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My son played for a team in the ACBL the three years ago. He also played in the GLCBL and the NECBL.

Of the three, the ABCL was run the poorest. The year he played most of the games were weekend double headers. They would generally play only 1 maybe 2 games during the week. The team that he played for was not well financed (it was one of the older better financed teams). They charged to play but did little or nothing to help the kids. We found the team management and the league management to be less than honest.

If it were my son and he had any other choices I would not repeat the same mistake.
Actually, my son played in this league's "Bridge League" last year for graduating HS Seniors going on to play college ball. This league is not the above mentioned ABCL, but the ABCCL -

The college level league tends to be mostly local players, JC, D2 and D3 level, with a few D1 players mixed in (although it does get a limited number of players from a distance). Good baseball played on average fields (some HS fields and public parks), in the area of the New Jersey shore. Only 4 games per week, 2 mid-week and one Sunday doubleheader. The woman the runs the league is dedicated and knows her stuff. Inexpensive player fee, but I would say your son will probably need his own transportation to the games.

Check out the league website. The new rosters are not yet posted, but you can check out previous years.
Last edited by birdman14

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