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Good Morning Gals!

I thought it somewhat amusing when I peeked over into the Mens Only Forum today.

Have you noticed the titles of their latest posts?: " Susies beer scam ", " Best pickup lines ", etc. etc.

Have you noticed ours in the the Ladies Only Lounge:
" Prayer requests ",.." College farewells ",..etc.

Gets one to a thinkin',......

*** What would the World doooo without us Women ???????? **** ha ha!!!

I commend my peers,...if I may be so lucky to call you all that.

Men: Can't live with them,..can't live without them!! Big Grin

Have a greeeat & safe holiday weekend, ya all!!

( perhaps while the men are discussing their greatest pick up lines this weekend,..they will do it over the BBQ or perhaps while they are washing our cars! tee heee!!! snicker snicker
Gotta looove em'! )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Original Post
Men: Can't live with them,..can't live without them!!

Or as some have been known to say ...

"Men: Can't live with them ... can't shoot 'em."

All kidding aside ... I was very annoyed several months ago when one of those male types decided that we female types should never step foot across their apparently sacred threshhold. But the more I glance at the thread titles (I honestly don't even open the door there anymore) the happier I am that we aren't welcome. Too many more important things to ponder in this world that some of their 'discussions'.

I am all too happy when some of our guy friends pop in here and contribute valueable comments and thoughts, so I would never want to be of the mindset that the guys are in their corner of the board and have a TRUE 'girls only' forum. But I am glad we are all here and can help each other on a regular basis. It just feels so warm and fuzzy in here, doesn't it?

Oh, by the way, if properly ripened, I would suggest that oranges are indeed sweeter than most apples, but personally, I prefer bananas
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom

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