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You should go to the NCAA site and download the recruiting guide, it will help you with the many questions you come here to ask, which can be found, but you need to take some responsibility to do your own homework.

Or do you just need to let us know that a coach is coming to see your player?
TPM, IMO you seem to come off quite hostile whenever there is a question on this site to which the answer may be available elsewhere. It's a pretty snobbish attitude to tell someone to "do your own homework", IMO, or question the motive for the post, implying the OP is trying to brag. Seemingly this type of "don't bother us with your silly questions" approach is practiced by quite a few "old timers" (by no means all of them). I just think it is belittling to tell someone who simply seeks advice as to a topic he or she is unsure of. After all, isn't that what this Board is for???
Last edited by 2013 Dad
Originally posted by 2013 Dad:
TPM, IMO you seem to come off quite hostile whenever there is a question on this site to which the answer may be available elsewhere. It's a pretty snobbish attitude to tell someone to "do your own homework", IMO. Or question the motive for the post, implying the OP is trying to brag. Seemingly this type of "don't bother us with your silly questions" approach is practiced by quite a few "old timers" (by no means not all). I just think it is belittling to tell someone who simply seeks advice as to a topic he or she is unsure of. After all, isn't that what this Board is for???

Respectfully disagree and I support TPM on this one. The board is not for veiled announcements or manipulation by ego-driven parents.
Originally posted by 2013 Dad:
I agree CD. But TPM is simply making an assumption without any facts to support it. That's the problem. Perhaps Eric simply feels more comfortable getting feedback from experienced people. To just assume Eric is bragging is unfair and uncalled for.

Why is it that some parents can manage to find many multiple bb sites, but can't find the site (which has been repeatedly posted here over the years) for these type of questions? You may not understand that but I don't expect that you or others may.

Let me tell you something 2013 Dad, I have spent years helping people here, offering advice and support. After a while one can pretty much tell what's going on with certain parents, how they don't want to come off as bragging so they use other methods.

Eric G has been around for a long time, he is not a new webster.

I may be wrong but I doubt it very much.

Not everyone has the luxury of such great recruiting experiences, sometimes it's just better to fly under the radar, then let me know when he accepts the offer.
I mean seriously guys, there are times while at work I may not have time to "research" and have a random question that I want to throw out there and I get ripped for it.
I would just as soon you not even open the thread up then to react the way some of you do.
I could care less if it gets 1000 hits and no comments, no sweat.
But to assume I am bragging is ludicrous(sp?)
Do you have the answer to every question your kids ask, or do you encourage them to look up the answer and educate themselves on the subject?

You as well as others have been directed to the NCAA site on many occassions, however, you could use google and do a search, sometimes you just have to type in the question.

Can a college coach talk to a player if he comes to visit him at a game. Depends on what division, what time of year, etc. Coach May made a great post in another topic, sometimes this process is about personal responsibility.

However, I really don't beleive you come here for answers, you just come here to give updates on your sons recruiting process.

I simply typed in the question you asked, I found the answer (though I knew it), you might want to try to do some research on your own, perhaps not at work if you are busy. I am sure that you didn't need to have that answer ASAP!?!

It's just gotten to be old.
Last edited by TPM
One of the folks we all respect when it comes to the NCAA rule book is 3FG.
One 3/2/11, he seems to have addressed nearly an identical question and provided the Rule:

If this was a question which arose at work, it certainly seems like the answer was not urgent. The answer was available within a 30 to 60 second search.
Seems like the answer could have been found as fast or faster than the time it took to post.
I forgot about that infielddad.
You make a good point, sometimes yo can post a question and wait HOURS for the answer. It only takes a few seconds to search.

Just a good example of those that really come to learn (by taking time to read posts by others) and those that come for an agenda.

Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Eric G:
I apologize for not looking up guys.....not apologizing for any agenda laden tirade that I'm accused of though.

I wouldn't apologize either. If people don't want to help, they shouldn't post anything and let those who are willing to do so. The search function isn't always that friendly and sometimes I don't know the best words to use to search by to get the results I'm seeking.

BTW, my 2012 son hit 87mph on the gun at his tryouts, a new personal best! Woot!
Originally posted by Strike 3:
Originally posted by Eric G:
I apologize for not looking up guys.....not apologizing for any agenda laden tirade that I'm accused of though.

BTW, my 2012 son hit 87mph on the gun at his tryouts, a new personal best! Woot!

That's fair, just come out and say it, instead of setting up a smoke screen.
My 2013 son hit 85mph and is pitching Var's line up.
Now thats smoke!

TPM has jumped me before, But has also type things that helped me Hope she keeps it up, when she feels like helping help when she feels like we are wasting space tell us its all good..
One time my topic said UGA bla bla bla, and I put a link to a great site not just about UGA ,
HSBBWeb Old Timer

Posted January 30, 2011 08:46 AM
Great news, however if everyone posted the schedule of their fav D1 team we'd be in trouble.
Then gave Her own great link
We win some we lose some.
now Can't we all just get along!
Originally posted by GA SC Diamond:
My 2013 son hit 85mph and is pitching Var's line up.
Now thats smoke!

TPM has jumped me before, But has also type things that helped me Hope she keeps it up, when she feels like helping help when she feels like we are wasting space tell us its all good..
One time my topic said UGA bla bla bla, and I put a link to a great site not just about UGA ,
HSBBWeb Old Timer

Posted January 30, 2011 08:46 AM
Great news, however if everyone posted the schedule of their fav D1 team we'd be in trouble.
Then gave Her own great link
We win some we lose some.
now Can't we all just get along!

Should I take that as a compliment?
You know I can be a pain but you do know I will be there to answer any question, and I have done so over and over.
But sometimes there comes a time when some people need to learn to help themselves. After a while, your questions as some beleive, so easy to find the answer, may just be a veil for letting us know about what is happening.
I realize that the recruiting process can make us nuts, it's very nerve racking, calm down relax, some of these questions some ask really have nothing to do with the process, do they? I mean seriously does it matter if the coach can talk to your son, does it matter if your son can sit in the dugout? We've been through it and I can tell you these things don't matter, what matters is the commitment.
Sorry, but on this one, I am not speaking for just myself. You all might want to go back to the topic here in recruiting, Questions or Announcements?
Maybe some people don't get it, maybe that's why I posed my post the way I did. Why not just look it up, then bookmark it for future reference?

And if one is at work, and doesn't have time to research why are you taking the time to ask the question on the HSBBW?
hmmmmm I'm really new to this board. It has been very helpful. when I saw the topic I was interested because I am also very new to the whole recruiting process with my son. I've searched the internet for answers to some questions that I have with recruiting rules, etc. Sometimes I think I get it, than other times I'm a little confused. I thought about asking more questions on here. Now, I'm a little scared!
Originally posted by Eric G:
Unbelievable. A sincere apology still goes un noticed, did one happen to say TPM was a female? Sorry just had to.
ITS GOTTA be my wife and I just dont know it.

I noticed your apology, but you still ranted.
I have been wrong, I apologize, your comment about me being a female shows you are just stupid or too lazy to do your own due diligence, you must be one of those who are so lazy you need to pick others brains for answers. Roll Eyes I hear that you do frequent other sites, do you ask the same questions there.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, you are new and the process is confusing, EG has been around since 06, that's over 5 years, you'd think he may have done some homework by now and learned some things.
I think that the problem is that people come here with preconceived ideas that their son deserves more than they are getting, everyone su cks. When things don't happen then everything stinks, the coaches stink, the recruiters stink, the showcase and tourney people stink, everyone is just plane no good.

Some folks these days want and feel that people need to do things for them, examples are that they need to make sure they get told the D1 coach shows up, they need every question answered, the HS coach needs to bend to THIER rules or he is bad.

In other words, alot of it is "it's all about me". Not everyone though, I commend each and every parent and player that has taken steps, personal responsibility to see that their player finds the right fit, understands how things work and that takes time, that takes hard work and some just don't want to do it. It doesn't have to take a whole bunch of money either just good planning. It's easy to blame others.

That may not be the case in this topic but seems to be the theme around here lately.
Last edited by TPM
Still having a hard time seeing how the OP was bragging in his post. He asked if a coach can talk to a player at a HS practice. Didn't reference his son, a coach coming to his practice, etc... For all anyone knows, he could have been asking the question because a teammate, friend, etc... had a coach saying he was coming to or came to a practice. I don't know why everyone has to be so SUSPICIOUS about everything? I guess it's because EVERYONE has a hiddden agenda or motive.

I don't like listening to the dad who can only talk about all of the great things his son does but there was no evidence of that in this post, yet the insinuations started right out of the gate. I'm done.
Last edited by Strike 3
Originally posted by TPM:
Do you have the answer to every question your kids ask, or do you encourage them to look up the answer and educate themselves on the subject?

You as well as others have been directed to the NCAA site on many occassions, however, you could use google and do a search, sometimes you just have to type in the question.

Can a college coach talk to a player if he comes to visit him at a game. Depends on what division, what time of year, etc. Coach May made a great post in another topic, sometimes this process is about personal responsibility.

However, I really don't beleive you come here for answers, you just come here to give updates on your sons recruiting process.

I simply typed in the question you asked, I found the answer (though I knew it), you might want to try to do some research on your own, perhaps not at work if you are busy. I am sure that you didn't need to have that answer ASAP!?!

It's just gotten to be old.

For the sake of argument, let's assume the OP was trying to brag, though I can't see it in his question. I may be overstepping my bounds as a newbie, but I have observed that there have been multiple warm, supportive threads celebrating the accomplishments of HSBBwebbers, especially oldtimers, stemming from posts not implicitly/overtly intended to be "bragging" threads. Perhaps the OP does not have people in his non-virtual community with which he can share his excitement about his son's recruiting process. We all know how it is...the only people who might care may very well have kids who are competing with our own children for playing time, etc. I would hope that this warm, supportive community (I have seen the phrase "HSBBW family" mentioned multiple times)would be receptive to all, no matter how "awkwardly" newcomers may try to enter the group. C'mon guys, it's not high school any more...let's be nice.
Well according to this website, this is:

Recruiting Questions
This is the place to ask questions and help others with the college recruiting process

I don't understand the problem with the original question either. Are there only certain questions that can be asked? There are thousands of other questions here what is wrong with this particular one? Really, this is why I don't post often.
In the 5 yrs I've been here I've said some pretty stupid things, in those 5 yrs TPM has never said an unkind word to me and has always been helpful. The lord knows TPM has had plenty of reasons to put me in my place! Smile
There have been a few others that I've disagreed with and hopefully I've learned from those experiences. My kids didn't always agree with me and they sometimes came up with the usual childish remarks that we as adults sometimes resort to. I've been guilty of that very thing many times.
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