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A contact is classified as a face-to-face encounter between a college coach and the student athlete (or their legal guardians or relatives) where more than a greeting occurs. Anything beyond a hello is considered a contact. Another form of contact occurs when a college coach has any contact with you or your legal guardians at your high school, or any other location where you are competing or practicing.

Contact Period:

College coaches are allowed to have in-person contact with you or your legal guardians. This period means coaches can watch you compete anywhere, and the coach can write and make telephone calls.

Dead Period:

The college coach cannot make in-person contact with you or your legal guardians. This prevents the coach from making any evaluations of you whatsoever. However, the coach can make telephone calls to you or your legal guardians.


This is the process where a coach watches you compete in a game or practice, and makes note on your athletic abilities.

Evaluation Period:

It is permissible for the college coach to evaluate your playing abilities at your high school or any other place where you are competing. During this period the coach cannot have off campus in-person contact with you or your legal guardians. The coach can still make telephone calls to you or your legal guardians, and you are allowed to make campus visits during this period.

Quiet Period:

During this time a college coach cannot watch you compete at any location. It is allowed for the college coach to make in-person contact with you or your legal guardians if it occurs on the coach's campus. The coach can still make telephone calls to you or your legal guardians, and you can make visits to college campuses during this time.

Right now is actually a DEAD period. That's over by Jan 6th I believe. Then it's quiet until mid-March.


No coach can call (or return a call) from a junior or their guardians until July 15th. If you are trying to get in touch with a coach, we've found that it's best to call and leave one message, often suggesting a time you will call back. We've been told by many coaches that you just keep trying until you reach them. However, I would not ever call a coach unless there is significant interest and there have been multiple (personal) emails that have gone back and forth - you don't want to irritate them.


I think they can call your son's coaches, so that's sometimes how things get done.Coach acts as a proxy of sorts. A sophomore or junior can go on unofficial visits to the campus and meet with the coaches on campus. Apparently now some kids are going on overnight unofficial visits because they're committing earlier and earlier - but the school can not pay for any part of that visit and the student has to initiate that. We have met with a number of head coaches this way; but if they're not interested in your kid enough, they're not going to agree to a meeting.


Hope this helps.

Originally Posted by TPM:

If it were just a quiet period how could there be off campus showcases with a 100 coaches attending?


Because the coaches are paid to "instruct" at these off-campus events, not evaluate talent.  That being said, they continue to inquire about players in a roundabout way, keeping inline with the NCAA rules.



Last edited by NYdad2017

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