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Does anyone have any experience with this?  Son has been diagnosed with this after 2 years of shoulder pain at about the 100 inning mark. Apparently it is VERY common in overhead throwers but rarely symptomatic. He has struggled with no one being able to tell him what is going on. He has just managed the pain all season until it became unbearable. After him pushing, they finally sent his MRI to team doctor who saw the lesion and wanted him flown to Denver for an exam. That was yesterday. Doctor recommends cortisone injection using ultrasound and then ramping back up to full effort to see if symptoms return. If they do, arthroscopy will be require to remove lesion. But that comes with a 6 month recovery. He just can’t seem to catch a break. He was shoving this season and there is no way he would not have been moved to AAA, possibly even getting a shot at being called up. Just really frustrating that this wasn’t diagnosed at the end of last season instead of telling him “take some time off and rest it”.

just curious if anyone else has had a son go through this.

Thanks YG

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Thanks TPM. Rockies doctor just wanted to avoid surgery at this stage. He said Nick’s shoulder was “very clean” for a pitcher. MRI showed very minimal inflammation. He was really puzzled because symptoms did not match MRI images. His lats are really tight and could be contributing to the issue. At this point Nick has decided to go with the conservative route of Cortisone injection and see how his shoulder responds. Doctor feels pretty good that the injection alone may keep him asymptomatic. I guess we will see. Neither of us wants surgery IF it can be avoided. If this issue doesn’t resolve, they have discussed the surgery after next season. I had just never heard of this lesion, but apparently it is found in over 80% of all baseball players.


It finally took going to a shoulder surgeon to find out after 2 years  why Dave was having pain in his shoulder.

This was after the Cardinals team doctor did injections, a scope, I think Bennets Legion was discussed at one point, he was diagnosed with coracoid impingement by the Mets team doctor.

My point,  sometimes it's just good to get another opinion.

Best of luck to Nick.

Edit... Mike Ruff one of Nick's teammates played for FAU when Dave was pitching coach.

Last edited by TPM

Thanks for that information Barbara. We will see how it goes. At least he has had someone diagnose “something”. Up until he pushed, he had been told, just rest and do your arm care. The MRI after last season and the one that was done this season both were read initially as “normal”. My guess is the MRI was read by a doc in the box that was contracted by the facility the did the imaging.  Was he pushed, the MRI was sent to the Rockies doctor and he immediately saw the lesion. The Rockies initially were planning to send Nick to Arizona for PT only.  Only after Nick was able to speak by phone to the team doctor did he get sent to Denver for the exam and injection.  That was all because the doctor requested it.  So he is just happy he has finally found someone that cares.  The doctor gave him a specific written PT plan and gave Nick his cell number to call him with any issues or questions.  That also impressed Nick with him.  We are gonna try this and see how it unfolds.  Fingers crossed.  But I appreciate your story and advice.  I have already planned to get a copy of the MRI and send it to the LSU team doctor that did Nicks TJ surgery.  He agreed and was happy to look at it and also offered to examine Nick if we wanted.

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