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I went back a couple of pages and was surprised I didn't see anything but CD's son is absolutely tearing things up for Coastal. Currently hitting .375 with a .708 SLG%. It's not just his stats, from what I've seen Tyler has been the true definition of "clutch" for at least the past 2 seasons. I'd like to see his stats with runners in scoring position. Great young man too.
Originally posted by Krakatoa:
After a couple weeks taking it easy on a strained bicep, son has had solid scrimmage innings this week and is poised to return to the hill, hopefully to help his team as they rise off of a rough start and now look to be kicking some glute.

biceps good.......

Won't be long before Krak, Jr is back toa-ing the rubber in a game!
SmileThanks folks, it WAS a thrill! Tucker found out the night before that he was starting. FSU had been the only team in Florida that UNF hadn't beaten yet so it was very gratifying.

Storyline for the game was really hard to believe. Our #1 shortstop broke his hand against Mississippi State, our starting third baseman moved to short and was injured last weekend. Third string SS was hit by a pitch in BP last night and broke HIS hand. Steve Hillen, a freshman utility player was inserted into the lineup at the last minute and got his first collegiate hit last night-a game-winning HR against the #5 team in the nation-Don't think he'll ever forget that moment.

Besides those injuries our starting first baseman pulled a groin muscle and sat out, our starting centerfielder sprained a ligament in one of his legs, also out last night. Our starting rightfielder pulled a muscle in his throwing arm and just DH'd last night. The pitcher who was scheduled to start last night got the flu and didn't make the trip. According to the story on the UNF website virtually half of our players were sick or injured, so last night's win was truly satisfying. Wink
Storyline for the game was really hard to believe. Our #1 shortstop broke his hand against Mississippi State, our starting third baseman moved to short and was injured last weekend. Third string SS was hit by a pitch in BP last night and broke HIS hand. Steve Hillen, a freshman utility player was inserted into the lineup at the last minute and got his first collegiate hit last night-a game-winning HR against the #5 team in the nation-Don't think he'll ever forget that moment.

Besides those injuries our starting first baseman pulled a groin muscle and sat out, our starting centerfielder sprained a ligament in one of his legs, also out last night. Our starting rightfielder pulled a muscle in his throwing arm and just DH'd last night. The pitcher who was scheduled to start last night got the flu and didn't make the trip. According to the story on the UNF website virtually half of our players were sick or injured, so last night's win was truly satisfying.

Unbelievable stuff. What a fairy tale ending! Congrats, Moc1, to you and your sons!
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Thought I'd send some kudos to my favorite Northern mid major.

After a couple of tough weeks at Texas and at Bama, UIC broke into the win column with a 3-2 victory at Vandy on Thursday.

Seven games against top competition and yet have not had an outdoor practice since last Oct.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
Just wanted throw this little stat in that was brought to my attention in the young ones relief appearance Thursday night:
Total pitches = 24
Strikes - 23
Balls - 1

Just thought it was kind of neat Smile

I want to have a word with the ump who missed the one that WAS on the corner

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