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All I got to say is someone needs to teach someone how to disguise a blitz, fake a blitz, or disguise overall coverage. I could tell you what kind of defense they were playing. With Greg Ellis, it would've been a different season.

BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the Cowboys lost intentionally to put more focus on the signing of J (I don't know the first name) Hairston Jr. (sp?).)
I noticed the slick ball as well. Boys were doomed to fall in the game from the get go. I had a sick feeling when they respotted the ball. Not going to lose to much sleep, but with the NFC so down this year; even the Boys had a chance.

Romo was devastated after the game. He took it hard and stood there like a man and accepted it. My thoughts are is he'll be better because of this, and so will the Boys in the future.

Ready for Baseball. Just right around the corner...
Well i'm glad my Seahawk's won, But I noticed that ball too.
I think all the ball's were like that, did you see some of the throw's that were made?
Also it was raining some.
Parcell's should stay, Dallas is right there on the verge.
They have some very good talent. Even T.O. kept his mouth shut as much as possible. I'm proud of him?
EH are right on the money there. The Mav's are so talented it's scary. Unless they have some sort of devistating injury, I don't see how they can't win it all this year. I love watching them play. The next two games will be a challenge. If they beat the Laker's and the Jazz on the road, that will be saying something. It would put them at 15 straight. All I can say about them right now is WOW, are they good.

I can't wait for baseball either to say the least.
Last edited by Old Pitcher
After 24 hours in Vegas I was up a little bit, wife had dinner reservations for us at some swanky restaruant and I wouldn't be able to see the whole game, so I just went to the sports book before the game started and bet all my winnings on the Cowboys to win.....getting 2 1/2 points.

I was sick when I saw the replays as I was cashing in my winning ticket after dinner Big Grin

Too bad my wife then went on a losing streak and nearly lost all my winnings.

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