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Iowamom23 posted:
smokeminside posted:

Yeah. I was heading up there for some games this week.  Now I’m gonna help him move out.

Amherst has handled a number of dicey situations very deftly since my son has been there but not this time. 

I'm so sorry. Can't imagine losing an entire season. Very sad.

I am also. Keep us posted.

smokeminside posted:
old_school posted:

Well Amherst won today and haven’t posted anything on the website so for now I will assume this is inaccurate...dear lord I certainly hope it is. 

It’s accurate, unfortunately.  Amherst reached out to Williams to have a final game on Wednesday in honor of the seniors. That could be a very moving experience but for all the wrong reasons. 

Wow I can't imagine what that feels like. This is just not a well thought out plan, it is a drastic overreaction that I am sure is well intended but ultimately a ridiculous approach. 

I feel for these kids and wonder if any of the large programs will follow suit. Mass hysteria in light of current political/cultural climate is something we should all get use to. I guess I can't blame them for their decision to cancel the entire season. Seems to me their stance is, should the end of the world happen, we won't be the epicenter. Maybe I'm just over simplifying it, but come on people,  smh    






ReluctantO'sFan posted:

 Mass hysteria in light of current political/cultural climate is something we should all get use to. I guess I can't blame them for their decision to cancel the entire season. 






I think you can blame them, they get paid to make decisions.

Mass hysteria is not something we should get used to, it is avoidable simply by providing strong leadership. Our academic institutions have been failing at that for quite some time. Sadly none of this is really surprising, what is surprising is how many people think is a good idea. 

We have basketball conference tournaments starting in days, the NCAA next Thursday, NBA playoffs and MLB opening day...I have no doubt they will all be cancelled for safety reasons. 

I hope Harvard manages to get into the NCAA...wait what, they would have to actually play in the Ivy tournament to do that. Ah it will be interesting if public safety extends to the basketball teams or just main campus and staff. 

smokeminside posted:

Very curious what other peer schools are gonna do. Sounds like the D1 guys aren’t too worried about their seasons. Interesting how many different ways there are to look at the same problem. 

D1 where hundreds if not thousands attend games doesn’t cancel. D3 where family and friends (typically 100 or less) attend games they cancel. I would say Amherst is overreacting more than D1 is taking a risk.

RJM posted:
smokeminside posted:

Very curious what other peer schools are gonna do. Sounds like the D1 guys aren’t too worried about their seasons. Interesting how many different ways there are to look at the same problem. 

D1 where hundreds if not thousands attend games doesn’t cancel. D3 where family and friends (typically 100 or less) attend games they cancel. I would say Amherst is overreacting more than D1 is taking a risk.

They're debating now about no fans at March Madness basketball games...If they do that I cant see D1 sports continuing either. 

RoadRunner posted:

Also, just a thought, I wonder how the NCAA will respond?  For baseball seasons that are being canceled, would NCAA consider extending eligibility?

If a kid is a pro prospect he’s still going to get drafted. If a kid isn’t a pro prospect I doubt the parents are going to pay for an extra year of school just so he can play baseball while taking BS classes. So it really doesn’t matter.

A handful of kids would use an extra year of eligibility for automatic acceptance into grad school.

SoCal OG posted:
RJM posted:
smokeminside posted:

Very curious what other peer schools are gonna do. Sounds like the D1 guys aren’t too worried about their seasons. Interesting how many different ways there are to look at the same problem. 

D1 where hundreds if not thousands attend games doesn’t cancel. D3 where family and friends (typically 100 or less) attend games they cancel. I would say Amherst is overreacting more than D1 is taking a risk.

They're debating now about no fans at March Madness basketball games...If they do that I cant see D1 sports continuing either. 

what exactly does "they're debating now" mean? Who is debating? Do you honestly think there is any chance they cancel the NCAA tournament? Do you think there is a reasonable chance some school would opt out of playing in that tournament if they qualify? 

old_school posted:
SoCal OG posted:
RJM posted:
smokeminside posted:

Very curious what other peer schools are gonna do. Sounds like the D1 guys aren’t too worried about their seasons. Interesting how many different ways there are to look at the same problem. 

D1 where hundreds if not thousands attend games doesn’t cancel. D3 where family and friends (typically 100 or less) attend games they cancel. I would say Amherst is overreacting more than D1 is taking a risk.

They're debating now about no fans at March Madness basketball games...If they do that I cant see D1 sports continuing either. 

what exactly does "they're debating now" mean? Who is debating? Do you honestly think there is any chance they cancel the NCAA tournament? Do you think there is a reasonable chance some school would opt out of playing in that tournament if they qualify? 

I didnt say schools would opt out.  I said no fans.  Do I think they'll do, I dont because money always comes first.  But its being discussed. 

anotherparent posted:

Harvard and Princeton, like Amherst, are asking students not to come back from spring break.  All varsity teams are banned from air travel, although looks like they take buses most places. 

Vanderbilt is suspending attendance at athletics events.


Vandy suspending only attendance at non NCAA events. This info from a Vandy baseball parent.

SoCal OG posted:
old_school posted:
SoCal OG posted:

They're debating now about no fans at March Madness basketball games...If they do that I cant see D1 sports continuing either. 

what exactly does "they're debating now" mean? Who is debating? Do you honestly think there is any chance they cancel the NCAA tournament? Do you think there is a reasonable chance some school would opt out of playing in that tournament if they qualify? 

I didnt say schools would opt out.  I said no fans.  Do I think they'll do, I dont because money always comes first.  But its being discussed. 

but the relevant question is WHO is discussing it? 

old_school posted:
SoCal OG posted:
old_school posted:
SoCal OG posted:

They're debating now about no fans at March Madness basketball games...If they do that I cant see D1 sports continuing either. 

what exactly does "they're debating now" mean? Who is debating? Do you honestly think there is any chance they cancel the NCAA tournament? Do you think there is a reasonable chance some school would opt out of playing in that tournament if they qualify? 

I didnt say schools would opt out.  I said no fans.  Do I think they'll do, I dont because money always comes first.  But its being discussed. 

but the relevant question is WHO is discussing it? 

National College Players Association is trying to persuade NCAA.

TPM posted:
anotherparent posted:

Harvard and Princeton, like Amherst, are asking students not to come back from spring break.  All varsity teams are banned from air travel, although looks like they take buses most places. 

Vanderbilt is suspending attendance at athletics events.


Vandy suspending only attendance at non NCAA events. This info from a Vandy baseball parent.

which only goes show this is silly. Why restrict attendance to club activity that gets 43 or so friends and family to watch but all NCAA events which will draw several thousand or maybe several hundred...carry on we good. 

In times of crisis logic wins - most people with good intentions don't use logic during a crisis. Example Coronavirus.


SoCal OG posted:
old_school posted:
SoCal OG posted:
old_school posted:
SoCal OG posted:

They're debating now about no fans at March Madness basketball games...If they do that I cant see D1 sports continuing either. 

what exactly does "they're debating now" mean? Who is debating? Do you honestly think there is any chance they cancel the NCAA tournament? Do you think there is a reasonable chance some school would opt out of playing in that tournament if they qualify? 

I didnt say schools would opt out.  I said no fans.  Do I think they'll do, I dont because money always comes first.  But its being discussed. 

but the relevant question is WHO is discussing it? 

National College Players Association is trying to persuade NCAA.

in my mind that translates to a 15 yr old thinking they are discussing going to college for the weekend to visit with old brother...they spend countless amount of time expounding on the great reasons why they should be allowed to go and then Dad looks up from the paper (or maybe Ipad) and says NO. 

Believe me, I see both sides of this.  My son is a college freshman; we live a long way away, and next week was going to be our one visit to him this year, to see some live baseball, etc.  I can look at our itinerary and say that contact with others will be pretty minimal, and my personal risk is low, so why should I miss out on what I want to do?  And yet we will almost certainly cancel our trip, partly because I know that the more people who travel the more the virus will spread, but mainly because of the fear of the slight chance of getting sick while we are there (and then what would happen?).  So I'm pretty annoyed (to put it mildly).   After Smoke's news, I am just hoping that he gets to play his full season, not to mention finishing out his semester of classes.  Every day another shoe drops.

Received official word 20m ago that Middlebury is sending kids home. Spring break will start a week early (Fri) and will be for two weeks.  Online classes will start Mar 30th.  Spring athletics are suspended until further notice.

I wonder about Red shirt exceptions...played three games so technically charged with year of eligibility.  Thinking grad school opportunity and play 5th year.

Last edited by Gov
Gov posted:

Received official word 20m ago that Middlebury is sending kids home. Spring break will start a week early (Fri) and will be for two weeks.  Online classes will start Mar 30th.  Spring athletics are suspended until further notice.

I wonder about Red shirt exceptions...played three games so technically charged with year of eligibility.  Thinking grad school opportunity and play 5th year.

So sorry to here this news. 

RJM posted:
RoadRunner posted:

Also, just a thought, I wonder how the NCAA will respond?  For baseball seasons that are being canceled, would NCAA consider extending eligibility?

If a kid is a pro prospect he’s still going to get drafted. If a kid isn’t a pro prospect I doubt the parents are going to pay for an extra year of school just so he can play baseball while taking BS classes. So it really doesn’t matter.

A handful of kids would use an extra year of eligibility for automatic acceptance into grad school.

It does matter. Many of the D1 guys I know will not graduate in 4 years. Heck, many non athletes don’t graduate in 4 years for various reasons. As far as the draft, (probably could be a whole new thread), my best guess would be that pro scouts will make decisions based on the information they have. They scout right til the last day, correct?  Which leads me to believe scouts make decisions right up to the draft.  Round and signing bonus can be affected. 

Gov posted:

Received official word 20m ago that Middlebury is sending kids home. Spring break will start a week early (Fri) and will be for two weeks.  Online classes will start Mar 30th.  Spring athletics are suspended until further notice.

I wonder about Red shirt exceptions...played three games so technically charged with year of eligibility.  Thinking grad school opportunity and play 5th year.

Oh, sheeze that sucks.  I think in this case they'll have to give those kids that want it another year. 

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