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A friend dropped his freshman son at college yesterday. The baseball team had their first meeting. At the meeting the head coach told the players if he hears from parents about position and playing time just hand in your uniform. Is this still an issue at the college level?

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Just remember that many programs, especially the lower division ones, are built on donations. There has to be a certain protocol for dealing with parents without alienating them.

My coach here says that your parents cannot affect your playing time positively or negatively. He's very happy to talk to them, but he doesn't want to be seen as someone who can be swayed to play someone by talking to parents and he also knows that sons cannot always control what their parents do. I think it is a good policy. Parents can talk to him all they want, but nothing is really at stake for the son.
The only time we talked to the coach the last 4 years was if he talked to us first!!! We always let our son know that he talked to us 1st if he saw us talking to the coaches. Our son would have disowned us had we EVER spoken to the coach about playing time!

They are adults and have to earn their place on the team. Go to their games and support the entire team.
Originally posted by CaBB:
The only time we talked to the coach the last 4 years was if he talked to us first!!! We always let our son know that he talked to us 1st if he saw us talking to the coaches. Our son would have disowned us had we EVER spoken to the coach about playing time!

They are adults and have to earn their place on the team. Go to their games and support the entire team.
Too many youth coaches don't teach parents how to be sports parents. Starting in LL I told parents position and playing time are coach/player discussions. I only talked to parents about how to help their player improve from LL through 16U travel and basketball. If the behavior goes unchecked the parents never stop. I've heard stories of parents calling bosses of their adult age children over treatment at work.

My son's high school coach didn't want to hear from parents. Our conversations were only hellos in passing except the time we talked baseball in general for ninety minutes when he showed up at a local showcase.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by observer44:
Originally posted by RJM:
Is this still an issue at the college level?

More than you know...even with the disclaimer the first day...Control what you can above the political bubble..the rest will be what it is...


Agreed 100%

I watched the father of the star SS on our team befriend the coach from day 1. The kid was talented, earned every minute of his playing time, and produced.

It had been tradition that the players would vote the team captains at the beginning of each year. One year, the team voted a backup catcher who wound up with only 3 career AB's at graduation one of the Captains. He was the smartest kid on the team, now an Army Doctor, but mentored all the players on road trips and kept them all eligible.

Anyway, when star SS becomes a senior, Coach knew that there was no way the team would vote this kid a Captain, so for that year he suspended the team voting for their own Captains and appointed the son of his now good buddy as team Captain.

Don't think that daddy ball doesn't happen at the college level, it various shapes, forms and sizes.

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