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Originally posted by Coach Milburn:
How many Coaches lie to their players? If your not, then it's time to find another profession.

Before some get on and start beating the heck out of me on this one, I need to explain what I am talking about.

When a coach/teacher LIE's to their kids on a daily basis, the student/athletes will be doing 3 things:

L - Learning
I - Improving
E - Enjoying

IF you are not LIE'ng to your kids, then it's time to find another profession.

As a good friend always shares with me, "Milburn, you can NEVER fool the kids, they know!"

If you are being sincere and genuinely trying to help the kids, then they will respond and respect you.

BUT If you blowing smoke, then you will not be successful for to terribly long as the truth will surface.

Last thing, someone shared this with me, you want to see a successful college baseball program, then in most cases you will see the Head Coach out recruiting as well.

Respectfully shared,
Coach Milburn
Last edited by MILBY
I thought this was a great post. It was in a Texas thread titled Top Senior Players in the area ? :

Originally posted by catcher:
My dad (79) is a Top Senior.

He came over the other night and fell asleep during the Super Bowl. He and Mom left at half time to avoid Sunday night "traffic" on I-75.

He eats pepper gravy and wonder bread with sweet tea for dinner twice a week.

We bought him a DBAT Mustang blue snuggie that he wears everyday and is rumored to wear it outside when he goes to the mailbox.

He will watch his grandson debut for DBU on 2/19 no matter what the temperature is...Now that is a Top Senior...

Heres to you pops.

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