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Exhibit A: A battle between too "oldies." Happens all of the time on here.

Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
No. Sorry CD, I am NOT dead wrong on this one.

You are the worse offender in this thread of all.

As I stated in my other post, there is some cyber bullying going on here and if you don't believe me go back and read where you are calling people ignorant, knuckleheads, etc. What the **** is that for?

I don't know what you do for a living and quite frankly, I don't care. But there is NO need whatsoever for silly childish name calling. Do you handle your personal life in this same manner? People say the wrong thing and you resort to calling them names?

These "adults" who asked the questions are not "calling you or anyone else OUT". I think it's quite clear by the other majority of posters who have responded on here that if you or anyone else didn't like what the OP asked or said - zip your cotton picking lips and move on. How hard is that to understand?

NOW you can close this thread. If you want to keep posturing as to your status on here as a Moderator and you're never wrong, then keep replying and we can keep this thing alive.

So to the "newbies," don't use your status as a "newbie" (which Eric G is certainly NOT!) as a victim-plea/whoa-is-me/wah-wah-wah. Thats called an "excuse." And don't go cryin' to mamma either. I don't allow my kids to make "excuses" and they're still kids. You come on here with the "newbie" excuse...don't expect sympathy. Stand your ground if its solid, learn something if its not.

Nearly every "oldie" has gone to battle on here with earlier oldies, current oldies, newbies and middle-dies alike. They're still here for good reason! If you're hoping your boy is gonna play college or pro baseball, they're gonna have to be a lot tougher than much of the behavior exhibited on this thread!
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Pretty simple.
Last edited by justbaseball
"Has anyone heard of the kid from Danville that throws 95 and hits bombs 500' on a routine basis? I heard about the kid but I just wanted to know if anyone else had?" Signed "DvilleSlugger"

I guess people could play along with this stuff. Or they can choose to call it out. In this case TPM called it out. Six years on the site and your asking a question like the one the op did?
CM, thanks for that post, very self explanatory.
If people don't get it (comments), than stay out of it and don't get yourself involved in something you don't understand.

JBB also thanks, I too am tired of the newbie versus oldtimer cr ap, we've all been new here for a first time, we've all been faced with things that are said we don't agree with, no one has had more garbage thrown in their face than me, and guess what, I a still here!

If you don't like it, then adios.

Stop making excuses, especially ridiculous ones, like being too busy at work to look up answers, heck if you are busy at work what the heck are ya doing on the internet?

Let me make something clear, all I did was make a suggestion to Eric, regarding doing his own work to find answers. I asked him if he did this to gain attention, I did not call anyone names (until I was called out for being a female), I don't see where (anywhere here) new posters have not been welcomed and their questions not answered.

The OP is not a new poster and this is not someone who can't use the internet or not familiar with our site. Boo hoo with the 8 times average a month you've posted since you came here, you've been involved in enough topics to "get it".

Recruiting is one of those things that 50% of it is composed of rules and the other 50% is common sense. It's not that your questions are not welcomed, if you are too embarrassed to ask, most likely you will find the answer in a search here. Amd for heaven's sake download the NCAA guide to recruiting, it's very simple, if you had known when the contact period was and what it contains, you could figure out the answer. And FWIW, if the coach talks to your son (perhaps even when he shouldn't), don't worry about it.

Yes, most likely I could have ignored the question asked, but I called him out, I said to myself enough is enough already.

I hope that this can bring this to a close.
I will make this my last comment as well TPM. It appears to me that there was some overwhelming comments that sided with me in that it was a question, nothing more, nothing less and yet you raked me over the coals (admittingly as well) for not clicking the daggone "search" button. I have searched many other times, just not this point in time, deal with it and just do not open the thread next time therefore your time wont ever be wasted in responding let alone lingering on in a thread like this. It does stink that after 5 yrs on the site I ask 2 questions in the span of a few weeks and not only do people get far bent out of shape but then they ALL have the audacity to purport that I have an agenda or want to spout about my son. Looking back to when they were 9 and 12yo or so on this site I did talk up their accomplishments under the apporpriate threads.
I have always enjoyd this site, have bragged about the site to MANY friends and will likely continue to do so despite this particular topic.
As I have stated, I apologize for not "searching" before I asked this one, but am TRULY offended anyone read in to it that I am wanting "everyone" to know what is happening in my sons recruiting life.
Lessons learned = 1) It helps to "search"
2) Dont respond to a thread
unless you want to answer
Originally posted by Eric G:
...but then they ALL have the audacity to purport that I have an agenda or...but am TRULY offended anyone read in to it that I...

The only audacious post on this thread is your demeaning one about women and connecting it to your wife. I hope she doesn't read this site.

As the husband of a wonderful woman that I am lucky will have me and as a father of two beautiful daughters that I hope will someday have loving husbands, wonderful children and careers (if they want them) with an equal chance of success as their male counterparts...and as a person who TRULY respects how TPM has helped her own son tremendously in his baseball career along with hundreds of posters (including me) on here...I was "TRULY" offended by your demeaning comment about women.
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by Leftysidearmom:
Regardless of the OP's intentions, calling him out this way may have done more harm than good. Perceptions matter. I'm concerned with how the website is perceived by newcomers. We've benefitted greatly from some of the information on this site and I would hate to see it implode.

I second this.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Tired of the 'everyone is picking on me' mentality. If your kid is going to play high level baseball, he will need to have a stronger mental side than a number of the victimized posters on here.

I guess the same could be said for those who always feel it necessary to call someone out when they disagree with them or don't like what was said or asked. The ridiculing and name calling here gets just as tiresome.

We all have the ability to ignore and move on. Maybe that would be a better option then the mentioned above.

I think I will practice what I preach! Cool
Last edited by Danny Boydston
Originally posted by AntzDad:
This thread reminds me of those trick birthday candles.

Now thats pretty funny!

Danny - Your point is certainly reasonable. The activity on this thread comes up from time to time on this site and on virtually every message board I have followed. Some of the biggest battles I've seen (or experienced firsthand on here) are oldie-vs-oldie...but the good ones still come back. The attitude of 'be nice to me, don't question me no matter what or I'm taking my marbles and going home' is weak and from my point of view, those who can't handle the challenges and sparring that occasionally comes with posting on message boards can go ahead and take their marbles and go home.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
I used to worry about this. I don't anymore. The site is too valuable (and free) to implode.

Tired of the 'everyone is picking on me' mentality. If your kid is going to play high level baseball, he will need to have a stronger mental side than a number of the victimized posters on here.

A poster would already have to be invested in the site in order to be tired of the board dynamics. Don't forget, we can't see how many drop in for the first time, see a cat fight and say "no thanks, too much negativity there". That has nothing to do with their son's mental toughness. Or maybe it avoiding negative forces is often a sign of greatness.

Have we seen a drop in newbies in the past year? Because becoming an insular group is just as bad as imploding. I would hate for that to happen too.
Last edited by Leftysidearmom
I sometimes hear from disgruntled parents who have excuses for everything. They complain about everything imaginable.

I think it is important to understand that in some cases, the player has a different outlook on things than his parents. While the parents might feel victimized, the player just continues to go about his business.

I worry more about it when the actual player feels victimized and has excuses for everything. And yes, sometimes it seems to be an issue with both parents and family.

That said, I don't think this has a lot to do with this topic and discussion.

Sometimes I get the feeling that "old-timers" (I will include myself) have a tendency to stick up for, or agree with, our "old-timer" friends even when we might slightly disagree with them on a topic.

Here is the original post...

Can a college coach talk to a player if they come to their HS practice? If so, is it stil limited to 2011 players until the July 1 date?

There must be much more to this than that post, because it seems kind of harmless to me. I see these type questions all the time on here.

By now, just about every question about recruiting could be searched rather than asked. But when one person asks a question, there are many others who might gather some information from the answers even though they never thought to ask the question themself.

Sorry, if I don't understand all the circumstances involved here.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
I sometimes hear from disgruntled parents who have excuses for everything. They complain about everything imaginable.

I think it is important to understand that in some cases, the player has a different outlook on things than his parents. While the parents might feel victimized, the player just continues to go about his business.

I worry more about it when the actual player feels victimized and has excuses for everything. And yes, sometimes it seems to be an issue with both parents and family.

That said, I don't think this has a lot to do with this topic and discussion.

Sometimes I get the feeling that "old-timers" (I will include myself) have a tendency to stick up for, or agree with, our "old-timer" friends even when we might slightly disagree with them on a topic.

Here is the original post...

Can a college coach talk to a player if they come to their HS practice? If so, is it stil limited to 2011 players until the July 1 date?

There must be much more to this than that post, because it seems kind of harmless to me. I see these type questions all the time on here.

By now, just about every question about recruiting could be searched rather than asked. But when one person asks a question, there are many others who might gather some information from the answers even though they never thought to ask the question themself.

Sorry, if I don't understand all the circumstances involved here.

I chose to stay out of this thread until now. Eric G asked a question, infielddad posted a link to a thread which seemed to have answered the question, Sdlefty posted a link to the recruiting calendar, and there didn't seem to be anything for me to contribute.

Then PGStaff quoted the original post, and my reaction was: "that's not the original question." OK, so maybe I confused the question with one from a different thread. But the link infielddad provided isn't responsive to the questions currently posed in the first post of this thread. Nor does Sdlefty's link to the recruiting calendar provide a useful answer. Then Eric G quotes the material from infielddad's link, and says his question is answered. But that material does not answer the question!

Probably I'm just confused.

Anyway, Eric G or CB12, if you want to know if a college coach can talk to a high school player, please start a new thread. And include the year of the player, and the division or association of the coach. Part of the reason for answering is to help others, and nobody else who wants to find the answer is going to read page 6 of a thread.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PGStaff:
By now, just about every question about recruiting could be searched rather than asked. But when one person asks a question, there are many others who might gather some information from the answers even though they never thought to ask the question themself.


Correct, the same question was just recently asked. I think that has been mentioned a few times in this topic.

Funny, most of us "old timers", never announced what was going on with our sons, we got through it without weekly questions. We didn't post 2-3 times in different topics when it only needed to be asked once (what's with that anyway), we didn't go to other sites with all the answers yet come here with questions that really are pretty easy to figure out.

And once again Eric is NOT new here.

Yup, I look it as a way of one communicating how ones' player is doing without it sounding like it's braggingm because that usually is frowned upon.

I talk about son's experiences, in the past tense, so that others can learn. Make comments all you want about me being female and reference to your wife, but it doesn't matter what gender one is to figure out an invite to a junior day means the coach is interested in the player. I don't think that you are a stupid person, maybe I am wrong though, so what's with that question?

Thank you 3FG, there is a way to ask a question and get an answer, and there is a way to ask a question that places doubt in others minds what exactly is meant. Those that say that asking questions helps others, where was it mentioned that the OP meant a D1 program, maybe it was an NAIA?
That's why I strongly suggest to download the guide.
Last edited by TPM
Well TPM, he had not had any interest from the college that invited him to the Junior Day and all of a sudden he got an invite, let alone his first actual invite so therein lies why I questioned it.
Maybe its time for you TPM to hang up your cleats seeing as your son is 25yo now and leave us ll alone here. There are plenty of others on here that can provide information without a condescending sigh of "enough is enough"
Maybe its time for you TPM to hang up your cleats seeing as your son is 25yo now and leave us ll alone here. There are plenty of others on here that can provide information without a condescending sigh of "enough is enough"

You have GOT to be kidding. What an idiotic statement.

Look, there are people on here that I don't care to read their comments...but I would never be so brash as to tell them to 'hang up their cleats.'

Originally posted by Eric G:
Well TPM, he had not had any interest from the college that invited him to the Junior Day and all of a sudden he got an invite, let alone his first actual invite so therein lies why I questioned it.
Maybe its time for you TPM to hang up your cleats seeing as your son is 25yo now and leave us ll alone here. There are plenty of others on here that can provide information without a condescending sigh of "enough is enough"

Really, because son is 25 that means I got to go? Maybe the day he hangs his cleats up, I will too. Do you know anything about my player, cause I certanly know lots about yours from your posts here.
What a ridiculous statement, just shows how stupid you really are.
Last edited by TPM
I certainly did not intend this much of a debate when I posted back on page 1. My initial post was an expression of my opinion not necessarily a direct attack on TPM. Either way, I think TPM and I are good now.

I think this has gotten way out of hand at this point. Eric, while I initially was in your corner (as reflected by my first post), your "female" comment was way out of bounds. TPM has gone through this process to a further extent than 95% of us ever will.

I think someone should end this thread, it's getting really ugly, just my opinion of course.
Last edited by 2013 Dad
Geez, this thread sure DID get out of control!

Look, who CARES why he didn't search first? If you don't want to answer him, don't. I usually do search first before I post, but not always. Sometimes someone out there lurking might have a more recent, maybe better, or just differing opinion than what's in the archives.

And if the reason you felt compelled to tear him a new one was due to history, then maybe you could've taken the discussion private via PM?

It comes across mighty condescending the way it was done, IMO.
Last edited by Sandman
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