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A while back espn had a poll on their website
asking people what they would like to see more of on espn...and i put college baseball. Has anybody else noticed how little they put on their networks or even the 6 oclock sportscenter hardly ever has any highlights from college baseball unless its the tournament or the championship. They'll put every other major college sport on t.v. (including some dII basketball games that nobody cares about),but when it comes to baseball you'll hardly ever be able to catch a game on.
"Some people wish it would happen, Some people dream it could happen, Others make it happen." ~Michael Jordan
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03, Couldn't agree more. However, I'm hoping that the new ESPNU station will be covering college baseball to some extent. Where I live, however, ESPNU isn't available on the cable but only on direct TV. I've asked Comcast about a college baseball package but they've said that they're not interested at this time. I'd consider putting in the dish just to watch college baseball, but it might cost me my marriage. I know who wears the pants in my family.

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