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@adbono posted:

No news here. Problems for HS baseball players being recruited because of the portal has been discussed on this board for the past 3 years. And there are plenty of articles that have been written about it as well.

With respect -

There is no one in college sports at the present time who has Deion Sander's influence and media's not even close. What he is doing at Colorado has upended decades of thought and precedent - it is astonishing. The man is a genius.

No doubt his success, which is the result of his novel approach to coaching and recruiting, will affect how other coaches think and act, and not just in football.

Not sure comparing his words with posters on HSBBW or articles written elsewhere is relevant.

@TPM posted:

He isn't doing anything different than others are doing. The only difference is that it's a media circus and all about him and his sons.

It should not be that way, JMO.

But he is doing things differently because he's able to. I'm sure other HBCUs would love to go into the portal and recruit 4 and 5 star recruits but they can't. That's just one example, but the same goes with the coaching staff, fundraising, etc.

To equate it to baseball, LSU going into the portal is very different than St. Peter's going into the portal.

@SpeedDemon posted:

With respect -

There is no one in college sports at the present time who has Deion Sander's influence and media's not even close. What he is doing at Colorado has upended decades of thought and precedent - it is astonishing. The man is a genius.

No doubt his success, which is the result of his novel approach to coaching and recruiting, will affect how other coaches think and act, and not just in football.

Not sure comparing his words with posters on HSBBW or articles written elsewhere is relevant.

I am a fan of what Deion is doing at CU. But just because he says something at a media session doesn’t make it news. No matter how much influence he has at the moment. He is just a man that’s speaking on a subject he is knowledgeable about - the same as what happens on HSBBW every day. So it’s certainly a relevant comparison in my mind. And his success is more a result of knowing his craft and being honest, transparent, and forthright than anything else. Kids want to play for him because of who he is, what he has done, and his ability to make kids believe that he cares about them. He is at the right place, at the right time, to make an impact. And he is doing it with the power of his personality more than anything novel about his approach to coaching and/or recruiting.

I am a fan of what Bill Snyder did at Kansas State.

But just because he said something at a media session doesn’t make it news. No matter how much influence he had at the moment. He was just a man speaking on a subject he was knowledgeable about - the same as what happens on HSBBW every day. So it’s certainly a relevant comparison in my mind.

And his success was more a result of knowing his craft and being honest, transparent, and forthright than anything else. Kids wanted to play for him because of who he was, what he had done, and his ability to make kids believe that he cared about them. He was at the right place, at the right time, to make an impact. And he was doing it with the power of his personality more than anything novel about his approach to coaching and/or recruiting.

Last edited by SpeedDemon

I like to separate the message from the messenger.  I'm guessing nobody here disagrees with the message, because we've seen it and shared stories about it over the last few years.   Coach Prime is spot on.

You may be questioning the messenger, who is a former two sport professional athlete who made it all about him, and branded himself "Prime Time".   It doesn't get more self aggrandizing than that.   Twenty years later that former, it's all about me, selfish athlete is leading young men as "Coach Prime" in a Power conference and having some initial success.  Maybe he knows what he's doing.   Maybe he has no clue.  Let's give him a shot to earn our respect, and let's see what he's got in leading young men to become better football players and teammates. Life can be stranger than fiction.


Last edited by fenwaysouth
@SpeedDemon posted:

I am a fan of what Bill Snyder did at Kansas State.

But just because he said something at a media session doesn’t make it news. No matter how much influence he had at the moment. He was just a man speaking on a subject he was knowledgeable about - the same as what happens on HSBBW every day. So it’s certainly a relevant comparison in my mind.

And his success was more a result of knowing his craft and being honest, transparent, and forthright than anything else. Kids wanted to play for him because of who he was, what he had done, and his ability to make kids believe that he cared about them. He was at the right place, at the right time, to make an impact. And he was doing it with the power of his personality more than anything novel about his approach to coaching and/or recruiting.

I'm confused.  Who's Bill Snyder and how is he related to this conversation?  And was adbono's post copied and pasted in error here instead of being quoted?  I feel like I'm missing something.

@fenwaysouth posted:

I like to separate the message from the messenger.  I'm guessing nobody here disagrees with the message, because we've seen it and shared stories about it over the last few years.   Coach Prime is spot on.

You may be questioning the messenger, who is a former two sport professional athlete who made it all about him, and branded himself "Prime Time".   It doesn't get more self aggrandizing than that.   Twenty years later that former, it's all about me, selfish athlete is leading young men as "Coach Prime" in a Power conference and having some initial success.  Maybe he knows what he's doing.   Maybe he has no clue.  Let's give him a shot to earn our respect, and let's see what he's got in leading young men to become better football players and teammates. Life can be stranger than fiction.


Let’s hope Oregon grinds Colorado into dust. Maybe Coach Prime will be humble for a week. The following week Colorado plays USC. It will be the first time in my life I’ve pulled for “that other school.”

@atlnon posted:

I'm confused.  Who's Bill Snyder and how is he related to this conversation?  And was adbono's post copied and pasted in error here instead of being quoted?  I feel like I'm missing something.

WHO IS BILL SNYDER??? Classiest coach ever, who took Kansas state from the worst team in the nation to a team that goes to a bowl almost every year. Bill Snyder did it with Underdogs. To this day, K state rarely gets a four or five star player, ever. To me, they are not even in the same conversation. What Snyder did was much harder, and he did it in class. He wasn’t managing top talent, he was getting the most out of the players he had.

Last edited by baseballhs

Anyway, Coach Prime will be off to the NFL in a year or so anyway.

I doubt it. His approach works with young athletes (especially young black athletes). He knows what they want and what they need. And they are flocking to him because of it. I don’t think what he is selling is appealing to older, professional athletes that are making a lot of money. My bet is that he stays in the college ranks, and I hope he does.

@TPM posted:

Seems to be fixed, whatever it was, it was confusing.

Oh wait, SpeedDemon did copy Al's reply.

You got that atlnon?

I have too many unpleasant memories of Sanders when he played baseball. I wish I could believe he really cared about the "kids". If he really did he would have stayed where he was.


Deion was a phenomenal athlete in college and pros.  He knows the game and how to compete.  He will continue to draw great talent to himself and he also understands how to build a brand and use social media.  The older generations as a whole don't care for that attitude but the younger ones love it and want to be a part of it.  The more success he has, the greater he will draw with the younger crowd.  His "antics" as many older people call them are what draws the younger crowd to him.  As he has said many times, he does not care what other people think about him.  Only God, his family, and himself.  Not a bad mindset.  Some people would be a lot better off if they could get that in their lives.  If he can win, there will always be a place for him.  Colorado administration say they knew what they were getting and have gotten more than they expected on the good side.

On a different note, there is an interview with three of the players who stayed even though they were told to leave.  They wanted to prove a point that they could compete.  They have and I think ultimately that is what Deion wanted to see out of the players.  A desire to compete for a spot.

He's not my cup of tea but I agree 1000% with what @PitchingFan and @fenwaysouth said. He doesn't need to be my cup of tea and if you look past the bravado there is a lot of substance and truth to what he says! He inspires the young men around him and a lot of people fail to recognize how much he contributed (out of his personal finances in addition to overall investments/attention) to Jackson State. He is not just talking, he is doing.

My son was a huge fan when he played baseball with Atlanta until he asked for his autograph and he was nasty to him. Talk about not caring what others think of you!  That was the end of that and son was devastated. Sure Sanders was young and stupid, but it was unnecessary.

Funny thing he still has that I don't care what you think attitude, and lots of folks, young and old, don't like it.

I also think that walking out on the Jackson players was unnecessary.

Try to convince me it wasn't for his sons.

Folks complain about coaches leaving programs for better opportunities. Don't forget to include Coach Prime.

I've never complained about coaches leaving for better opportunities.  That is what life is about.  Anybody who does that is irrational.  Coaches should always be moving up and why would anybody complain about someone moving up in life.  That is just silly.  People on here talk about the 40 year plan for years.  I wouldn't complain about anybody moving up in life.  Part of that is leaving one place for another.  That would be like someone complaining about your child or mine taking a better job.  That is not right.

And even if it was for his sons.  That is what life is about also.  Why would you not want to do what is best for your children?  Complaining about someone wanting something better for their children is just wrong.

@TPM I originally thought the same. I will not deny that his son benefits but there is much more to it. Jackson State has a lot of responsibility for his departure. And I would not be saying that without direct knowledge of how they managed the influx of resources.

I am very sorry to hear Sanders didn't treat your son well. I am afraid that there are kids out there who will say the same about my son. He tries to sign for kids but it can be a lot at times and it often is a lot of older people trying to make $$ off them.

@PTWood posted:

@TPM I originally thought the same. I will not deny that his son benefits but there is much more to it. Jackson State has a lot of responsibility for his departure. And I would not be saying that without direct knowledge of how they managed the influx of resources.

I am very sorry to hear Sanders didn't treat your son well. I am afraid that there are kids out there who will say the same about my son. He tries to sign for kids but it can be a lot at times and it often is a lot of older people trying to make $$ off them.

I get it from Dave's experience as a pro. His cards are still sold online..funny. But the grown men wanting autographs so they can sell them online comes with the territory.

So I get it. But I can't imagine James being nasty to a 9 year old and I realize you did a great job at raising him.  His sons seem to be pretty cool.

For me, the show is still all typical Sanders.

I agree with show about Deion but his story of the kid this weekend who he hugged on the field and what he told him is incredible.  I will admit that most college coaches could not or would not do what Deion did at that moment with that young man.  It is interesting that with most coaches and that includes baseball that those who are not with the team think the successful ones are jerks but the ones who play for them think the complete opposite.  I think about most of the successful ones in the SEC  for baseball and that includes your sons and my son's coaches.  Most outside think they are jerks and egotistical and I can go on and on but their players and assistant coaches would die for them.  They are not always what they appear on camera for a glimpse.

I'm sure there is someone who has a story like yours about my son but he tries to sign everyone's each time but I'm sure he dismissed some kid on a bad or busy day.  Just hoping that was Deion's case.

I’ve never forgotten this story …

Deion Sanders, Florida State All-American cornerback, was arrested on charges of battery on a police officer and disorderly conduct Saturday after a shopping mall dispute over the purchase of earrings, police said.

The arrest came Saturday afternoon after Sanders, a Ft. Myers native, became embroiled in an altercation with a store clerk at the crowded Edison Mall.

Tony Cail, the auxiliary police officer Sanders is accused of striking, was being treated at Lee Memorial Hospital. His condition was not immediately available.

… Bobby Bowden allowed Sanders to play in the Sugar Bowl a few days later. FSU still had a shot at the national championship. It was the beginning of entitlement and in your face arrogance that has never ended.

I wish Bo Jackson had done to Sanders what he did to Brian Bosworth.

@RJM posted:

I’ve never forgotten this story …

Deion Sanders, Florida State All-American cornerback, was arrested on charges of battery on a police officer and disorderly conduct Saturday after a shopping mall dispute over the purchase of earrings, police said.

The arrest came Saturday afternoon after Sanders, a Ft. Myers native, became embroiled in an altercation with a store clerk at the crowded Edison Mall.

Tony Cail, the auxiliary police officer Sanders is accused of striking, was being treated at Lee Memorial Hospital. His condition was not immediately available.

… Bobby Bowden allowed Sanders to play in the Sugar Bowl a few days later. FSU still had a shot at the national championship. It was the beginning of entitlement and in your face arrogance that has never ended.

I wish Bo Jackson had done to Sanders what he did to Brian Bosworth.

The key word is "Sanders was ACCUSED of striking police officer.   Innocent until proven guilty.

The key word is "Sanders was ACCUSED of striking police officer.   Innocent until proven guilty.

Being arrested and charged before being convicted is how the American legal system works. The article is right after the event and before the trial. Had Sanders not been an important part of the team chances are he would have been suspended.

Winning trumps all in most big time football programs. SEC football teams have more players arrested in most season than the other four P5’s combined. It’s because “In the SEC, it just means more.” “It” is winning at all costs. FSU isn’t part of the SEC. But at the time Bowden had the same mentality.

I don’t remember what happened with the arrest. But I’ll bet at that time a FSU player could commit murder and have the charges dropped.

Last edited by RJM

He pled guilty to a misdemeanor.  The real story is.  After you bash him and Bobby Bowdon.  The clerk said there was no way any of the three players could afford to buy the earrings because of their race.  She accused them of planning to steal them but they were at counter to checkout.  Did Deion handle it correctly?   No but the mall cop, not an on duty policeman tried to arrest him and he pushed him off him.   Again not handled correctly by either.  Bobby interviewed all the parties personally before agreeing to let him play.  So the moral of your story is no player with a misdemeanor should be eligible.  

@PitchingFan posted:

That is heinous.  The man led his players and staff in prayer.  He can’t win on here.  One says he is a thug and the other says he is too religious.  Someone help me out.  Which is he?  

I never said he was a thug. I never even heard of what happened at FSU.

He is just one of those who thinks he can do what he wants, obviously.

@PitchingFan posted:

He pled guilty to a misdemeanor.  The real story is.  After you bash him and Bobby Bowdon.  The clerk said there was no way any of the three players could afford to buy the earrings because of their race.  She accused them of planning to steal them but they were at counter to checkout.  Did Deion handle it correctly?   No but the mall cop, not an on duty policeman tried to arrest him and he pushed him off him.   Again not handled correctly by either.  Bobby interviewed all the parties personally before agreeing to let him play.  So the moral of your story is no player with a misdemeanor should be eligible.  

So, if someone says something offensive to you the correct response is to assault them? Being allowed to play maintained Sanders on a path of entitlement and arrogance which has led him to be the asshat he is today.

Read the article Whitlock wrote. He’s right. Sanders is full of shite. Sanders is a hypocrite. It’s not the path God chose for him. It’s the path Sanders chose due to the money and the potential professional football development and exposure benefits for his sons.

Last edited by RJM

I'm not gonna question someone's calling from God.  I've made moves in my life that I believe with all my heart are callings from God.  Most of those I made more money but not all.  The first one I took a $20,000 paycut but if it had been a payraise I would have taken it also.  I will not question God's calling on a person's life and what they say about it.  That is between them and God.  I will definitely not call it hypocrisy because Solomon was the richest man probably to have ever lived and he was God's chosen man.  God appointed him King.  So I would have a hard time believing God could not make someone earn more money today if He chose to.  Not saying God did, but He could.

So I reckon we change our tone on here and you should never be seeking what is best for yourself or your kids.  That makes complete sense.

Whitlock is a podcaster and writer.  He makes money when he stirs up controversy.  Not a credible source, in my opinion.

If you don't like the guy or FSU or whatever, just say it.  I don't like Deion and never have.  But when you say he is a bad guy and TPM says he is too religious it is a complete contradiction.  I don't think he is either and I'm not saying he is a great example for Christianity.  But I think he is a successful player and coach and if you don't like him or his teams you will find reasons.  I have learned to appreciate talent even if I don't agree with all of their actions.  I might not recognize them as a role model but I can differentiate between a talented athlete and a role model.  I feel the same way about several professional athletes that claim to be great Christians and yet their life doesn't represent it.  I don't bash them but I also don't praise them.

I'm not a Florida fan but was a huge fan of Tim Tebow.  I became a fan of FSU because I got to know Bobby Bowdon personally and what he stood for and lived out with his players.  Same with Dabo at Clemson.  Not a Clemson fan but love him as a person.

Where did I say he was too religious? I said he could not do what he was doing, read the article.

All I know is that Prime said he left Jackson because his assistants were making 50, 60ish so he needed to take them to a better program to make more money.

So with that being said, that's what this appears to be. He used that angle for his better opportunity

Why do you keep bringing up the Christian aspect in all of this? It should have nothing to do with it. Nothing. My son was a coach at a school that was Presbyterian. He only knew that because of his insurance.

Last edited by TPM

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