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Originally posted by Backstop-17:
I am excited for one of 17's pitchers he caught in high school, Alex Panteliodis, as Saturday he will be starting as a freshman for the Gators.

Great job today by Alex, got the win for the Gators over Louisville (10-4 Final):

Alex Panteliodis.... 6.0 5 2 2 1 2 21 24
Last edited by Backstop-17
It's midnight and we just got home after a 4 1/2 hour drive. These weekend road trips are going to be killers!

Son's team lost one today, despite having many more hits than the opponent -- they just couldn't string them together. They won the second game of today's doubleheader 15-3.

Son's first AB's today were frustrating - ground-out, ground-out, fly-out, ground-out.....finally, he got hit by pitch and scored. (Hey, we'll take 'em anyway we can get them!) His next AB was a good one, with him drawing a walk on 8 pitches. Finally, an actual hit -- a line drive RBI single that he managed to turn into a triple.

After 3 games at 2B, he has 8 putouts and 8 assists with a 1.000 fielding percentage. Don't know how much longer he'll get to play -- the starter gets his stitches out this coming week -- but we're savoring every minute in the meantime!
Last edited by Infield08
Okay, it seems that these ANTEATER guys are a pretty good baseball team and not just a bunch of fat kids who like to eat. Go Figure... silly me... who woulda thought that these pre-season rankings would have them so low?

Well, it turns out folks that UCI is for real. They can hit a little, and they can certainly pitch. They have this kid BROCK BARDEEN, who until now has never pitched in college, and apparently only comes when things are really dicey. Brock is like George Clooney in Michael Clayton, only better looking. Brock Bardeen gets things done.

So last night, Brock comes into a close game and he cleans up a HUGE mess left him by some other guy. No sweat right? Well, consider that the kid's father was there in the stands wearing short shorts and a halter top! And to top it off he gets his FIRST COLLEGE WIN! Oh, BTW, did I mention that he just happens to have a 90+ MPH fastball and command of his off speed stuff. Did I also forget to mention that he also grabs a bat in critical situations and he rakes? Mercy!
Hey, all caps aside, congrats to BROCK on his first college win! It was a real treat to see a little HSBBW history tonight.

Feel proud Moose, your son is awesome! I will now wear this avatar for one week with humility and a smile.

On the bright side for me, maybe this insect diet will help me shed a few needless pounds. I gotta admit that these ants don't taste so bad ...especially when you wash 'em down with a nice tequila.
Last edited by spizzlepop
Went down to Winston-Salem, NC to watch the tournament games they had going on at the Wake Forest Invitational. My father and I really only wanted to watch the Marshall game, but after getting lost, forgetting directions, having to stop to get gas, and everything in between, we made it to watch the last 6 innings. The weather was great if the wind wasnt blowing. Marshall lost to Old Dominion 9-5 simply because of errors, I think together they had 5. They had there All-American Nate Lape crank a Homerun and there BEAST freshman Thor Meeks hit ANOTHER HR. He hit his first college HR friday and his on Saturday was over 400, centerfield 390, cranked it right over it!! As for Old Dominion, they had probaby the best CF I have yet to see college ball and I really mean it. He had just a great eye for the ball, called off everyone to get balls, made every catch, GREAT first step too.

We stayed for half of the Wake Forest and Akron game. We stayed til the 4th inning.....It was pretty hard to watch.....4 pitcihng changes, 15-8.....ATLEAST 4 errors.....dropped fly balls, miscommunication, etc.

Sadler is a pretty good 1st basemen player, espcially for a freshman. Just shows the REAL talent comes from VA Smile

P.S. Wake won 16-15 in the 9th, made me sick to see that when I saw it when I got hom!
HSBBW dual on the Islands...

Spizzle Jr aka Sam Spangler. 3.0 IP 0 hits 1 run 0 3 K's for Hawai'i in yesterday's game..while Bullwinkle Jr's team won Sizzle's boy had an outstanding game..and a great looking kid as well...I got to meet Mrs Spizzle...Kudo's to you..

Gotta run....the hula dance class has just begun.
I believe DiamondDogAZ's son plays for St. Mary's.

On another note, Southeast Missouri State took 2 of 3 from #16 Alabama this weekend at Alabama. The Crimson Tide took game 1 Friday night 5-1 and the Redhawks took over from there winning game 2 Saturday 8-3 and winning game 3 today 8-4.

The Redhawks host Lyon College on Tuesday to open the season at Capaha Park in Cape Girardeau, MO. Calling for a high of 46 degrees.. brr!
Thanks Rob, that would be my son, Chris at St Mary's. Mom and I have been on cloud nine all weekend. We were lucky enough to be there and watch his first few games, after a first at bat "nervous" K, he came alive. For the record he was 4 for 7 in those two games but who's countin, I just enjoyed seeing the "BIG SMILE" errors either.....Thanks for noticing!!
BTW...nice to be back in 80 degree Phoenix though.......
Thanks, I would encourage all parents to make every effort to see their kids first games. It was an experience one should not miss, ecspecially after all the time and effort put in by the whole family to get your son this far. My only regret was that the first hit was a bit of a blooper, so when the first base coach asked Chris if he wanted the ball, he said no....I later explained to him that was for ME, not him. But that's OK.....We will not get to see him live for another month or so at Pepperdine, but those memories (and video tape) will last til then...just hope gametracker's all I have...
Just finished watching St Marys beat #7 Stanford 5-3 on Stanford's streaming video feed. WOW, was that cool...just like TV (kinda)
The kid went 1-4, with a great bunt single, scored the first run of the game and made a few plays in the infield, nothing to exciting but the Gaels are 3-1 vs the Pac 10...with 4 solid pitching performances from four different guys.......
Originally posted by BOF:

Cal Poly beat Rice 2 of 3 over the weekend and then went to Fresno State and beat the defending champions.

If they keep this up maybe they won't get locked out of the tournament for the umpteenth year....

I have to agree with you. Either Rice or Fresno State is overrated or CP is vastly underrated - I am sure it is the latter. I expect to see them in the top 25 very, very soon.
Congrats to Spizzlepop's son! I couldn't make it to the game here in Minneapolis tonight, but Spizzle Junior sealed the Hawai'i win over our Gophers:

"Rainbow reliever Sam Spangler pitched 3.1 shutout innings, gave up two hits and struck out five to record a save."

Way to go Spizzle Junior! I'm hoping to make it to one of the games this weekend...

I get to post this in two places!

Great night tonight! Oldest son had a double header and he went 4 for 5 with 2 sac flys and 3 walks. Hit a triple, double and 2 singles. We left the game early to drive back and catch my middle son's highschool game just in time to see him hit a shot up the middle giving us a 2-0 lead (2 rbi's) later 1st pitch of the 7th hit a solo HR to left center.
Probably the best baseball day I have enjoyed!

Congrats to spizzlepop's son, as well as blueskys'
Last edited by floridafan
Ok, while I really dislike having this stff public..since it is out there let's use it as a teachable moment, it is a great case study in the value of perseverance, patience, long term attitude and effort and beliving in ones own ability for those who might demand instant gratification...while someday I'll do a complete case study of the 3 year emotional and physical roller he made the most of his one shot...

Actually a Doubleheader....4-7, 2 HR (LF/RF), 3 RBI, 2 singles, a walk, 11 winning HR, saving diving catch behind the least half a dozen sterling defensive plays...

but best of all...a DOUBLE Bull Durham moment. Quoted in the postgame press:

"This is what you work hard for each day and it is great to be able to help out the team."

Is this Heaven?

angel 44
Last edited by observer44
Actually a Doubleheader....4-7, 2 HR (LF/RF), 3 RBI, 2 singles, a walk, 11 winning HR, saving diving catch behind the least half a dozen sterling defensive plays...

Oh my goodness!!! Outstanding stuff!!! I can't think of a more deserving player to have all this success piled on at one time.

A good-looking kid chock full of character and possessing a laudable work ethic. What more could you ask for?

Congratulations, O44, on your son's remarkable accomplishments! May he have many more!
Last edited by Infield08
Actually a Doubleheader....4-7, 2 HR (LF/RF), 3 RBI, 2 singles, a walk, 11 winning HR, saving diving catch behind the least half a dozen sterling defensive plays...

I have been consistent in my beliefs about this young man. I have to be honest, this performance does not surprise me and I believe the young man has years of pent up "waiting his turn" frustration to unleash on the college baseball world. Couldn't happen to a more derserving young man. His attitude is off the charts. The apple indeed does not fall far from the tree.

Katy bar the door imho....

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