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Originally Posted by owlswin:

Upon further Googling...found this link...


It mentions: "Although Rembielak seemed nice enough in the few conversations I had with him, most anecdotal evidence suggests he was not well liked by his players"

A five year old article about a coach coming into a losing situation and upsetting players. A new coach comes in, recruits new players and benches the previous coach's recruits who aren't getting the job done. That's never happened before! What in the world does this possibly have to do with an accusation of hitting a player where there is zero evidence provided? Let's just overreact and stone the guy. So far this is a non story.

Last edited by RJM

Maybe im just getting too old but the accusations don't seem too horrific to me. I understand that we live in a different world now but seriously a police report for that? Looking back to my college days i guess i could have had 4-5 coaches locked up for verbal abuse with today's standards.


Not justifying what was supposedly done, but if it did happen why publicize it instead of working it out man to man? Again, maybe im just getting too old

All due respect to everyone on this thread, owlswin is entitled to his opinion and for that matter he's entitled to have an agenda.  Stop trying to shoot the messenger.  A Head Coach has been suspended under suspicion of wrong doing. It's news. Maybe there's nothing to it and frankly I hope that's the case, but the school knows enough about it to have suspended the man while investigating... That's not an insignificant development. It's reasonable to post the story on this board and it's also reasonable to post the second story from a few years back. Maybe former players will speak up in favor of the Coach or maybe there are past positive stories about the coach out there... any such stories would be equally relevant.

I agree with not rushing to judgement on the Coach, but you want to take away this HSBBW member's right to post on this board because you don't like what he's contributing?? Owlswin doesn't owe anyone an explanation as to why he's posted credible news stories.  The Coach is the one who has explaining to do at the moment.

No charges. Nothing but accusations. And you've decided he's crazy. What's your agenda? It's your third negative post against this coach while he hasn't been charged with anything. At least tell us you're from the Akron area so we can understand why you would have so much interest in this story.

Still nothing more than accusations at this point. Police looked into it and determined there was nothing actionable, so that's one hurdle cleared for the coach. The school's investigation continues. A second incident of "potential player abuse" has surfaced from last season. Sounds like the coach and players both agree that incidents have occured, but disagree as to how severe either one really was.  Just from reading the posted stories, my take is that the coach is at worst guilty of the occasional over-the-top meltdown... Which is not ideal behavior, but also probably not to far outside the norm for college programs. Do a youtube search on a few big name coaches and you'll find some meltdown moments, usually captured on the phone of a disgruntled player.Anyway, based on the facts that have come out so far, I'd mostly file this under basic a$$-chewing... maybe a bit over the top but not around the bend, IMO. Just depends which way the school comes down on it.

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