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Here is the story.
Kid signed with up and coming Juco last February due to not signing with D1 of his liking early. We talked at great length about honoring his committment even if a better deal comes along( life lessons) He was crazy about his juco coach and visa versa and both had big plans. They talked a couple of times a week and his advice and friendship helped keep my sons spirits up during a dismal senior season in which we only won 7 games. He started getting some interest from big time D1's as the draft approached. Told them he was very interested for next year, but intended to honor his committment to Juco for this year.( i think this made them like him more). Juco coach called last week and told him he was sorry but he had taken a job with a D1 school. No new coach named at juco yet and D1 wants him to fly up for a visit tomorrow.D1 will most likely not have any $ left at this stage of the game. If Juco doesnt hire the right guy, it could be a huge waste of a year in developement for the kid. The ultimate goal is to play big time D1 ball. Help???
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First of all, I think he's to be commended for holding fast to his commitment until now; but, it also seems apparent that his commitment was to the coach who recruited him rather than the school. When the coach chose to change horses, it doesn't seem to me that there's any dishonor in his considering a change, as well.

My counsel to him would be to come up with a list of schools in which he has interest and contact the lead recruiter of each; explaining the situation and asking if there is still room for him to be considered. I understand that "big time DI" is an important quality; but, there are plenty of differences among "big time DI" schools and programs. He shouldn't miss the opportunity to prioritize his list of major programs based upon his assessment of what each has to offer in both baseball and non-baseball qualities.

Even though it's very late in the recruiting process for 2012 graduates, it's not unusual for openings in both the roster and dollars available to occur at this time of year. The combination of the draft and unforeseen changes involving individual players tends to create the openings.

With respect to money, if the coach of a school he'd love to attend explains that he lacks the dollars today; but expects to have more available as time goes on, I'd listen. The available scholarship pool changes semester by semester; often because of the sort of unforeseen developments that every coach knows will occur, but would need a crystal ball to predict specifically. Dollars get freed up in the process and can be channeled to your son. Obviously, this message carries more weight if you're given the opportunity to verify with recent/current players that they were told this and that the coach had been true to his word. This also presumes that you have this sort of conversation with a school whose first year cost could be handled within your family's budget.

Best of luck to your son!
Last edited by Prepster
Welecome to HSBBWeb. If there is no legal reason why you couldn't leave currently committed JUCO, I would pursue D1. Youve stated that his ultimate goal is to play big time D1.. Now, he has that chance today. I'm not sure why he would hesitate to pick up the phone with interested D1 school(s) to get detailed info about their recruiting and finacial situation. Call all the schools that have shown interest and the schools he is interested in.

Coach has left JUCO for greener pastures. I think your son should do the same to pursue the D1 that is interested in him. Your son needs to get back on the market to see who else is interested. Also, I think your son should call his "JUCO/D1 coaching friend" to see if he knows any D1 programs that could use his talent and have scholarship $$ available. These guys know what is going on.

Best of luck!
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Thanks for the advise guys. I feel a little better about not honoring the previous committment, and I understand that this happens alot in college athletics. I still feel that a quality JUCO program will do as much or more for a freshman than a D1 in most cases, but not knowing if they will move the S****r coach to baseball is what scares me. I guess things usually work themselves out for the best. God bless
I've seen a lot of good seasons where a pitcher didn't win 7 games... I wouldn't call that "dismal"

I agree with advice here, give the coach a call and ask if there is a spot at the DI he went to.

Then I'd open up the appature and see if there are any other programs which have previously had contact to see if they now have an opening due to attrition for grades, draft or other reasons.

There are certain words on this site that are considered "unfit to be posted". The name of the sport where you kick a ball into a net every couple of games is one of them, as are most of the words that normally shouldn't be used in public conversation.
I don't disagree with any of the advice you have been given. However, I might consider a different path?

The fact that he is a late recruit and not getting any $$ tells me that the D-1 schools are "hoping" he can contribute, but not willing to invest in him.

Which probably means he will be in a pool of several guys that 'might' get some innings, but they will always play the scholarship guys first in my observation.

He may or may not get better with little or no game experience, and it could be a wasted year?

I'm not sure how it works in JUCO? Can he sign with another JUCO? I know he can change his commitment to an NCAA school, but can he change to another JUCO?

If not, then I would consider going to the original JUCO (I'm assuming it's a better deal financially?), and playing his butt off and getting better.

There's no guarantee that this D1 Coach will be there after 1 year, and then, where will that leave him? (non-scholarship player with no history with the new Coach)

He has 4 years to play college ball.

After 1 year at the JUCO, he should have some more options, and hopefully some $$ from a good D-1 or D-2.

Plus, a JUCO offers a good entree into college life and college baseball, and that could go along way in preparing him for the step up to D-1.

I'm not saying he's not good enough now, but certainly the facts point to him needing some more time to develop, otherwise he would have had some early D-1 offers.

Either way, I applaud your Son's character, and I think he will do well in anything he chooses to do in life. Unless, of course, he chooses politics? Wink

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