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Originally posted by spizzlepop:
The Four Corners Rattlers are pleased to have Bryan Holaday and Zack Boles from the DBAT 18s join them in Farmington as guest players. The Rattlers welcome these two fine young men and look forward to sharing a great experience with them.
Also from DBAT 18, Victor Black will be joining DBAT 17 while Austin Knight and Aaron Baker will play with the LH Wildcats. Best of luck to all!
Originally posted by strandedon3rd:
Try playing for one of Sams other 17-18U teams, they are not even competitive due to lack of pitching depth. While Sam's team carries 8 kids that pitch only. The other 3 17-18U teams struggled all season, forced to use position players as pitchers just to get through tournaments. I thought highly of Sam for the last couple of years also. Until I got a dose of what he is really about. His teams success and $$$. I was warned but I didn't see it until we got it handed to us 1st hand. I am not the only one who will never give him another $. What a $1600 hustle he pulled on a bunch of families.

I hear the Tigers are looking for a few good men.
DBAT 18GM unless they turned you down....I think it was a HUGE mistake not taking CG or BB from our team. Those two could have helped you guys alot more but then you are staying loyal to your program. Winning is the most important thing now!!! VB is still a very good pitcher but ours are better! Smile

Good Luck.

Maybe I will let you buy me that hotdog one day soon. Big Grin
Originally posted by Train:
DBAT 18GM unless they turned you down....I think it was a HUGE mistake not taking CG or BB from our team. Those two could have helped you guys alot more but then you are staying loyal to your program. Winning is the most important thing now!!! VB is still a very good pitcher but ours are better! Smile

Good Luck.

Maybe I will let you buy me that hotdog one day soon. Big Grin

Train, you always have to cut people down. I really don't understand why a person can be so negative toward others. Bottom line, VB is here and the others are not. Please let it go.
Originally posted by The Duece:
one more question? Why would a team take a pitcher that was not the best one available? Just curious, did not understand all of of this. but I do understand a team goes to s national tournament to win, not get beat.

Best One Available is subjective, so to the chooser, Best One Available was probably the one they obtained.
Originally posted by Train:
SWAC ...its just my opinion. Why do you take things so personally? Maybe the Mustangs coach was right saying what he said to you. Eek

I never said VB was bad....he is my posts all the way next time and stop thinking I am attacking you as its just an opinion. Mad

Train, I have supported you on a number of occassions but you continue to cut people down and sometimes it is people I know and respect. I just wish you would back off sometimes and respect others as they do you. What the Mustang Coach said was out of line and he came back the very next inning and totally apologized for his statement; his frustration was with the officals. Train, I realize the statements are just your opinion but opinions can jump start other occurrances.
Last edited by SWAC
Posted by strandedon3rd

Try playing for one of Sams other 17-18U teams, they are not even competitive due to lack of pitching depth. While Sam's team carries 8 kids that pitch only. The other 3 17-18U teams struggled all season, forced to use position players as pitchers just to get through tournaments. I thought highly of Sam for the last couple of years also. Until I got a dose of what he is really about. His teams success and $$$. I was warned but I didn't see it until we got it handed to us 1st hand. I am not the only one who will never give him another $. What a $1600 hustle he pulled on a bunch of families.

I got this email from a parent of a Mustang player. He wanted to remain anonymous so as not to get bashed. I thought it was funny and worth posting.

Not enough pitchin’
Yeah, the sorry *** made us play all summer without enough pitchin’. To make it worse, we had to play at places like Rice, University of Houston, San Jac, Texas State, St. Edwards, Texas Lutheran, Dallas Baptist, UT-Arlington, Weatherford College, University of Dallas, Northwood University, University of Arkansas, University of South Alabama and other second rate facilities. And to top that off, we had to play weak teams like the Houston Heat, Columbia Angels, Kyle Chapman, South Texas Sliders, Austin Slam, Austin Wing, Indiana Bulls, Arlington A’s and we had to play in events like the Connie Mack Qualifier, the Premier Junior Championship in Joplin and the Premier Senior Championship in Mobile, all without enough pitchin’. He wanted us to get beat. He wouldn’t let us the parents, players or the coaches go out and get more pitchin’, even though it would have made him richer to have all those guys pay the $1650 to play in those sorry facilities against those sorry teams. I bet we were the only 17 and 18 year old teams in the whole country without enough pitchin’. It was down right embarrassin’. It got so bad that my son had to play out of position so some of the other position guys could pitch. My boy is a natural left fielder and he had to play third and first and even catch, just so we could get someone on the mound. I bet Michael Young or Mark DeRosa never had to do anything like that, play out of position without any pitchin’. Bummer summer!
I guess if your aim for the summer was to play on a bunch of college fields then you probably had a great time. For others this level of baseball is for reasons other than going on a college field tour so you can tell your friends where you got to play. Most college coaches and scouts quit watching after a couple of games when you have gone 0 for what ever. I hope your friend took lots of pictures.
If your only reason to sign up is to Slam the Mustangs, don't. You cannot please everyone. I know Sam, my son played for Sam. Not every parent was happy all the time, including me. I'll bet it is the same on any team. Move on. From now on, I will not let any of the many fine Dallas organizations be slammed on or complained about on this forum. Send a private email and talk to them if you have a problem. Sam's door is always open.

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