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Some high schools give a nice budget year to year. However, I have been at a school where they give you a couple dozen game balls and a rake. What do you do to raise the most funds? One of the better things I have seen is a hit-a-thon. It is a glorified BP and people sponsor individual kids in the program. If there are a few dozen kids in the program, it could get you a nice donation.
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My son and another senior teammate this year coordinated their own fund raiser for the team (with coach's permission). They hosted a Dodge Ball tournament and made almost $600 with practically no expenses. They made fliers and spread the word. Students entered in teams of 6. All they had to do was setup a bracket and enlist some teachers to referee (and a few parents to run admission table and snack bar).

They charged each team an entry fee of $30. Then admission and a snack bar.

Easy money and the gym was packed with students wanting to see the games. It was a lot of fun.

If you're interested, PM me and I can send you a Rules doc, signup form, flier, etc..
Last edited by Sandman

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