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Here's one theory:

I think after David nailed Goliath, 1 Samuel 17:1-54, the Israelites "surged forward with a shout".

Thankfully, that cutting off the head thing hasn't become traditional but some might say that as Goliath was talking smack before the fight, perhaps he had it coming. And bear in mind that David's game-winning fastball (okay, it was a stone) was right down the middle...of Goliath's forehead, so good pitching saved the day. Pretty good job of closing by David.

Big Grin
Originally posted by hokieone:
Here's one theory:

I think after David nailed Goliath, 1 Samuel 17:1-54, the Israelites "surged forward with a shout".

Thankfully, that cutting off the head thing hasn't become traditional but some might say that as Goliath was talking smack before the fight, perhaps he had it coming. And bear in mind that David's game-winning fastball (okay, it was a stone) was right down the middle...of Goliath's forehead, so good pitching saved the day. Pretty good job of closing by David.

Big Grin

Good answer! Smile
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I don't know why it bothers me but seeing guys act like they won the World Series after a walk off regular season win just seems juvenile.

I don't remember seeing this 30 yrs ago but maybe I wasn't paying attention.

I really don't want to be the first one to bite on your comment above, but your post insults me and probably those that truly understand what this game is all about.

You definetly use your space here to drum up negativity to this site. You made a comment about Harper having no class, you sir, as an adult, IMO, have zero!

In another topic you mentioned that "I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even if juvenile)". Which is it?

I always find it really sad when some here have to come just to stir the pot and can't seem to begin any topic that has any meaning.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by TPM:
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I don't know why it bothers me but seeing guys act like they won the World Series after a walk off regular season win just seems juvenile.

I don't remember seeing this 30 yrs ago but maybe I wasn't paying attention.

I really don't want to be the first one to bite on your comment above, but your post insults me and probably those that truly understand what this game is all about.

You definetly use your space here to drum up negativity to this site. You made a comment about Harper having no class, you sir, as an adult, IMO, have zero!

In another topic you mentioned that "I see nothing wrong with the kid in the picture above celebrating a touchdown just as I don't see anything wrong with a team mobbing each other after a walk off hit that wins a regular season game (even if juvenile)". Which is it?

I always find it really sad when some here have to come just to stir the pot and can't seem to begin any topic that has any meaning.

So anyone who disagrees with you is stirring the pot and has no class?
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
I don't know why it bothers me but seeing guys act like they won the World Series after a walk off regular season win just seems juvenile.

Yeah, its so much more fun to watch an MLB Pro when he pimps a walk-off HR, trots arounds the bases like he's just bored out of his mind and doesn't care how much your ticket costed you, and then non-chalantly high-fives the on-deck batter who's already half-way back to the dug-out when he crosses the plate.

Watching highly paid athletes jump up and down in a huddle demonstrating their love for the sport and the fans is soooo bourgios...
Last edited by wraggArm
They play over 150 games in a season. You would think professionals would just act like they know how to win in a regular season.
I told my son when he was playing football in Pwee that when he scored his first touchdown to act like he's been there before.
His first legitimate homerun as a 13U he didn't act like a goof ball but like he's been there before.
How come the visiting team in a MLB game doesn't go bonkers when the home team loses?
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
So tell me why the visiting team doesn't jump and down and chase each other around the field like 5 y.o. when they win the game?

I've never heard of a visiting team "walking off" with a win..

I said "win the game". I never said walk off. The point is when the visiting team's pitcher, for example, strikes out the last batter how come the visiting team doesn't run around like a chicken with their heads cut off?
Originally posted by J H:
Because winning a game in that fashion is common. Walking off is not. Therefore, it is more exciting.

You're trolling here, right? You can't really be this naive about everything.

If you don't like it don't comment on it.

Indians had a walk off hit against the Tigers. The Indians are 21 1/2 games back of the division leading White Sox. You would think they just won the world series.

What it appears to me is the home team rubbing it in to the visiting team.
Originally posted by cup shot:
So when your son's team wins in a walk off I guess your son will be the only one setting on the bench. Because he is to ack like he has been there before.

Can you just picture that?

I agree with JH, no one can really be a fan and be this naive as to so many things baseball.

Or, maybe he just doesn't get it.

The Indians, with the worst record since the break, were the spoilers that day, the Tigers are in a battle with Sox, at this point, for first place in the division. Teams that can play a role in preventing one team (especially a close geographical rival team) from gaining or losing momentum, enjoy being labeled spoilers. I am assuming that was a home game for the Indians.

FWIW, when you go into someone elses house, you behave yourself, that is why the visitors don't go crazy with a win, unless it is for championship. Away game celebrations are much less in crazy than at home. That's called respect, one of those unwritten rules in baseball.

There is a lot about this game, especially at the upper levels that goes on within the game. It's a grind, I know you don't get that, but at some point, especially as the season comes to a close, there are even happy moments for those who will not go forward in October. That might also include rookie hazing, which you have spoken up against on another topic.

I am not understanding what is so difficult to understand, my 86 year old mother who just had 6 stents placed in her heart and a pacemaker and becoming senile knows more about the game within the game than you do.
Last edited by TPM
If you don't like it don't comment on it.

Indians had a walk off hit against the Tigers. The Indians are 21 1/2 games back of the division leading White Sox. You would think they just won the world series.

What it appears to me is the home team rubbing it in to the visiting team.

I comment on it because you're wrong about almost everything you post here. I don't want people to actually believe what you say. I hope that people read what I write, and what everyone else writes, and realize that when every single person that comments completely disagrees with you, you are wrong.

I don't post here because of some sort of petty immature personal vendetta I have against you. I really couldn't care less if you were a great person or not. I care about this website and the content it provides. And you provide terrible content. Its that simple.
Originally posted by J H:
If you don't like it don't comment on it.

Indians had a walk off hit against the Tigers. The Indians are 21 1/2 games back of the division leading White Sox. You would think they just won the world series.

What it appears to me is the home team rubbing it in to the visiting team.

I comment on it because you're wrong about almost everything you post here. I don't want people to actually believe what you say. I hope that people read what I write, and what everyone else writes, and realize that when every single person that comments completely disagrees with you, you are wrong.

I don't post here because of some sort of petty immature personal vendetta I have against you. I really couldn't care less if you were a great person or not. I care about this website and the content it provides. And you provide terrible content. Its that simple.

Oh thanks for reminding that you are right on everything you post. I forgot.

I forget how much wealth of information you accumulated after less than 23 yrs on this earth. Roll Eyes
"I am not understanding what is so difficult to understand, my 86 year old mother who just had 6 stents placed in her heart and a pacemaker and becoming senile knows more about the game within the game than you do."


Yes, I am certain that JH, after 23 years, has much more experience and knowledge of the game called baseball than you have after 40 odd years on earth.

He has lived the game daily with dramatic highs and dramatic lows for 18 years. And he has become a student of the game, as many of us here have as well.

You too may be a student, however you appear to be that loud mouthed student who seeks to learn nothing but just disrupt others and lead them astray.
Last edited by floridafan
The question I was answering was:

What's the rule on how long you have to be in MLB before you get to claim "former MLB?"

If I was wrong, please correct me...

Julie, or whoever has the capabilities, can we please get bostonbulldogbaseball suspended from these message boards? I've attempted to send an alert on his previous enormously inappropriate and utterly ridiculous posts, but nothing has come from it yet. I think most, if not all here would agree he serves no positive purpose other than providing a contorted view of reality and a sad attempt of stirring whatever argument he can garner up. I, for one, don't feel as though his actions are appropriate or acceptable for this online community and don't see the point of allowing a person like this to continue to take up bandwith.
The high school I work for just beat a team for the first time in football on Saturday. Not only did we beat them, but we beat them 28-0. Are you really going to try to tell those kids they should "act like they've been there?"

One of my colleagues went to the game with me Saturday. She worked at this school a year ago and I took her position. She saw me on the sideline for the first time and was surprised about how I act on the field. I had to remind her that we are there to win the game... I get excited on the sidelines as do the coaches..
Originally posted by J H:
The question I was answering was:

What's the rule on how long you have to be in MLB before you get to claim "former MLB?"

If I was wrong, please correct me...

Julie, or whoever has the capabilities, can we please get bostonbulldogbaseball suspended from these message boards? I've attempted to send an alert on his previous enormously inappropriate and utterly ridiculous posts, but nothing has come from it yet. I think most, if not all here would agree he serves no positive purpose other than providing a contorted view of reality and a sad attempt of stirring whatever argument he can garner up. I, for one, don't feel as though his actions are appropriate or acceptable for this online community and don't see the point of allowing a person like this to continue to take up bandwith.

J.H., is it OK if I float opinions to you first and get your approval?

That way you can tell me what is inappropriate and utterly ridiculous.
J.H., is it OK if I float opinions to you first and get your approval?

That way you can tell me what is inappropriate and utterly ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

While I agree that bostonbulldogbaseball is asking questions and making comments that are laughable, it is going on the off season, and someone who posts ridiculous statements does provide some entertainment and levity.
Chipper Jones celebrates Walk off wins. He has been around for quite awhile. Guess I will accept it, if it's good enough for Chipper.

Regarding celebrating a walk off away from home. It has to be a walk off, meaning everyone is done, game is over, type thing. So it can only happen if you are the home team.

It would look very strange to see someone get a big hit in the top of the 9th and have everyone mob him between 1st and 2nd base.

Not sure when it started, but maybe when Bobby Thompson hit that famous homerun against the Dodgers in 1951.Shot Heard Around The World

Winning baseball games is always fun and it's a big deal! Even though I subscribe to that (acting like you've been there before) theory, I also like seeing real spirit involving the thrill of victory.
Originally posted by bostonbulldogbaseball:
Originally posted by J H:
If you don't like it don't comment on it.

Indians had a walk off hit against the Tigers. The Indians are 21 1/2 games back of the division leading White Sox. You would think they just won the world series.

What it appears to me is the home team rubbing it in to the visiting team.

I comment on it because you're wrong about almost everything you post here. I don't want people to actually believe what you say. I hope that people read what I write, and what everyone else writes, and realize that when every single person that comments completely disagrees with you, you are wrong.

I don't post here because of some sort of petty immature personal vendetta I have against you. I really couldn't care less if you were a great person or not. I care about this website and the content it provides. And you provide terrible content. Its that simple.

Oh thanks for reminding that you are right on everything you post. I forgot.

I forget how much wealth of information you accumulated after less than 23 yrs on this earth. Roll Eyes
JH has 23 years of experience while some people have a year of experience many times over.

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