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Originally posted by Shepster:
Well, since someone evidently didn't like the images I posted of the sweet little kitty kissing the moose or the image on the prior page of a moose on the loose at Roswell A.F.B, I guess I prolly won't post images intended for entertainment any more. I thought they were both kinda cute and cuddly, don't you think board? peace, shep

I saw this topic and HotMama hasn't been around for years (this post goes back to 2004). There is no image that comes up (that I can see)of a loose moose at Roswell AFB, just wondering why 4 years later this thread popped up.
I will try and put the image back up on the previous page where the commando quote was taken, but will say this, I didn't remove it the first time, someone else did. Edit a few minutes after I posted this response.Sorry board, the image won't transfer.

About old threads, I think it is entertaining to reflect back on posts and the intent of threads. Who was hotmama anyway? Did you guys have a falling out or something? In my world, I think it's perfectly normal to do diligent research and read as much as possible for many more years than four years back. Sometimes I will spend a day reading about Galileo discovering Europa and Socrates lecturing to multitudes in the streets of Rome. I have no idea what your talking about in your curiosities. peace, shep
Last edited by Shepster

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