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I am looking for an Interval Throwing Program for 12 year old who is rehabbing from growth plate issue in his elbow (has had growth plate issues in the past with his shoulder). He has already rested his arm as the doctor prescribed however he did not give us a program to follow after he rested his arm. I want to make sure he comes back slowly and correctly.

I can find examples of Interval Throwing Programs on-line but they are for adults, does anyone know where to find one for 12 year old.

Many Thanks.
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My son also has an elbow growth plate issue and is seeing an ASMI dr at Elite Sports Medicine in CT. They have a throwing interval program on their website for adolescents that is separate from the adult program, here is the link...

We have no experience with this program yet, my son's xray just showed some healing at his last visit so he has just begun a strengthening program (excluding throwing specific exercises at this point.

Hope this helps!

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