevail and schools watch as more data rolls in.  The data out of South Africa remains very favorable from a symptom standpoint.  A friend of mine was driving her son home from Syracuse when his girlfriend called him.  She and 27 sorority sisters all tested positive.  He's still negative and the vast majority of positives are asymptomatic.  Mild symptoms for the rest of them.   This is the end of the pandemic.  We just have to get thru the next month.

@LousyLefty posted:

This is actually not funny.  I drive a friend who has breast cancer to her chemo appts.  I wear a mask before I pick her up so as to not spread aerosols that would remain in car and while we are in car together, actually I double mask with both a surgical and a KN95.  I have had people honk at me, yell at me at stoplights calling me a "covidiot" "loser" "stop living in fear".  It is insane what people feel will do to someone who is just trying to be a good human who cares about other humans.  You never know what people are going through and should offer some grace.

Yours is a unique, anecdotal situation. But it’s better for another person to think you’re crazy than speak up and embarrass themselves being confronted with reality.

I’ve made myself clear what I believe regarding the Covid, vaccination and mask situation here and with friends because it’s discussion. But in the big picture I don’t care what anyone does as long as they leave me alone. I’ve had some people not leave me alone for not wearing a mask when it hasn’t been required. This is when I get irritated or sarcastic.

I once moonwalked a grocery store aisle backwards to annoy a Covid Nazi. I went four feet up an aisle the wrong way to grab one item. A person came running the length of the aisle from the other end to tell me I was trying to kill people.

No way. We were assured there is nothing to see here and it was just one day of classes. They wouldn’t cancel sports too. There isn’t a precedent of that is there?

I’ve had a long weekend of sports viewing wiped out. So far it’s three UCLA basketball games and three Boston Bruins hockey games.

I saw an interesting column yesterday. It seems the left leaning attitude on Covid has gone from shaming those who get Covid for being unvaccinated to you can’t fault people for getting Covid.

Last edited by RJM
@RJM posted:

I’ve had a long weekend of sports viewing wiped out. So far it’s three UCLA basketball games and three Boston Bruins hockey games.

I saw interesting column yesterday. It seems the left leaning attitude on Covid has gone from shaming those who get Covid for being unvaccinated to you can’t fault people for getting Covid.

Give the left a couple weeks and it change again. Did I mention there was an insurrection…they ultimately will return to blaming trump. Could be Manchins fault…ah wait that could work.

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