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Woodard Wins The Patterson Medal For 2006-07

"Robert Woodard may very well have had the single biggest impact on Carolina baseball over the past four years," says UNC head coach Mike Fox. "Robert was about as consistent a performer over the past four seasons as you could ask for. He was the consummate competitor, who willed his way to become one of the best pitchers in Carolina baseball history and led our team to back-to-back College World Series Finals. He is one of the program's greatest players ever."
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That is simply TERRIFIC!

Clayton (Prepster) was the very first poster here to befriend me via a PM and I have always enjoyed hearing about Robert and hearing Clayton's advice.

A very enjoyable day for me last Spring when he showed up at a Saturday afternoon game at Sunken Diamond, stood at the base of the upper tier and asked, "Where's justbaseball?" Big Grin

Congrats Robert, Clayton and the entire Woodard family. Those are tremendously gracious words by Mike Fox. Well deserved!
I have been very fortunate over the last four years. I got the opportunity to meet Prespster and stand with him and watch Robert pitch many times. I also stood there with Prepster and watch several games over the years and what a pleasure to do so. No one has ever meant more to North Carolina baseball during their career than Robert Woodard. What a class young man in every aspect. If you ever get the chance to meet Clayton Woodard "Prepster" make sure you take the time to say hello. You will not meet a finer person in your life. And his son is quite honestly one of the nicest and respectfull young men I have ever met. Not to mention the fact he is the winningest pitcher in the history of NC baseball. Congrats guys!!!!!!
Prep has always been one of my favorite posters and one of the first to make me feel welcomed here. I have followed and will continue to follow Robert. It's great to see him receive kind words of recognition that we all feel he deserves. Thanks for sharing that with all of us here who are big fans!

Good luck to Robert this spring!!
Congratulations Prepster and Robert!

I'm hoping that Robert's path to the majors takes him through Portland, where the Padres triple-A club plays. If so, I look forward to watching him pitch, and to having him over for a good southern home cooked dinner!

(My wife is a southern girl, went to UNC, and grew up in the same neighborhood in Charlotte that Prepster lives in.)
Oh, no...guilty...again...of being WAY too distant from a website that remains near and dear to my heart...but, too infrequently checked!

Thank you all so very, very much for the kind words and compliments. With apologies to those of you who have seen me post this elsewhere (I simply don't know how to relate my honest feelings any better.):

As you might expect, it was a huge shock and an overwhelming honor to Robert when UNC's Athletic Director, Mr. Baddour, called him to tell him of the award. While at UNC, his over-riding goal had been to influence the program in whatever way he could to make it better. Fortunately, he had an entire team of like-minded individuals with whom to work toward that end.

What the Carolina baseball players, coaches, and staff have worked extraordinarily hard to achieve over the last few years is very special, and it's been our privilege to have been associated with it. It's unfortunate that this award cannot be split among everyone associated with the UNC baseball program. We tip our caps to them!

Just as heart-felt and sincerely: thank you all so very much.
Classy response Prepster-
One all of us should appreciate. As I said earlier, what a great role model your son and family are.
Your son for what he has achieved in baseball and his academics. Your family for collectively raising a fine young man.

Your familiy story is a breath of fresh air in our baseball world right now. God bless you and yours.
I attended the basketball game last night at which Robert was presented his award. I was lucky to be asked by Prepster to join Robert and his family afterwards for a small get together. Robert has been blessed with a great make up to succeed. He also has a wonderfully supportive family. I think Robert, and his brother David, have always been encouraged to give 100% effort in all their pursuits, and it shows. Without going into too long a post as to why I really like Robert, suffice it to say that he is truly a student of his craft. He's the guy you could talk to ad infinitum about pitching, and everything that surrounds it, and be much the wiser for having done so. All of you reading this are students also, so you know exactly what i mean.

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