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Wanted to get updates on anyone's sons progress at fall practice. Mine is rehabbing and got on the mound twice over the last two weekends in relief roles. I'm just glad he back on the mound and throwing without pain. A throwing program is on his schedule and lots of long toss. I hope practice when well for all who are playing and spring will be here before you know it! 

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9and7dad posted:

My son's was over before it started.........diagnosed with mono second week back at school.  Just got released last week.  Hate to see him miss fall ball, but mono beats the heck out of an arm injury.  Glad yours is back on the hill shoveit. 

I know a kid who missed half of his freshman regular season with mono last spring, so... glass half full. Best of luck to him in the spring.

Son had a great fall.....threw well in intra-squads and got 2 wins in 4 games of the Fall World Series.  In the 2 WS wins he went 6.2 IP (pitch counts), 4 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 6 K's.   HC told him if he comes out like that in the spring, he's either a weekend starter or the first guy out of the bullpen.  They have all 3 weekend starters back, but all 3 were injured all or most of the fall so I guess we'll have to wait and see

Kidzilla in 2nd phase of TJ rehab after surgery 8/16.  Everything reportedly on schedule and he says arm feels good.  Able to do full body-weight pushups.  Cleared to fully return to weight training - some restriction on weight for upper body work, but no restrictions on legs and core work.  Also doing two-handed medicine ball throws and very easy tosses with a tennis ball.

Goes back to Dr. Cain on 22nd.  If everything OK, should be cleared to throw a baseball in December.  Hope to be ready to get a few competitive innings next fall and be ready to go January 2018.

Mine had a good fall in his sophomore year at his D3. He's optimistic about PT in the spring. Fingers crossed.

Another brutal year for the new recruits. Of the 16 freshmen, 3 made the team, 5 were cut, and 8 were told to try again next year. 8 of 9 transfers made the team (mix of juco and D1). 1 of the 4 guys who were cut last year made the team this year. 37 on the roster when the fall season ended.

It's son's senior year - his transfer situation has been quite interesting, mostly good.  He is our youngest.  He's had a good Fall - he will definitely be a part of the mix if he can keep his body duct-taped and super-glued together for six more months.  Good fit with his baseball brothers.  Still misses some of his last year's baseball clan but stays in touch.  Met a college athlete girl, so she gets it.  He is starting to hone in on career focus.  Seeing some of the other side of the country and a different culture.  The HC lost his primary Assistant on the first day of Fall - he was the RC and, from what I gather, organizer of everything so that's where things are currently a bit "interesting".

Son is much further away geographically this year but we are close as ever and talk almost daily.  As he and our other kids move further distances away, our appreciation of whom each has become grows stronger.  

Yup, I guess Fall has arrived.

Last edited by cabbagedad

Fall intrasquad WS concluded over week. Son did not play as he is rehabbing from TJ in March. Rehab going well. On the mound part of rehab just starting.

Met new coaches, seems like great guys. I know son likes them. Will be an interesting season next year, could be awesome and could be just good. 4 new position players and 1 moving from 2B to SS, so will be an adjustment. projected #1 &2 starting rehabbing and will be on pitch counts start of season. #3 looked dominate and projected #4 looked ok. other starters 2 did well in case there is injury or performance issues but unless #1 & 2 get back to full expected performance will not be as strong SP as last year. Bullpen on other hand looked dominate and will be for sure if "the other starters" get to play a big role in bullpen.

Met lots of new parents and they were very very nice and a big help on the tailgate / meal day. Fed 200 plus people between players, coaches, & families. Really nice to see that. 

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