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Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even though it's juvenile IMO).

Harper, by his actions of throwing his helmet and having a tantrum is just showing he has no class.

That's ridiculous. How many times have you met Bryce Harper? I'll take a shot and say none. So you're saying a 19 year old has no class after watching a few angry reactions from your couch? Somehow I don't feel like that's a very accurate way of judging someone.

I've literally never heard anyone say that Paul O'neill has no class.
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
So I wonder when we will start seeing little league players throwing their helmets in games because they are emulating the punk, Harper?
How many LL'er are chewing tobacco because they see it on tv?

That's stupid analogy. How many little league players are old enough to even buy it?
Stupid analogy? I think you're stupid. I think you're intolerant. I think you're ignorant. You live with your head in some 1950's cloud. You're also a racist and misogynist. How personal would you like to make our exchange?

I luv yu man!
Last edited by bostonbulldogbaseball
Originally posted by 2013LHP:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even though it's juvenile IMO).

Harper, by his actions of throwing his helmet and having a tantrum is just showing he has no class.

That's ridiculous. How many times have you met Bryce Harper? I'll take a shot and say none. So you're saying a 19 year old has no class after watching a few angry reactions from your couch? Somehow I don't feel like that's a very accurate way of judging someone.

I've literally never heard anyone say that Paul O'neill has no class.

Dont' have to meet him to know I wouldn't allow my son to act like a spoiled kid on the field. It would be a reflection on me as a parent. Maybe that's why I can take 7 of my kids into a restaurant and they are all well behaved.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by 2013LHP:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even though it's juvenile IMO).

Harper, by his actions of throwing his helmet and having a tantrum is just showing he has no class.

That's ridiculous. How many times have you met Bryce Harper? I'll take a shot and say none. So you're saying a 19 year old has no class after watching a few angry reactions from your couch? Somehow I don't feel like that's a very accurate way of judging someone.

I've literally never heard anyone say that Paul O'neill has no class.

Dont' have to meet him to know I wouldn't allow my son to act like a spoiled kid on the field. It would be a reflection on me as a parent. Maybe that's why I can take 7 of my kids into a restaurant and they are all well behaved.
They only behave because they live in an environment where they fear you rather than respect you.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by 2013LHP:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even though it's juvenile IMO).

Harper, by his actions of throwing his helmet and having a tantrum is just showing he has no class.

That's ridiculous. How many times have you met Bryce Harper? I'll take a shot and say none. So you're saying a 19 year old has no class after watching a few angry reactions from your couch? Somehow I don't feel like that's a very accurate way of judging someone.

I've literally never heard anyone say that Paul O'neill has no class.

Dont' have to meet him to know I wouldn't allow my son to act like a spoiled kid on the field. It would be a reflection on me as a parent. Maybe that's why I can take 7 of my kids into a restaurant and they are all well behaved.

Where do your other kids eat?
Last edited by dblemup
Originally posted by Ninthmanout:
Bryce Harper just passed Mickey Mantle and Ken Griffey Jr. for most MLB homeruns as a teenager. Only Tony Conigliaro is left with 24. Harper has 17.
I hope he has 8 more in him this season.
I doubt Harper can add 50% production in less than a month. Besides, I'd like to see Tony C remain in the minds of fans. He was on the way to becoming a legend when tragedy struck. He had the most homers as a teen. He was the youngest to win a homerun title. He was the youngest to 100 homers. Very bravely he made two comebacks. One successful. One when he had lost too much eyesight.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by 2013LHP:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even though it's juvenile IMO).

Harper, by his actions of throwing his helmet and having a tantrum is just showing he has no class.

That's ridiculous. How many times have you met Bryce Harper? I'll take a shot and say none. So you're saying a 19 year old has no class after watching a few angry reactions from your couch? Somehow I don't feel like that's a very accurate way of judging someone.

I've literally never heard anyone say that Paul O'neill has no class.

Dont' have to meet him to know I wouldn't allow my son to act like a spoiled kid on the field. It would be a reflection on me as a parent. Maybe that's why I can take 7 of my kids into a restaurant and they are all well behaved.

They only behave because they live in an environment where they fear you rather than respect you.

"He that spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes." so says the Lord.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by 2013LHP:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even though it's juvenile IMO).

Harper, by his actions of throwing his helmet and having a tantrum is just showing he has no class.

That's ridiculous. How many times have you met Bryce Harper? I'll take a shot and say none. So you're saying a 19 year old has no class after watching a few angry reactions from your couch? Somehow I don't feel like that's a very accurate way of judging someone.

I've literally never heard anyone say that Paul O'neill has no class.

Dont' have to meet him to know I wouldn't allow my son to act like a spoiled kid on the field. It would be a reflection on me as a parent. Maybe that's why I can take 7 of my kids into a restaurant and they are all well behaved.

They only behave because they live in an environment where they fear you rather than respect you.

"He that spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes." so says the Lord.
My kids are well behaved. I never had to hit them. I never relied on fear of physical harm for proper behavior. They respect their parents, not fear them. The only fear they ever had was missing out out on fun due to discipline. I often asked my kids what they thought their discipline should be. It was almost always more excessive than I would have decided. My kids always thought I was strict. It was them being strict on themselves.

My kids behaved in restaurants because if they didn't they were yanked out of the restaurant. It only happened once with each. It removed them from a fun time. It was all the discipline required.
Last edited by RJM
Yes, love him or hate him, Bryce Harper is moving into some very interesting territory for teen sluggers. Mel Ott hit 18 HRs at age nineteen and then set the standard for twenty year olds with 42 which tied him for the National League RECORD until Chuck Klein hit his 43rd that same season. Tony Conigliaro of course holds the teen record with 24 despite having his arm broken by a pitch during the 1964 season and missing a month of play. He then led the league with 32 at age twenty. Harper is a good bet to reach the 30 mark or more next season at age twenty also.
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Originally posted by Matt13:
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
So it's an automatic ejection by rule if you throw your helmet after being thrown out at first, but not after striking out at the plate?

It's automatic if done in protest of a call, no matter where.

I wasn't going to get back into this but I've been watching the Dodgers-Padres the last two nights.

Two nights ago, Matt Kemp struck out for the third out of the inning. He walked very slowly out of the box and tossed his helmet towards the dugout. No ejection.

Last night, Dodger batter (can't remember who) hits a grounder to first, pitcher covers. Pitcher gets to the base as the batter slides head first into the bag. Gets called out. Just past the bag, on his knees, he spikes his helmet and it bounces up to about his head level (maybe 3-4 feet). No ejection.

If this is a rule, my observation is that it is not universally upheld and I'll even suggest rarely called.

Saw both incidents. Neither, in my opinion, or apparently in the umpires', were actions that were reactions to calls. No ejection called for.

Rarely? Definitely not. I've seen over ten so far this year in the limited number of games I've seen.

Beat this deceased equine all you like, the rule, from what I've seen and from reports from those who understand proper application, is being appropriately and consistently applied.
Jimmy I agree about the dead horse. And I definitely respect you and the other umpires on this site to know more than I do about these (and ALL for that matter) calls.

I just see it differently from the games that I watch.

What I might suggest is that we get rid of rules that are open to interpretation. For example, if a checked swing crosses the plate it's a strike. We surely don't care if the batter really meant to swing or not.

So let's say that if you throw equipment for ANY reason, you get ejected.

This would surely give a better impression on young players as well that there are not sometimes good reasons to throw your helmet.
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by RJM:
My kids are well behaved. I never had to hit them.

Lucky for them they are "well behaved"...
That was good of you to take a small piece of a post, repost it and respond out of context. It's called disingenuous.

My kids were well behaved because if they weren't they were removed from the situation. They learned from that. The "I never hit my kids" is aimed at a certain poster, who on many occasions has proudly claimed he hit his kids as part of discipline. He also believes women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and educating them is a waste of money. Aside from being a misogynist he's also a racist, homophobe and anti-Semite.
Originally posted by RJM:
Aside from being a misogynist he's also a racist, homophobe and anti-Semite.

Given that you've called me all of those things on another one of your past "Not-Good" days, and given that I know better, I'm going to reserve judgement on the guy.

I thought you out-grew this kind of ****, RJM.

Footnote. I did notice the guy agrees with the "libtard" professor about hit batsman reform rules. I just don't see how you bridge the gap from not-too-bright to anti-Semite.
Last edited by wraggArm
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by RJM:
Aside from being a misogynist he's also a racist, homophobe and anti-Semite.

Given that you've called me all of those things on another one of your past "Not-Good" days, and given that I know better, I'm going to reserve judgement on the guy.

I thought you out-grew this kind of ****, RJM.

Footnote. I did notice the guy agrees with the "libtard" professor about hit batsman reform rules. guy agrees with the "libtard" professor about hit batsman reform rules. I just don't see how you bridge the gap from not-too-bright to anti-Semite.

Lot of artists here painted with broad strokes.

I didn't agree with everything the guy stated but thought the intentional hit by the pitcher on the batter should have more severe penalties.

I don't mind being called names as long as I'm trying to live according to the commandments.
Originally posted by biggerpapi:

What I might suggest is that we get rid of rules that are open to interpretation. For example, if a checked swing crosses the plate it's a strike.

There are a lot of those calls that are borderline, where you can't fault the ump one way or another, but it seems there is a high degree of consistency with regards to getting it right outside of the borderline.

Let me preface my next with, I am not trying to say these examples are the norm...but when Barrett tosses a catcher who is simply talking to him without showing him up, Marquez consistently escalates arguments and tries to show players up, Bucknor is rampantly imperfect with safe/out calls, both Mark Wegner and Brian Gorman eject pitchers without a warning (and Quintana didn't hit the batter when Wegner ejected him), that tells me that the policing of umpires is not reaching its full potential and more could be done.

With regards to showing up the ump, every ump has a line, different umps, different lines. Yeah, some fuses are too short, but if you did it, and it's against the rules, what it boils down to, is that you did it.

Funny think about Barrett though. I never got on an ump about his strike zone because I always figured, either he can see it or he can't, and if he can't, my riding him won't make him see it. But with Barrett, he was overwhelmingly awful the day he tossed AJ, and I'm not saying it was intentional, but everything the Detroit pitcher threw was a strike and everything the Sox pitcher threw wasn't, with no regard for a zone. But after he tossed AJ and Ventura, he actually called a good game. I've never seen that before, where an ump went from horrible to excellent in the middle of a game.
Last edited by CPLZ
I Like Harper More And More Every Day

I think I've had just about enough of the jealousy and hatred for this kid. See the above article. Who's the punk? The entire Cubs team.

They have always been bad. They are bad now and they will always be bad. Multi Million Dollar Flop Soriano dropped another can of corn. The Cubs are 30-some games BELOW .500.

Harper, meanwhile, gets three or four hits. Swipes home on a come backer. He plays hard every single play.

Then the Cubs throw at him.

I'll take the periodic tantrums of a 19year old over any of the Cubs players.
Last edited by biggerpapi
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by RJM:
Aside from being a misogynist he's also a racist, homophobe and anti-Semite.

Given that you've called me all of those things on another one of your past "Not-Good" days, and given that I know better, I'm going to reserve judgement on the guy.

I thought you out-grew this kind of ****, RJM.

Footnote. I did notice the guy agrees with the "libtard" professor about hit batsman reform rules. I just don't see how you bridge the gap from not-too-bright to anti-Semite.
It's not a bridge. He has a history on two sites. It's just as offensive he's a racist and a misogynist.
Last edited by RJM
Harper was awesome last night. Going to 3rd on a hit everybody, except Harper, thought was a double and then taking home on the throw to first... wow.

Also, going to 2nd on a fly ball that should have been caught... that's just plain hustle.

Then the ground ball that he beat out and two runs scored because of the bad throw. Without his speed and hustle chances are the ball would not have thrown away...

and then they throw at him... the catcher didn't even move. Just saw an article where Steve Clevenger, the catcher said the ball just got away from his pitcher... on the replay you could see the catcher didn't even move to try and catch it... it was intentional... trying to hit a teenager who has not done anything except play hard.

Just shows how bad the Cubs are... they threw at Harper and missed.
Last edited by Ninthmanout
Some say they would never let their kids act like Bryce Harper... Well guess what, your kids will never be like Bryce Harper.
Some say he is not professional.... Pro players are only called "professional " because they are paid to play.( some a great deal of money) They are ball players, that's all... They come from all parts of the world, different cultures,ages and education.
Just like the people on this web site, which may explain some of the "unprofessional" posts.
I don't find his behavior any different then most ball players who play with his intensity..
Harper was awesome last night. Going to 3rd on a hit everybody, except Harper, thought was a double and then taking home on the throw to first... wow.

Also, going to 2nd on a fly ball that should have been caught... that's just plain hustle.

Then the ground ball that he beat out and two runs scored because of the bad throw. Without his speed and hustle chances are the ball would not have thrown away...

and then they throw at him... the catcher didn't even move. Just saw an article where Steve Clevenger, the catcher said the ball just got away from his pitcher... on the replay you could see the catcher didn't even move to try and catch it... it was intentional... trying to hit a teenager who has not done anything except play hard.

Harper's hustle continues to be an example I use to teach my boy. We can extract the helmet tosses etc. He is a new Pete Rose kind of player with a better glove and hopefully better off-field behavior. Turns singles into doubles and puts pressure on the defense. It is a long shot from here, but he probably is more likely to break 4,000 hits than any other young player (I have heard of Trout) today. I hope we get to watch him for 25 more years.
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
I Like Harper More And More Every Day

I think I've had just about enough of the jealousy and hatred for this kid. See the above article. Who's the punk? The entire Cubs team.

They have always been bad. They are bad now and they will always be bad. Multi Million Dollar Flop Soriano dropped another can of corn. The Cubs are 30-some games BELOW .500.

Harper, meanwhile, gets three or four hits. Swipes home on a come backer. He plays hard every single play.

Then the Cubs throw at him.

I'll take the periodic tantrums of a 19year old over any of the Cubs players.

He is fearless which I think is groomed out of players in the minor leagues...
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
I Like Harper More And More Every Day

I think I've had just about enough of the jealousy and hatred for this kid. See the above article. Who's the punk? The entire Cubs team.

They have always been bad. They are bad now and they will always be bad. Multi Million Dollar Flop Soriano dropped another can of corn. The Cubs are 30-some games BELOW .500.

Harper, meanwhile, gets three or four hits. Swipes home on a come backer. He plays hard every single play.

Then the Cubs throw at him.

I'll take the periodic tantrums of a 19year old over any of the Cubs players. I'll take the periodic tantrums of a 19year old over any of the Cubs players.

That's why he is a punk because he was so good everyone "put up" with his tantrums. Also tells you a lot about his parents.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
I Like Harper More And More Every Day

I think I've had just about enough of the jealousy and hatred for this kid. See the above article. Who's the punk? The entire Cubs team.

They have always been bad. They are bad now and they will always be bad. Multi Million Dollar Flop Soriano dropped another can of corn. The Cubs are 30-some games BELOW .500.

Harper, meanwhile, gets three or four hits. Swipes home on a come backer. He plays hard every single play.

Then the Cubs throw at him.

I'll take the periodic tantrums of a 19year old over any of the Cubs players. I'll take the periodic tantrums of a 19year old over any of the Cubs players.

That's why he is a punk because he was so good everyone "put up" with his tantrums. Also tells you a lot about his parents.

Where do you get off calling him a punk and the comment about his parents?

Has he committed some off the field offense that we are not aware of?

Do you know his folks, that you can make that assumption about them?
Last edited by TPM
Boston bully loves telling us what a wonderful parent and religious person he is. (Frankly the good parents I know don't go around bragging about how wonderful they are.) At the same time he denigrates the parents of a 19 yr old he never met and more importantly (at least to me) he uses slurs about people with disabilities in his comments.

Maybe it's just ignorance or something a bit deeper but using the bullies logic on him, what does it say about his parents that they bred a person who still uses "retard" in every day language?What does it say about the environment his kids grew up in?

I don't really care for the approach of the Boston bully and RJ. If they got into an ultimate cage match, I'd root for the cage. What it unfortunate is that I know some people would like to post here but don't for fear of reprisals from bully types. So parents don't get important questions answered and young men miss out on valuable advice from knowledgeable people here all because of a few.
Biggerpapi. As far as taking Harper over any Cubs players I beg to differ. I would take Anthony Rizzo over Harper any day of the week. Consider this. Anthony is really not that much older then Bryce and you would never see him pull the stunts he does. And it is my humble opinion that Rizzo is the better talent. After all he has been through Anthony can teach Bryce a thing or two. Personally i think having Dave Johnson as his manager is the single most disservice to Harper. He did Gooden and Strawberry et al. no favors as far as growing up.

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