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@OskiSD posted:

Kids both tested positive last week. No underlying conditions, double vaxed and boosted. It was a 48 hour sore throat and head cold. These vaccines are a miracle.

These vaccines are a miracle? Really?? I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Keep your eyes and ears open and do your own research. You can’t take anything at face value.  I think over time we will find out that the vaccines are not at all about health. If you are capable of critical thinking (and a disturbing amount of people seem incapable) you should be asking a lot of questions right now.

@OskiSD posted:

How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not? - Our World in Data

While charts and graphs can be helpful, it’s important to understand scope and scale. Given the right scope, scale and sample size, one could put together one helluva convincing chart showing that I have lots of hair, I’m skinny and athletic. But see me in person and no one would argue any of those things.  If you drop Mt Everest into a cornfield in Nebraska, the difference in elevation would be stark if you were standing next to it.  But I was listening to a scientist one time (possibly Neil Degrasse Tyson) talk about the Earth. He said that if you shrunk the earth down to size of a billiard ball, it would feel just as smooth in your hand as a billiard ball. That’s how insignificant the Rockies, the Alps, the Himalayas, etc are from one vantage point.  Conversely, make a chart comparing the size of a grain of salt to an atom and one could easily argue that grains of salt are MASSIVE.

I’m not arguing Covid charts are wrong or useless, but if you don’t understand how far zoomed in some of them are, you’ll never understand how one dimensional they are. Seek as many different perspectives as you can get your hands on and be skeptical of data that comes from any source that benefits from a certain result/conclusion. Pay me to argue Everest is no big deal and I’m dropping a cue ball in your hand. Pay me to argue it’s significant and we’re flying to Nepal and strapping on some boots.

These threads are getting to be political threads.  That is not the intent of this site.  This site is about baseball and the journey of parents and players.  This thread is now pure politics and will be locked.  Having read this thread, baseball is no longer the topic of discussion.  Rather this has also turned into a political thread.  Any attempts to continue this type of discussion will result in those members being banned from this site.  I am locking this thread as well.

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