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"I have very good confirmation that here in SD a small local company has the vaccine and it will be out much much much sooner than everyone is saying"

There are decades and decades of medical science and laws/regulations on vaccines. Look up the process - it takes time for very, very good reasons.

(And, Americans just love vaccines - the more the merrier for some. If people balk at polio and measles vaccines, who would Guinea Pig this rushed thing (especially if you believe the virus doesnt pose a risk to you)? And, going back to my need for consistent messaging point, the top of the administration has loudly and consistently told the world vaccines cause autism; all of a sudden it doesn't?  Which to believe if youre an anti-vaccine type?)

There may, of may not, eventually be a safe effective vaccine; how does slow the progession of this disease, today, next week, next month?

Italy has thrown in the towel and is going full medieval  - full quarantine of the Lombardy region with additional full quarantines within the region.  Italy's first cases were roughly February 21; now app.  6k with 230 dead.

There are credible reports of Italy preparing to triage higher risk patients due to the overwhleming of their health care centers. (That's one of the primary reasons to try to stretch out the number of infections  - to keep the health care system functioning.)

Social distancing (and also remind people who want to greet with a hug or handshake), hand washing frequently, no face touching (not as easy as you think). 

Even for non-risk groups (in Italy, over 90% of deaths were 60 and older), you can help those particulary at risk by following these simple procedures.

We're in this together and together we can get through it.


Fear (rightfully or not) has trickled down to high school. Numerous districts in Washington state putting a moratorium on baseball games. District where my parents live north of Seattle no games until mid-April.  Ironically an area without any cases. I would understand if Lake Washington/Bothell were to cancel as they are in the hotbed.  I understand if cancelling school too, but these are after school activities only at this point.  

Last edited by LousyLefty

This morning in Broward County, FL they announced that there are 2 cases, husband and wife, the town is Plantation about 10 miles from where I live.  They got sick after returning home from a cruise, testing will take 5 days for results and they are in self quarantine.  Seems to me that there are just too many instances resulting from cruises. Some people may have gotten ill from the virus, recovered and chalked it up as the typical  winter flu. I am sure that there are many situations such as that. And this poses a huge risk to us in Florida as well as people who live on both coasts where cruise ships come and go, daily.

I am not panicking. However, my husband who is an asthmatic, had double pneumonia in November, with complications, so it looks like he has to sit it put at home.

Just a word of caution, he never got a flu shot. Doctors say if he had it, would probably not be as I'll as he was.

So if you haven't, get a flu shot tomorrow as it is one of the recommendations doctors are making.




Goosegg posted:

Princeton just told its students not to return from Spring Break.

At this point, I suspect many other schools arent far behind.


I assume Princeton baseball is still practicing and competing?  The University of Washington (which is quite close to the deadliest breakout area in the country) has gone to “remote learning” for students to finish their quarter, but the baseball team is still hosting teams and it looks like allowing spectators.  

I am glad to see people are acting rationally...I mean what other choice would you have but to cancel activities in an area where nobody actually has seen the virus. 

We have a couple school districts cancel a school day last week because someone was thought to have been at a party where some else was thought to have been around another person who had contact...shockingly enough it was found to untrue so school continued the next day. 

you can fix stupid. 

Actually, Princeton just "encourages" students to consider staying home after break if they want, and say that the university will make it possible for them to complete coursework if they don't come back to campus.  It doesn't say that they have to go home.  After all, many students don't go home for spring break, they go somewhere else, or, like the baseball team, they stay on campus.  Many universities are figuring out plans to teach all classes remotely if necessary.  Dorms are pretty much like cruise ships, after all (and many with shared bathrooms).

The university of Pennsylvania is treating their first patient now, just got the message. Apparently the school is now considering a shutdown. See ya in the fall everyone. 

Also was just told West Chester (perennial D2 power in the Mid-Atlantic) just cancelled Florida trip, info came from a parent who was going so I assume it is accurate. 

I think we should consider canceling the summer season because skin cancer is way more deadly. Please PG night games only pls. 

Just returned from Austin, TX with sons opener....great turnout by family's from across the country....The talk was possibility of Spring trip to Florida in two weeks being canceled.  Some other NESCACs have already canceled, and some decided to go....

Goose, just saw the note about Princeton, looks like Columbia and Stanford doing the same...shifting to virtual classes online..

Old School, I really, really hope you are right, but I'm sorry to say I have read a lot of stuff suggesting that you are not.  

That said, as the OP I would like to suggest that people use this thread for news and discussion on the impact on games and teams. If somebody wants to start a separate thread on whether or not the the virus imposes a real threat, that would be great.

Gov posted:

Just returned from Austin, TX with sons opener....great turnout by family's from across the country....The talk was possibility of Spring trip to Florida in two weeks being canceled.  Some other NESCACs have already canceled, and some decided to go....

Goose, just saw the note about Princeton, looks like Columbia and Stanford doing the same...shifting to virtual classes online..

Looks like your son had a hella good weekend.  Congrats to him!

"I think we should consider canceling the summer season because skin cancer is way more deadly.'

I didnt realize skin cancer could be contagious.

"I had an employee ask me this morning what we as employers are planning to about this. I looked at him and asked what he meant."

Cool, encouraging the sick to work, what could possibly go wrong?

Whatever we are seeing today, has been baked into the cake over a week ago. Add to that virtually no testing and you get a false sense of "wtf is this all about."

Italy had a couple of cases on February 21; now 9100 known cases, 470 dead, yesterday added 1750 cases. Italy had several prominent politicians question the science, decide to do a PR stunt and have a public drink in a bar. Both are now positive (as is the Italian head of the armed forces).

This is a preventable disease, but ignoring it, minimizing the need to follow known Public Health measures, not only endangers you and your intimate family, but also endangers the vulnerable portions of our population.

Goosegg posted:

"I think we should consider canceling the summer season because skin cancer is way more deadly.'

I didnt realize skin cancer could be contagious.

"I had an employee ask me this morning what we as employers are planning to about this. I looked at him and asked what he meant."

Cool, encouraging the sick to work, what could possibly go wrong?

Whatever we are seeing today, has been baked into the cake over a week ago. Add to that virtually no testing and you get a false sense of "wtf is this all about."

Italy had a couple of cases on February 21; now 9100 known cases, 470 dead, yesterday added 1750 cases. Italy had several prominent politicians question the science, decide to do a PR stunt and have a public drink in a bar. Both are now positive (as is the Italian head of the armed forces).

This is a preventable disease, but ignoring it, minimizing the need to follow known Public Health measures, not only endangers you and your intimate family, but also endangers the vulnerable portions of our population.

Comment from Columbia student after classes were cancelled — "my big worry is having it, not knowing it, and transferring it to a vulnerable member of the population."

Seems to me like the student is worrying about the right things.

JCG posted:
Gov posted:

Just returned from Austin, TX with sons opener....great turnout by family's from across the country....The talk was possibility of Spring trip to Florida in two weeks being canceled.  Some other NESCACs have already canceled, and some decided to go....

Goose, just saw the note about Princeton, looks like Columbia and Stanford doing the same...shifting to virtual classes online..

Looks like your son had a hella good weekend.  Congrats to him!

Thanks JCG!

Wow.  On the day of the opener, too.  That is just unbelievable.  Or, I guess I believe it.  Actually, Amherst's website says all students must leave campus by spring break, taking belongings with them, unless they petition to stay.  Now that is just completely crazy.  I get that they don't want them going away for spring break and then coming back; my son's school is trying to get them to not go away.

I wonder what summer leagues will do?

Last edited by anotherparent
Iowamom23 posted:
Goosegg posted:

"I think we should consider canceling the summer season because skin cancer is way more deadly.'

I didnt realize skin cancer could be contagious.

"I had an employee ask me this morning what we as employers are planning to about this. I looked at him and asked what he meant."

Cool, encouraging the sick to work, what could possibly go wrong?

Whatever we are seeing today, has been baked into the cake over a week ago. Add to that virtually no testing and you get a false sense of "wtf is this all about."

Italy had a couple of cases on February 21; now 9100 known cases, 470 dead, yesterday added 1750 cases. Italy had several prominent politicians question the science, decide to do a PR stunt and have a public drink in a bar. Both are now positive (as is the Italian head of the armed forces).

This is a preventable disease, but ignoring it, minimizing the need to follow known Public Health measures, not only endangers you and your intimate family, but also endangers the vulnerable portions of our population.

Comment from Columbia student after classes were cancelled — "my big worry is having it, not knowing it, and transferring it to a vulnerable member of the population."

Seems to me like the student is worrying about the right things.

I totally disagree, it sounds to me like a student worrying about something totally out of their control. Snowflake 

old_school posted:
Iowamom23 posted:
Goosegg posted:

"I think we should consider canceling the summer season because skin cancer is way more deadly.'

I didnt realize skin cancer could be contagious.

"I had an employee ask me this morning what we as employers are planning to about this. I looked at him and asked what he meant."

Cool, encouraging the sick to work, what could possibly go wrong?

Whatever we are seeing today, has been baked into the cake over a week ago. Add to that virtually no testing and you get a false sense of "wtf is this all about."

Italy had a couple of cases on February 21; now 9100 known cases, 470 dead, yesterday added 1750 cases. Italy had several prominent politicians question the science, decide to do a PR stunt and have a public drink in a bar. Both are now positive (as is the Italian head of the armed forces).

This is a preventable disease, but ignoring it, minimizing the need to follow known Public Health measures, not only endangers you and your intimate family, but also endangers the vulnerable portions of our population.

Comment from Columbia student after classes were cancelled — "my big worry is having it, not knowing it, and transferring it to a vulnerable member of the population."

Seems to me like the student is worrying about the right things.

I totally disagree, it sounds to me like a student worrying about something totally out of their control. Snowflake 

Are you freaking kidding me?  You can’t be serious.  

smokeminside posted:

Yes.  Couldn't be prudent and just take it a week or two at a time.  A lot of devastated students having the equivalent of a wake in the dining commons as I write this.  I expect there to be more of this. Dominos.

Surely there will be parental outrage over this.  I know that I couldn't move my kids out of college on 5 days notice.  Will they refund all that room and board?  And presumably not pay their own workers, setting up economic chaos in their town?

The local news reported that they felt that many students travel extensively  over spring break and I guess they felt that some might return ill, possibly bringing the virus back onto campus. I get that.  That may be a consideration for many universities.

Staff to remain on campus and students can petition to remain on campus. I guess all classes will be taught online.

Baseball has only cancelled trip to Florida. 

Just heard UF considering all classes to be moved online.

It's just a shame that the adults in the room could not have figured this out sooner.


old_school posted:
Iowamom23 posted:
Goosegg posted:

"I think we should consider canceling the summer season because skin cancer is way more deadly.'

I didnt realize skin cancer could be contagious.

"I had an employee ask me this morning what we as employers are planning to about this. I looked at him and asked what he meant."

Cool, encouraging the sick to work, what could possibly go wrong?

Whatever we are seeing today, has been baked into the cake over a week ago. Add to that virtually no testing and you get a false sense of "wtf is this all about."

Italy had a couple of cases on February 21; now 9100 known cases, 470 dead, yesterday added 1750 cases. Italy had several prominent politicians question the science, decide to do a PR stunt and have a public drink in a bar. Both are now positive (as is the Italian head of the armed forces).

This is a preventable disease, but ignoring it, minimizing the need to follow known Public Health measures, not only endangers you and your intimate family, but also endangers the vulnerable portions of our population.

Comment from Columbia student after classes were cancelled — "my big worry is having it, not knowing it, and transferring it to a vulnerable member of the population."

Seems to me like the student is worrying about the right things.

I totally disagree, it sounds to me like a student worrying about something totally out of their control. Snowflake 

Not cool, man.

old_school posted:

Well Amherst won today and haven’t posted anything on the website so for now I will assume this is inaccurate...dear lord I certainly hope it is. 

It’s accurate, unfortunately.  Amherst reached out to Williams to have a final game on Wednesday in honor of the seniors. That could be a very moving experience but for all the wrong reasons. 

Last edited by smokeminside

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