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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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Whats the difference if a bunch of kids are in the stands having fun and leading their own cheers or if a group of cheerleaders are getting everone involved? They have the 12th man in football why not the 10th man in baseball. My son said that the Hogettes for the Univ of Arkansas baseball team got the crowd pumped and it was hostile. I think many people sterotype cheerleaders, but I can can see where they could turn a baseball game into a fun event for a larger group. Some cheerleading changes would have to be made but in HS and College, teams represent the student body why not let them come in and have some fun. There will be some of us purests who will shake our head in disgust but where did we get the right to call it "our private party".
Recognized by ESPN as the #1 Cheering section in college baseball.

The Animals of Section B. @ Florida State's Dick Howser stadium in Tallahassee.

Nothing comes close to the clever, loud and constant buzz from this wonderful group. Whether a song, a cheer or being up on what's happening in a particular game they are the best!

They are certainly worth a look for any other well attended program to emulate.
Put a chalkmark on the wall, I agree with TR!

Not a fan of cheerleaders in general at any sport, as I don't like the stereotype of boys-on-the-field-doing, girls-on-the-sidelines-cheering. Then there's the noisey, distracting, in the way of the action issues. And the time I attended my first Pop Warner game and was appalled at the herd of 8 and 9 year old girls bumping and grinding "cheers" throughout the duration. Considering their backs were constantly to the field, they had little to do with encouraging excitement.

Cheering/heckling sections at college games, however, take on a life of their own and spring from the student body. Those, I quite enjoy. They do not, however, require field time or abbreviated outfits.

But most importantly, baseball fans (unlike, apparently, basketball and particularly football fans Wink) are generally smart enough to know when to cheer all by themselves.
I'm with TR on this one. I'm a big non-fan of cheerleading; locally, a group of cheerleaders once complained at a football game to the guy running the scoreboard that he needed to light up the little football next to the words "Home" and "Visitor", so they could tell when their team was on offense.

One of the beauties of baseball is no cheerleaders. I do agree some of the greatest wisecracks I've ever heard came via creative "heckling" at collegiate games. My favorite was
a frat found a poem an assistant coach authored in college and chanted it him. The home team's frat guys were hilarious, but constantly on the visitors. Sunday afternoon, after the 3rd game of the 3 game series, the visitors tossed balls to the frat guys, and I heard one of them say "I wish we had fans like that." Part of what makes college baseball a unique and wonderful experience.
To all the cheerleading nay-sayers. Isn't the mascot of MLB teams, the organ player, the big screaming scoreboard, or the group of guys with no shirt holding a "K" signs a form of cheerleading? Yes there are those situations where the girls in short skirts are more annoying than a rock in your shoe. However, in progams that lack that fan appeal and with a correct "plan of action" that is directed to a particular portion of a crowd, cheerleading could attract a larger fan base which in turn expands program support. To many the fact that there is no fan interaction is the reason they are turned off by the game.
Last edited by rz1
I will say that the the dugout chants at softball games will be THE reason for me to leave a game. Fans are there to cheer, players are there to play

The UW has already protested the outcome of that survey saying the 3 schools above them paid big money to jump over Madison.
Last edited by rz1

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