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First of all, thank you to all of you.  I've been around here for a couple years now...and the amount of knowledge gained has been unbelievable.   My son went to a camp attended by 20+ D1 coaches a couple weeks ago.  Christmas Eve morning around 9am he got an email from one of them who told him they liked what they saw and the coach/recruting coordinator gave him his cell number and asked him to call.  He got in touch with him this morning.  He's scheduling his first D1 visit sometime next month.  No idea what (if anything) will come of it...but after 12+ yrs of baseball I can tell you I had a pretty excited kid on my hands this morning after that phone call. Don't get me wrong he understands that it's just a visit...but it's his first one...and it's a we consider that a plus.   Maybe it will amount to something...maybe nothing...but he's realizing that even if it's only one coach, that all of his years of work, practice, etc, have gotten someone to notice and just may be starting to pay off.  I'll keep you guys up to date on where things go from here.  Again, thank you all for everything.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest're right...and he understands that this initial visit really means nothing in the grand scheme of things. He has been told by a couple D3 coaches that they would take him we've kind of had the thought that maybe he could play D1...but until today never had a coach tell him they are interested.  He did "kind of" have another D1 tell him at another camp last week that he'd like to have him....but it hasn't gone any for the last week or so he'd been a bit down because of that conversation.  The 2 schools are fairly close to each maybe once word gets out that he's visited one...the other will get in   Either way...even if he never hears from another D1 coach, I think that today's phone call really made him feel like all the time and work he's put in over the years may finally be paying off.

jemaz....thanks....though after reading it, it sounds kind of   I actually emailed or texted every travel ball coach my son has had from 10U til now today and thanked them for what they had done....again knowing full well that this is just the start of what may or may not amount to anything.  Our situation is kind of different than what most of you have probably we are still friends with his coach from when he was 9...and he has played with his 10U assistant coach's son for the past 6 summers on 4 different teams.  All of the kids he's played with have some connection to almost every other kid...again starting from the connection that we have to those coaches/kids/parents is maybe a little different than most people's experiences...but is also makes today's experience for my son all the more special for him and his former teammates & coahces..  My son was fortunate to make a really good team when he was 9...and as of today, all 12 kids on that 10U team are now talking to, visiting, or committed to at least a D2 school in either football, basketball, baseball or golf.  Funny thing is, looking back on it, our group of parents must have seemed like a bunch of drunken fools sitting around a hotel pool talking about college scholarships when our 10U kids were playing in the pool and doing their best to stay as far away from the girls as they It's been a great 6 years....and can't wait to see what happens in the next 2 or 3 with those kids.

playball...he's a jr.  Starts at SS on his HS team...but has played OF, IF, P and C in the past.  He threw real well from the mound at the camp...after not having been on the mound in 5 months...which is what caught the coaches eye. My son told him he sees himself as an IF...and coach said "we like 2-way guys...would you have a problem with that?".  Fortunately son said Again, we know enough kids who have/are going thru this that we feel we know where he fits.  The school isn't a top level D1, but is by no means a bottom-feeder either.  He knows a lot of kids who are visiting and/or have committed and has a pretty good feel for where he stands.  The fact he could play anywhere but CF and 1B (though he wants if needbe is a big bonus for him.  We've discussed it alot...he wants to go to a D1...even if it means sitting for a couple years.  He's got good grades...and knows he's competing with his sister (4.0 after a semester of college) and that baseball is secondary.  If he can go to a D1...that's what he's going to do. Fortunatley his travel teams have always "played the best"...regardless of where it took them or how they did...and that's what he that's the plan at this   Thanks for all your comments...we'll keep you updated.  Really, really enjoy this

Congratulations! That first D1 communication and confirmation of your son's ability is something special. Until that day you always wonder if he really does have what it takes.


Some college coaches love 2-way guys. They feel like they are getting 2 players in one. My son is a senior at a D1 mid-major and has been a 2-way player all 4 years (first 3 as a relief pitcher and starting outfielder or 1B). This year they are supposed to have him in the weekend rotation and the OF.


Please feel free to Diolog if you want to ever talk about 2-way players on the college level. Best of luck and enjoy!

Last edited by birdman14

Buckeye, Congrats to your son. That's an awesome gift. My 2015 son was invited to an unofficial a few months ago, a school we had not really considered. The coaches had been watching him over the past three years and at the conclusion of the day they made him an offer as a two way player. You and son may be surprised at the end of your visit, you never know. Good luck!

Birdman, I would like to get some insight on how your son is doing as a two way player and what to expect. 

It's always great when college coaches show interest.  I certainly don't want to muddy the water, but it is important to know... It is not unusual for recruiters to say they are interested in someone as a two way guy, even though they are only interested in that player as a one way guy.


Then again, it's great to be a one way guy that they want. If two way is important, I would check out how many have done that at that college In the recent past. That might give you a clue as to just how much they love 2 way players.


Sounds like you should get prepared for a possible offer, but don't actually count on it ahead of time.


Best of luck and congratulations Buckeye.

Birdman, I too would like to have more of your insight as a parent of a two way player.

My son has had a very successful first fall season (+.400 BA and lights out from the mound)

As PGStaff stated he was told as he was being recruited that he was a two way guy but it is rare for it to happen at this school.

After fall evaluations, he was told that he had exceeded their expectations which of course is a great thing.

I have always told him to continue to put in the hard work, make it hard on them to keep you off the field, and they will figure out where and when and how to put you in the lineup.

Having said that, I'v often wondered if that is the best advice.

Would he be better served just focusing on being a one way player and putting all his efforts in to becoming the best player he can be?

Buckeye 2015,


Congrats on getting that first invite to meet the coach.  Hopefully it will lead to more in- depth discussions with this coach as well as lead to more meetings like it with other programs.  It sounds to me like you are very grounded with the situation.  Helping your son understand the coaches will do this many times over with many recruits is very important.  Showing him that meeting with many coaches is in his best interest, and will increase his chances is often the best lesson in this process.  Good luck!

Originally Posted by WapakDad2013:

Birdman, I too would like to have more of your insight as a parent of a two way player.

My son has had a very successful first fall season (+.400 BA and lights out from the mound)

As PGStaff stated he was told as he was being recruited that he was a two way guy but it is rare for it to happen at this school.

After fall evaluations, he was told that he had exceeded their expectations which of course is a great thing.

I have always told him to continue to put in the hard work, make it hard on them to keep you off the field, and they will figure out where and when and how to put you in the lineup.

Having said that, I'v often wondered if that is the best advice.

Would he be better served just focusing on being a one way player and putting all his efforts in to becoming the best player he can be?

Wapak, OH???   If so, our sons play in the same league...probably saw you when we came down there last spring and didn't even know

A quick update....still working on dates for my son's initial D1 visit.  However he went to another camp this past Saturday and threw harder than the previous camp 3 weeks ago in front of some very good schools.  He didn't know what he had thrown until today when I got a text from the camp director.  He said "he's gonna start getting recruited by D1 schools as a pitcher after Saturday's camp".   My reply was "wow, are you serious....he knew he threw good, but not that good".  His reply...."yes, serious enough that Coach XXXXXX asked me about him."   I was shocked.....his dream school....and a major conference.  Again, probably still a longshot, but it's at least starting to sound like his dream of D1 may have a shot at being a reality....even though up until 3 weeks ago, we'd have never dreamed it'd be on the he really hasn't thrown seriously for over a year and a half...and that was as a freshman on the HS JV team.  A lot of hard work over the years seems to be paying off.  Looking forward to seeing what happens from here.

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