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Originally posted by TRhit:
his teammates need to straighten the kid out

Why would you suppose that AA teammates who probably less than half will never get past that level should straighten him out? This is not college, where your teammates bring you into the fold and show you the way (in most cases). No player is responsible for one another in proball, some may look out for each other, rarely.

Let's not blame parents.

It's management's responsibility. They own him and I am sure that this is a learnin experience for them as well as him.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TRhit:
tpm--it is clearly apparent that you never playrd the game---retribution and learning comes at all leve;s pto and none pro and it has nothinf to do with money

njbb, has made a statment and provided a video, his teammates have no issue with him

FWIW, there are some here whose kids have been his teammates, so be careful what you say, because you don't have any idea what you are talking about and you are making a fool of yourself.

BTW, I haven't seen too many 25 year olds in milb hit that far, let alone 18 year olds, have you?
Originally posted by TPM:

njbb, has made a statment and provided a video, his teammates have no issue with him.

The video of a team celebrating a walk-off homerun has little to do with the conclusion you make.

What the video does show that is heartening, is no display of taunting by Harper that was evident in previous video. That's a good sign.
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Originally posted by TPM:

njbb, has made a statment and provided a video, his teammates have no issue with him.

The video of a team celebrating a walk-off homerun has little to do with the conclusion you make.

What the video does show that is heartening, is no display of taunting by Harper that was evident in previous video. That's a good sign.

So do you know anyone on the team personally that can attest to the fact that they DON'T like him?
Originally posted by TPM:
So do you know anyone on the team personally that can attest to the fact that they DON'T like him?

Never claimed such knowledge. Just pointing out the video is not necessarily evidence that supports your conclusion.

I've seen players celebrate a win with players they couldn't stand.

Why not concentrate on my second point? The video just may demonstrate some growth in Mr. Harper. That would be worth celebrating, too.
As far as I am aware the kissy face thing had been something that had been a sore issue with him and the pitcher, do you think that everytime he has hit a HR he has taunted the guy he hit the HR off of?

He played in the AZFL last year, and I hear he did well, did you hear any complaints he misbehaved?

What actually are we talking about here, you've never seen an 18 yo player throw his helmet down? I heard his manager got ejected too, and that the umpire was hurting both teams that day, guess that some could say he showed his disgust for both teams. Do you think he is the only player in milb that has ever been ejected?
Originally posted by TPM:
As far as I am aware the kissy face thing had been something that had been a sore issue with him and the pitcher, do you think that everytime he has hit a HR he has taunted the guy he hit the HR off of?

He played in the AZFL last year, and I hear he did well, did you hear any complaints he misbehaved?

What actually are we talking about here, you've never seen an 18 yo player throw his helmet down? I heard his manager got ejected too, and that the umpire was hurting both teams that day, guess that some could say he showed his disgust for both teams. Do you think he is the only player in milb that has ever been ejected?

At the risk of upsetting you further, as I said before, my opinion of Mr. Harper is based, IN PART, on stories and opinions from MiLB players, umpires and others. I also base my opinion IN PART, on his track record of behavior in high school, JC and the pros...behavior that I hoped, and still hope, will improve significantly. I do not base my opinion on single incident, rather I see some of these incidents as continuation of past behaviors.

I do not wish Mr. Harper ill. I have the utmost respect for his talent and will continue to hope that his behavior will continue to improve so that one day he will be the all around star and role model I know he can be.

Again, at the risk of upsetting you, as long as individual opinions are allowed at this site, I will continue to express mine, and, at the same time, realize that they are not universally accepted. They are, still, in my opinion, well founded.
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Again, at the risk of upsetting you, as long as individual opinions are allowed at this site, I will continue to express mine, and, at the same time, realize that they are not universally accepted. They are, still, in my opinion, well founded.

You are entitled to your opinion, that is just what it is, based upon second hand information provided to you, not direct contact with the player.

I am not sure if you read njbb's post, her son got ejected twice last year, that makes her son immature, not respectful of the game, or is it justa bad reflection of her as a parent?

I mean that was what has been stated here, Harper's behavior is a result of little respect for the game, and bad parenting.

We must be bad too because my son has had some frustrating moments along the way. He has grown up in that regard 9as will Harper), learned to keep his mouth shut when the umpires are doing a lousy job, but he's lost it, never ejected but he's pushed buttons, they all do, part of the game, you just don't read about it.
Last edited by TPM
I am not sure if you read njbb's post, her son got ejected twice last year, that makes her son immature, not respectful of the game, or a bad relexion of her as a parent?

Two times? You're going to compare that to a player who has been ejected NUMEROUS times?

There's quite the difference and maybe at some point you may understand.

People don't like Zambrano because of his history of repeated antics. People don't like Milton Bradley because of his history of repeated antics. People don't like Manny because of his history of repeated antics.

On the other hand, there are players that there are players who people like because they play the game right and when they blow up, they blow up and move on. Yadier Molina is one that I think is an outstanding player. He makes mistakes and his mistake two weeks ago cost him and it cost his team. You move on from that. IMO you have to look and see he doesn't have a history of doing that. Brandon Phillips comes to mind. I know he's the "hated enemy" in St. Louis after the incident last year. He made two mistakes that really were one big one: he made comments one day and the next day acted like the opponents' best friend. Not a wise move. Putting that incident aside, I'd take him as my second baseman in a heartbeat!

History makes a big difference.
Again, no one is disputing it was right, just he is young and immature.

And it's time for this to stop being an excuse. Nobody cares how young he is when he steps between the lines; all they worry about is winning and losing.

If this was such a problem, then he wasn't ready to move up. He should have stayed in high school. Maybe there he would have learned some of this and wouldn't be so "young and immature" in pro baseball.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
TPM, read it again. When it happens occasionally, it's not okay but it's understood. When it happens repeatedly, it's not okay and is indicative of being immature.

You got to go back and read what you have stated.

What does Zambrano's behavior have to do with this topic? Or Yadi's? How can you compare an 18 year old to older wiser players? Grown men get passes but not 18 year olds.

You know you should understand that it takes some people time to grow up, sometimes 18 year olds do stuff that is really stupid.

I'll bet you did some stupid stuff too at one time. Roll Eyes
Last edited by TPM
What does Zambrano's behavior have to do with this topic? Or Yadi's? How can you compare an 18 year old to older wiser players? Grown men get passes but not 18 year olds.

To me, Zambrano is a Bryce Harper that didn't grow up. In ten years we could easily be saying the same things about Bryce Harper as what we do about Zambrano. Why? Because Zambrano is immature.

And I never said grown men get passes. What I said is you let things slide when it happens once or twice. You don't let things slide when it happens repeatedly. How many times would you like me to repeat that?

If Bryce Harper is so immature, then I blame him and his parents. They should have kept him in high school where he could learn how to act respectful before he became a national name.
Was he to stay in HS and not get pitched to and become more frustrated? He was so far ahead of everyone, I would have done the same thing. It's hard for you to make a judgement when you haven't been in that situation. JMO.

Where does it say that they are letting things slide? Zambrano is a head case, his behavior is not immature, he has psych issues. You don't see the difference? Show me where Harper has off the field issues? How can you draw those conclusions, and have you ever been in that same situation to know how you would react?

Asking you one more time, you never did anything stupid at 18? Roll Eyes
Where does it say that they are letting things slide?

By using the excuse "he's young and immature" you are letting things slide.

Where have I claimed to have never done anything stupid? Mine just don't end up on the news. You know why? Because I'm not an 18 year old who decided making $9 million dollars was so much more important than my education. His decision to make; not mine.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Where have I claimed to have never done anything stupid? Mine just don't end up on the news. You know why? Because I'm not an 18 year old who decided making $9 million dollars was so much more important than my education. His decision to make; not mine.

Ahh seems like that 9M makes the difference. And for some hits a nerve.

Something that I said earlier, I stand by, everyone expects a certain behavior from a millioniare, but guess what, he is still 18.
wow - this has been so interesting to follow.

Seems to me Harper just rubs some people the wrong way (I'm in this group). I don't want him to fail, I him to succeed. It appears though, at every level, his attitude has taken a back seat to his skills. He needs both.

Perhaps staying in high school would have had a stabilizing effect on him, we don't know. His hs baseball career was insignificant at that point - but would have allowed 2 more years at home during two very important years of teen development.

As far as the SI interview, he could have declined it.
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Again, at the risk of upsetting you, as long as individual opinions are allowed at this site, I will continue to express mine, and, at the same time, realize that they are not universally accepted. They are, still, in my opinion, well founded.

You are entitled to your opinion, that is just what it is, based upon second hand information provided to you, not direct contact with the player.

I am not sure if you read njbb's post, her son got ejected twice last year, that makes her son immature, not respectful of the game, or is it justa bad reflection of her as a parent?

I mean that was what has been stated here, Harper's behavior is a result of little respect for the game, and bad parenting.

We must be bad too because my son has had some frustrating moments along the way. He has grown up in that regard 9as will Harper), learned to keep his mouth shut when the umpires are doing a lousy job, but he's lost it, never ejected but he's pushed buttons, they all do, part of the game, you just don't read about it.

Finally we can agree on something. We both have second hand information. I'm not sure where yours in from, mine is from players, umpires and other MiLB peronnel who have had first hand, direct and personal dealings with Mr. Harper. I know these people, I trust these people. My relationship with them has helped me gain quite a bit of information over the years.

Also, as I have told you, I base part of my opinion on the observable record of behavior Mr. Harper has exibited over the years...not just one or two "incidents".

We are both free to draw our conclusions from what we know. I just happen to think yours is wrong.

On the positive side, as I've said before, the recent video catches Mr. Harper behaving appropriately. That's a good sign. Perhaps he's learning the lessons the Nat's leadership say they are determined to teach him.
Originally posted by Pop Up Hitter dad:
Folks, I believe we have reached an impasse here and time to move along. When guys his age are "mature" enough to fight for and die for this country it is time to put to rest his age as a reason for being a good old fashion blowhard.

BTW, Harper was ejected twice in JC that I know of. Once against Western Nevada, and once in the JC World Series.

He was ejected twice, what for? For arguing an umpires bad call? That makes him bad? I guess that all of the players or managers that have ever been ejected are bad news? Is that what you are saying?

What does this have to do with fighting or dying for our country, as Bulldog points out Haarper made a "choice", others do as well. Weak argument.

If I recall when you first came here you had some things to say about your son that made me think he was pretty spoiled, self centered and immature. I'll bet he's grown up. I bring this up because you on several occassions have brought up Harper's poor behavior. It seems perhaps some equate maturity to dollars, the more you get the more mature you are supposed to be? How old was your son in JC compared to Harper?

I haven't come to an impass, I find it very very disturbing that adults, who probably did many things in their lives they shouldn't have, have negative things to say about ANY young player.

I see it as the green monster rearing it's ugly head.

Jimmy, as far as your reply, I ask you to produce any info about Harper that you deem as poor behavior off the field, to his teammates, to his managers, etc. I am sure that you are aware in this business that the often stellar behavior on the field isn't always as it appears off the field. There is a LOT that goes on that no one talks about, yet others seem to delite in that of an 18 year old.

BTW, on Matt Holliday's last strikeout last night he threw down his helmet, was that appropriate? Anyone catch Brian Wilson's (who I really like) hissy fit in the dugout a few weeks back after a blown save? I understand that he had a very troubled childhood. Yeah the vent was about their own failure, I am sure both of these highly talented, uptight, driven, players have had some experiences along the way to help them grow up.

Once again, I do not agree with what Harper did, just the bashing really is not necessary. If your kids are or were perfect, that's great, mine always wasn't, so I can't throw stones.
Once again, I do not agree with what Harper did, just the bashing really is not necessary. If your kids are or were perfect, that's great, mine always wasn't, so I can't throw stones.

So because we (or in some cases a poster's kid) were not perfect, we shouldn't point out another's errors? Yet you sit here and criticize us?

You continue to bring up other players who make mistakes on the field and claim that because others make those mistakes it's okay for Bryce Harper to do so. You realize you're pulling one or two incidents out of long careers to point out that other players make the same mistakes that Harper is making in his short career.

Harper has a reputation and he has to find a way to overcome it. Just like you have a reputation on here. I'm done here.
I'm almost ashamed to say that the "dark side" of me is already looking for positives if this young man fails due to his immature attitude. I think I've found one.

Sometimes today's youth needs examples not only to emulate but also to use as an example of how not to act. I'll admit that I am not a Harper fan, in the same breath I do not wish that he fails. Many here are giving him a pass because he is so young, I just don't understand why he continues to act the way he does with all the media, Nationals management, agent, and other peers explaining to him that this is the wrong perception to portray. I just don't think common sense is part of his make-up, and history tells us that common sense is probably the most important trait when looking down the road to success.
I don't consider myself a supporter or detractor of his. I'm indifferent. What bothers me is the media makes a big deal out of him prematurely ("the next lebron" stuff). Then the media tries to tear him down by publicizing actions not unique to him...and actions that were there when they annointed him king. Just ignore the kid and let him prove himself one way or the other on the field. He'll have to be responsible for his own actions. But unless you're going to be equally critical of all the other major and minor leaguers doing the same thing, I don't understand the need to attack him specifically.
So since become pro he has blown a kiss and got ejected for trowing his helmet and then argued with the ump after being ejected.
There are no off the field problems and actually seems to handle the fans and the press pretty well.

I agree with Tx-Husker. He is given a great deal of attention from the Media, MiLB, MLB and the fans.
A lot of this reminds me of the discussions here regarding Robert Stock some years ago, and more recently, Stephen Strasburg.

Meaning, there seems to be an element that sees someone having huge success and lets the green-eyed monster get the better of them. How else do you explain this seeming desire to find fault in every little thing the young man does?

As for the blowing the kiss thing: He hit a HR. The pitcher stood on the mound as he rounded the bases spewing profanities at him. It was a pure attempt to get a rise out of him and possibly to intimidate him. Instead of starting a fight, he blew the guy a kiss. What better way to say, "You don't bother me?" A lot of other guys would have charged the mound and given that guy a knuckle sandwich. In Virginia, if you use "fighting words", it's actually a criminal act because of the tendency to incite others to violence. Here the pitcher invited a fight and Harper defused it. I actually think he handled that situation pretty darned well, but for some reason we have people who want to act like HE was the problem.

I also saw the replay on the ejection. He got rung up in a game-critical AB on a pitch that was about a foot outside. I'm not going to say that losing his cool was admirable, but folks need to realize the only reason it's even news is because of who he is and what he's achieved. Players get ejected every day and no one cares, some even call it "fire in the belly" or credit a guy for "getting his team fired up". Most of those throwing stones here would forgive the same behavior in themselves or in their sons, would heckle the ump from the stands, and would gripe on a web board the next day about how they got jobbed by a call.

People need to wake up and realize that this kid is the real deal. He's doing very well in the minors and he's going to be an exciting player. As far as I know he's done it all according to the rules, he's broken no laws, used no steroids, done no drugs, etc. Personally, living only 2 hours from Nats Park, I'm thinking that by the end of next year I'm heading up there to see Strasburg pitch and Harper hit, all in the same game. I can't see any reason not to be fans of these guys.
Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
I also saw the replay on the ejection. He got rung up in a game-critical AB on a pitch that was about a foot outside. I'm not going to say that losing his cool was admirable, but folks need to realize the only reason it's even news is because of who he is and what he's achieved. Players get ejected every day and no one cares, some even call it "fire in the belly" or credit a guy for "getting his team fired up". Most of those throwing stones here would forgive the same behavior in themselves or in their sons, would heckle the ump from the stands, and would gripe on a web board the next day about how they got jobbed by a call.

I want to propose that we rename this thread to "Bryce Harper gets screwed"

Yes TPM from the Mount why didn't you think of this?

Again you come on here looking to argue.

For the record again.....

I respect Harper's abilities on the field, I wish he would find a different method to express his feelings over being rung up.

I do not dislike Mr. Harper, never met the man/child.

MLB/Nationals are the ones we should be upset with if we don't like Harper's antics.

Mr. Harper needs no one on this site to stick up for him, he has MLB and Mr. Boras for that.
Originally posted by Pop Up Hitter dad:
I want to propose that we rename this thread to "Bryce Harper gets screwed"

Yes TPM from the Mount why didn't you think of this?

Again you come on here looking to argue.

For the record again.....

I respect Harper's abilities on the field, I wish he would find a different method to express his feelings over being rung up.

I do not dislike Mr. Harper, never met the man/child.

MLB/Nationals are the ones we should be upset with if we don't like Harper's antics.

Mr. Harper needs no one on this site to stick up for him, he has MLB and Mr. Boras for that.

I am not arguing I just don't think you understand what I a trying to say.
Young players do stupid stuff all of the time, they drink, they miss curfew, they come late to practice, they don't practice, they take drugs, and yes they get ejected. You don't know about these players because they are not in the spotlight. Two players I know from this area, both drafted out of HS, both released due to heavy addictions. They didn't start out that way, the pressure they had to overcome as prospects just too much for them and they had some money in their pockets. It was a slow climb that led to this problem, drinking, experimentation with recreation drugs, then the one time shot of oxy. That was it. In the scheme of things I do not see or do I think that what they did was "bad". It was unfortunate, these things do happen, they didn't know any better, no one was watching what they did off the field. Getting ejected would be nothing compared to how they ended up.

Do I think ejections lead to problems later on, absolutely not, this is very much a part of the game (see MidloDad's post).

Personally, I see your posts over the years very negative about Harper, even calling him out before he was a professional and I know that you mentioned his behavior several times at games, as your son's team played against his. He was 15, 16 at the time in junior college? What was your son like at 15, 16 in HS? I know how mine was and he wasn't perfect.

I am not upset with the Nats at all, why should I be? What would you like them to do, punish him by making him sit out, take away his glove and bat, it doesn't work that way in proball. Obviously you and others feel that they haven't come down hard on him, for what?
They will explain to him how important it is that he not be ejected as he is very important cog in the wheel, the same they do for all young ejected players, but in many cases, managers are 100% behind their players actions as it shows the fire in their belly and the desire to furnish the team fuel (also in Midlo's post). You do know that his manager also got ejected. You do understand that most of the times the really good managers get ejected to send a message to the team?

No one said he got screwed, no one said he didn't deserve the ejection, did they?
Bryce Harper could be one of two things.

1. He can be the second coming of Ted Williams
2. The biggest bust since Steve Chilcott (Yes, I am a Mets fan)

Personally, I hope that he's closer to 1 than to 2. I don't root against any player attempting to make it to the MLB. However, Harper needs to understand that he can't throw a hissy fit every time a call doesn't go his way. It's not the first time he's been ejected for balls and strikes. (First time in pro ball though).

I hope he grows up in the MiLB, or someone will throw at him at AA, AAA, and the MLB. I don't mean throw at his body either. People will throw at his head if he throws hissy fits on the field. It's a fact in baseball. There are fewer headhunters today, probably to his advantage.

Biologically speaking, it's not a huge surprise that he's done as well as he has. He's probably between 23-25 in biological age. It would explain why he did so well at Hagerstown and why he's been doing so well in the last 10 games. However, with his greater biological age, he also will have less of a window to play in the MLB with great success.

I wish him the best, but I hope that he grows up and realizes that the MiLB isn't Junior College or High School.
Originally posted by TPM:
Young players do stupid stuff all of the time, they drink, they miss curfew, they come late to practice, they don't practice, they take drugs, and yes they get ejected.

"All the time"....come on, give the 95% IMO a little more credit. What % of the thousands past and present MiLB players do you think follow the Bryce Harper road of behavior, and what happens to most of those who do?
Last edited by rz1

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