Cal vs UC Irvine Feb 3 @ Anteater Park 6:00pm
The Bullwinkle is once again throwing the guantlet down and challenging all websters.
The 2nd HSBBW Avatar Betting is on.
How about an avatar bet? The loser of the series must use the avatar of the winning team until the next weekend.
Example: Bet is on with URKMBlue vs Bullwinkle. if Cal wins the series, Bullwinkle will use the Cal avatar for one week, if UC Irvine wins, URKBlue must use a UCI Avatar until the next weekend series.
Now the betting in not only with me....please, there are hundreds of series and leagues out there...(I think the SEC, ACC, Pac10, and other leagues play too) here's a web site
Then click League/Team Links.
Throw your own guantlet down and dare another webster to bet. Post everything here. It was fun last year, let's get more websters involved.'s my link to the UCI schedule.
The Bullwinkle is taking on all websters. Pick a series, any series.... post the dates and I'll bet. You'll look great wearing the Anteater colors.
Here's a site that has all Team Logos:
Remember to wash and clear all avatars upon return...last year it was rather gross that DB2BMom gave me a dirty stinky avatar to wear for a week. But, being the dirtbags, I can understand that being clean is bizarre concept for them.
Go Eaters!