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Ok so I need help with this. I filled out a questionare at a small D2 school. I got an email back from a Graduate Assistant saying Thanks for filling out a questionare. We will stay in touch and if you are ever in the area let us know so you can check out the school. I replied back saying thanks i am interested in getting a chance to check out the school. The communication stopped there. Now after over a month of nothing i got an email from the same graduate assistant saying:

Hey Player, would you be interested in a visit?
Take Care.

I dont know how to look at that because they have not talked to me about baseball at all but now they want me to come for a visit. So are they really interested???
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Philly, it all depends on how you want to look at it. Schools get a lot of mail, email, phone calls, etc. the more popular the school, the more the correspondence.

I have found that there are also many styles of coaches in terms of organization, some are very good with follow-up and some are not as good. Your challenge is to get beyond the “circular bucket” and on their radar to follow.

My recommendation is look beyond the time it took for them to get back to you and the style of communication, but take it as a positive sign that they have some interest in you and that is a good thing if you would like to continue to be looked at by the school.

Has this school seen you play?

I would think it is a bit difficult for a coach to get too amped up over a player which they have never seen in action when they have the number they have seen.

Keep in mind that just because you have interest in a school does not mean they will have an interest in you especially if they have never seen you. The ASST Coach is being a gentleman with his emails to you
Oh trust me i love the fact that they want me to visit. But what made them ask me for a visit. They havent called, seen me play, or even talked to me about baseball. All i have done is filled out a questionare and now they are inviting me to visit. It just sounds like something is missing here. Just want some input on what to think of this situation.
Originally posted by Philly1012:
Oh trust me i love the fact that they want me to visit. But what made them ask me for a visit. They havent called, seen me play, or even talked to me about baseball. All i have done is filled out a questionare and now they are inviting me to visit. It just sounds like something is missing here. Just want some input on what to think of this situation.

You maybe worrying more about the 'how' and 'why'. Focus on the result. They have showed interest.

You do not know if they came out and watched you. they may have had a surrogate watch. You dont know who they have talked to, your coaches dont necessarily tell you they talked to a college about you. They know you have interest in their program, what more do they need to know from YOU personally. Stats ... meaningless.
Grades ... meaningful.
Watching you play or phone calls to those who know you ... priceless.

The advice is follow up with enthusiasm and take the visit if you can!
Last edited by baseballtoday
So i sent back an email saying i would love to come visit. I could not find a number online but i am still looking. He said i could come visit whenver i would like. It just sounds a little sketchy since all of this is coming from a grad assistant. Shouldnt a recruiting cordinator or head coach be inviting me to come visit. It all just sounds like something is missing. Opinions??

This Graduate Assistant may have nothing to do with the baseball program. He may be working with the admission dept.. The info you provided on the questionare most assuredly was passed on to the admissions department. Then they follow up. This has happend to son with several schools. After filling out a baseball questionare he started getting emails about visiting the school from a department other than the baseball department. Nothing missing here. You shared your interest about the school and they put your info into the pipe line. If the coach has not seen you play and the email is not directly from a coach then it is probaly from a department such as admissions.

One interesting thing though. In looking at the process of setting up an visit with the admissions department many schools along with the visit offer to arrange a visit with the coach of your choice. I guess in baseball language that would be an unoffical visit but a meet and greet with the coach. Priceless. Anyway this was a option at the DIII schools we are looking at.

Son emailed a Head Coach of a DIII here in California that he is planning to visit his campus in November and asked for a meet and greet. The coach emailed back that he would be glad to meet with son simply let him know when he will be on campus. The Head Coach has never seen son play and the only communication with HC has been the recruit questionaire and a couple of follow up emails but the door has been slightly open. I have always told son if you never ask then the answer will always be NO.

Last edited by gimages
I have been most successful at finding coaches’ phone numbers by going to the school’s actual web site vs the athletic web site and finding the directory.

Some schools divide up the recruiting duties, a DII school in California has three different coaches looking for players and responsible for making the maximum weekly contact with recruits that they are assigned.

True the grad assistant may not be the actual recruiting coach but may in fact have recruiting responsibility, you will never know unless you ask, you can also ask if the head coach will be available during the unofficial visit.
Philly, What I think I'm hearing is your reluctant to spend the time and travel costs to visit this school because of a gut feeling you have. Or maybe you've read all the horror posts about kids being tossed like trash. If this is a school you can afford and really want to attend then I would go, if not sometimes you have to go with your intuition.

I wish my son would speak to our local DII school, they actually want him on the team, but "its a local school and doesn't have a stadium".

Good luck!

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