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After picturing the batting cage in TBS Studios in my backyard, finding out the brand (thanks to this site), checking the price, and then coming back down to earth; I need some ideas and/or brands of batting cages you have used or seen in backyards. I'm thinking of going with a 50' to 70'. My oldest is only 9 but he and my younger son have asked for a "real batting cage" for three straight Christmas's. So, I'm thinking I'll just go ahead and get one of good quality that'll last a while. Anyone with feedback from your experiences would be GREATLY appreciated.
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Absolutely agree with 20dad. The Cages Plus cage is very good and affordable. Wouldn't say it's all that easy to set up and take down, but then again, we may just be inept. We have a very small backyard, so though I ordered the 60' cage, we've never put up that much. The most we've used is 50' and that's working fine even though my boys are now in high school and smacking the you know what out of the ball. Dad throws them BP; we dont' use a machine.

As far as age, if your son wants the cage that badly and you are willing to throw to him, you will get tons of use from it. I've found that we use ours less as the boys get older and spend more time doing BP at school or with their summer/fall travel teams.
50' is plenty as no fathers throw strikes from 60' in the cage anyway. BUT, also invest in a good L screen!

We got our money's worth out of the cage many times over through the years. Both sons' playing careers are now finished so I tried to suggest donating it to someone, but the Mrs. says we need to save it for the grandchildren.

Another necessity-rubber stretch straps so you can pull the sides up to mow under it.
I see quite a few votes for the cage plus system. Anyone have any comments on their L Screen. Should I take the $50 to $80 off the cost of the cage and let them keep the L Screen and buy another brand or will the one that comes with their package work? I'm sure it'll work now (9 year old) but will it work for middle/high school age boys? Thanks!
First one I bought online 60" X 10' X 10'. My son used it for about 5 years until it fell apart. I then got a heavy duty net from Louisiana Sports Nets or LA Sports Nets and put on same frame. I made the Frame with 6 4X4 posts cemented in ground, each and middle with a 12' 2X6 nailed across both posts. I ran Cable through Eye Bolts to hang the net on. Hurricanes broke a couple of posts but they were easily replaced. L screen is a must. I purchased a kit on ebay with net and angle brackets and you supply fence pipe. I also purchased a pitching machine (Atec Rookie) wich throws up to 65mph (I actually clocked at 72 mph). My son used this setup from 9 years old until 18 and now he is playing college ball. This definitely made him a better hitter. (Along with all of the summer teams I coached)

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