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My son called me tonight and he was devastated.  He thought he was on his way to coming back from his hip and labrum surgery he had last January. He had been back on the mound since late summer and by December he thought he was going to be able to make a full recovery.  His coach called him in today to share his video. He pointed out that he is still not using his legs to push off the mound. His velocity didn't even hit 80.  His coach was extremely concerned because he feels there may still be issues with strength of the hip. He said his mechanics are great. He has worked so hard and does not want his baseball career to end.  Any suggestions would be great?

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Has he been experiencing any discomfort in his hip and/or labrum since he returned? Is there a possibility that he is subconsciously dialing back for fear of another injury? What was his velocity at prior to the surgery?

Returning from major surgeries/injuries is difficult from a physical and mental standpoint.  247son is 18 months post-op from Tommy John Surgery.  It's been a slow tedious rehab for him and he continues to battle with various issues, most recent ones that don't involve his arm...thankfully, that's feeling great.  Unfortunately, he has struggled with tightness in his groin area lately and a little pain in his rib-cage.  IMO, it's all about getting your mind & body back in game shape.

Best of luck to your son, Laura.  I sincerely hope that everything is okay with him & he's just having a minor setback.  Please keep us posted.


It's really hard for us to give advice without knowing the circumstances.  This is a very tough surgery to recover from, more complicated as an athlete.

However, if he is not having any pain issues, it could be an issue with proper rehab or more rehab needed. The core and the legs provide the power.  This should be addressed. I also am curious as to what was his velo before the surgery and has there been a recent drop?  As mentioned above, sometimes it just takes a bit longer. Son had a simple surgery that they told  him would take 3 months recovery and to be honest it took well over a year. 

Either way, the trainer should contact the surgeon that did his surgery.  That is where I would start, asap.

Thank you for keeping this short and too the point.  Good luck and please

keep us informed!

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