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Son will be receiving an offer in the next couple days from a NAIA school. We have to the best of our ability tried to do our homework on the school, coaches, program, etc.

What I would like to know is just exactly what all should I be looking for in this "offer"? Besides the obvious, i.e. tuition amount, meal plan, books, are there hidden things about this great opportunity that either parents just miss or maybe coaches don't perhaps even think to tell us about?

"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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Thanks for your input Doc.

I guess I was looking more along the lines of some fees or costs that are not typically discussed during this time that parents will discover when enrolling their son. Even with the homework I have been doing it still seems at times that there is so much that I am not uncovering. Perhaps its the newness and overwhelming thoughts of all this recruiting...heck...I don't know.

Just trying to not get caught "off guard" by any surprises...
After the offer, ask the coach or call to find out all costs involved. These costs might include lab fees, medical center fees, licensing fees, parking fees, mailbox fees, etc and other requirements. Ask if they supply all equipment for players.

Example, my son was required to purchase a lap top, preferred one was an IBM with school software and covered by warranty which was serviced by the school. Things like that.
Last edited by TPM
You did not mention housing, it some times the largest % of some schools; it also has variations based on single, double, or triples and location of the room.

Some schools provide free wi-fi internet, others require you to provide your own DSL/wireless and possibly cable for your rooms.

Some schools charge for parking, ASB fees, Student Union fees, etc., as Bobble mentioned Health Fees, even if you have your own coverage or you have to opt out.

You should be able to get a complete listing from the school's web site of all the fees.

Based on your baseball team, there may be hidden cost there as well depending how well funded the baseball team is, not to mention fund raising, but that is totally another story….
Last edited by Homerun04
Young Guns Dad,
Good questions. I suggest you be involved in this conversation with the coach. After all it is YOUR money. I had the same questions I had when my son was offered. I pled ignorant – which came natural --- and the coaches were very helpful and informative. I suggest you ask the question: “What exactly will we have to buy?” On the items the scholarship covers, be sure and ask how these will be covered. My son received a check to cover his room and board whereas some schools provide dorm rooms and meal tickets. “Fees” should be explained … A simple question (again ignorance helps) of: “What exactly are fees?” Medical can be somewhat tricky. My son was covered by my insurance (but only by my local providers) and by the college insurance (provided at no charge). I think my insurance was considered the primary and the school’s the secondary. The two surgeries he had while in college would only be covered by my insurance if he came home ---- but the coach insisted he have one surgery at the college and the other surgery in Birmingham. It took a few phone calls but the college covered all the expenses 100%.
By the way --- Congratulations!
Thank you all sooooo much! As it has been said numerous times, this is the best place to be for advise by those who know and truly care!

mmmm......say plead ignorant? I think I can do that fairly well (or at least my wife says so!).

By the sounds of things, it appears there are fees out the yingyang to consider. I suppose I better be ready to write when he calls more than ever now!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Thanks for the congrats and I will hopefully have good news very , very soon!

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