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I'm 14 and around 5ft 6in and weigh 140lbs. I cauculated my body fat percentage on some body fat percentage calculator on the internet somewhere and its around 22.6. I realize this isn't bad but it isnt exactly good either. I try to get to the gym in winter and play baseball in Spring, Summer, and Fall. Would say I'm in fairly good shape, but I have a bit of a belly on me. What I want to know is how can I get rid of my belly and strenthin (spelling) my core. My coach told me that if you have the strongest legs in the world, but not a strong core you won't be able to hit/throw a ball very far because theres not an effective energy transfer from legs to your upper body. It seems to me that no matter how many situps and core work that I do I cant seem to work off my belly. I'm guessing that I need to maybe try to eat healthier,(i.e. more greens,salad, veggies and less sweets)but correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks always
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Original Post
Sit ups will not reduce your belly, but it will strengthen your core. At your age don't worry too much about that little bit of a belly; it will tighten up with all around hard work.
Plan to train your total body by strengthening legs, core and work your upper body as well. (Balanced workouts) Work on your cardio as well. Eat plenty of good food (4 meals a day) including a lot of: chicken, rice and egg whites. DO not wrry about dieting or you will not get stronger and build muscle.

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