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"After being notified of the situation and after researching the matter ... I came to the conclusion that I was not drafted by the A's," he said.

Unbelievable. I guess his memory was corrected after doing the research...whatever...

Hey, wasn't he the guy who invented the Internet? Oops. I am sorry, that was Al Gore.

When I read this story, I thought: "wait a minute - even in the 1960's, there is no way he wouldn't know for sure whether or not he'd been drafted. I am gald you confirmed it for me. I will be quoting you, if you don't mind.

I happen to like Richardson politically. Why do these guys think they can get away with embellishing their records?

It always catches up to them.
Gosh, Rob, that would be the first time anyone has ever quoted me on anything...

Except for the police officer who gave me a warning ticket for speeding this morning...He could quote me on a lot of things, but "mum" was the

Imagine that...He was hiding in a small cemetery (likely behind a monument) and said I was going 49 in a 35.

I said 2 prayers to my patron saint when he took the license and insurance card and he came back with a warning ticket!

Of course I was speeding. Aren't we all when we get caught on radar/vascar/???

I was nice and not obnoxious.

He just gave me a pass, that's all.
In 1960 I was the president of Harvard University.

Note: After researching the matter… I came to the conclusion that I was not the Harvard president at that time.

In 1965 I was the heavyweight champion of the world.

Note: After researching the matter... I came to the conclusion I was not the heavyweight champ at that time. What a surprise that was!
lololol...PG and Rob...for the "honors" that each of you had thought that you had won.

I was a member of the World Championship, Chicago Cubs, in 1969...and then I woke up.

From my 8th or 9th birthday, through and including my 12th birthday, I was the cleanup hitter for every team in the National League (there were only 8 teams in the National League at that time, folks)...then, I woke up or realized that I didn't have that trading card and Johnnie Fields was actually the #4 hitter.

As so many of the Chicago Cubs fans must believe, they, too, won the World Series in 2005---in their DREAMS!

Go White Sox in 2006!!!!
Beenthere, I was also drafted in '66 and ironically, again in '68 and just to
back up your story, there is absoulutely NO WAY any ballplayer would ever have
any doubt about it. Every draftee received a phone call and a contract offer-even if it was just for a monthly salary of $500/month. Richardson may have been a decent player back then with some interest from some scouts, but a lot
of guys were smoking the "funny weed" at that time and quite possibly have some memory loss Big Grin.

Would have been real simple to research.

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