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I can't believe Andy hasn't done it already.

What kind of players, losing 9-0, in the bottom of the 9th, ALL swing at first pitches and hit the ball weakly for outs, to end the game?

Even t-ball coaches know better!!!!!


Iowa Cubs at 13-22 on the season.

Rumor has it that Wood wants to stay there instead of coming to Chicago.

Go White Sox!
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Hendry just got an extension. Dusty will be the sacrificial lamb but I'd fire all the coaches before I'd fire him. I saw that last inning, disgraceful. You'd think the players were on their way to a date with a supermodel they way they all swung at the first pitch. As for Woody wanting to stay in Iowa, heck, he has already pitched about 20 games there in his career and he likes the mound.LOL.

In the meantime, my new team, the Phillies are playing awesome baseball. Ryan Howard comes off the bench and hits a game tying HR in the 9th and wins it with another bomb in the 12th. I think Howard has 12 HR's this season and they're also getting great pitching. Go Phil's and beat those Mets!
Last edited by itsrosy
Beenthere, it warms my heart to see you still have passion for the Cubs.

1. Baker needs to go

2. It is hard to tell if Hendry should go or not because we don't know just how much power he really has.

3. The Sox drawing more than the Cubs on TV is the first postiive developement for the Cubs in a while. When they start losing advertising dollars to the Sox, things will change.

I said it last year. The best thing to happen to The Cubs is the success of the Sox. picked the wrong team. The Philles have been torturing their fans for quite a while themselves.

1. i agree hendry has to go. i never did like him. he is a cheap @$$ and wont spend money to get the players we need.

2. i like baker. although their not doing good now, its not his fault. he has nothing to work with. the one year people were healthy, we won the division. after that noone was healthy.

Where was that thread where someone compared the Cubs vs Sox and took a Cub at every position but one? Who was that baseball genius?
Aramis over Crede, Barrett over AJ, etc. Now the Cub fans say the manager is good but the players are bad. Make up your minds.
The answer to the Cubs' problems is they are owned by a corporation not a person who wants to win. Reinsdorf got crucified for many years, but he is the only one that has won (execpt for the '85 Bears) and he has done it in two sports. Look what the Tribune has done. Wirtz is even worse than them. It starts from ownership. Until the Cubs are sold, all you non-Sox fans should root for the Phillies.
bballdad...Ask and you shall receive....

Fastball dad opined on April 18, 2006....

"Things look good for Chicago baseball early in the year. Cubs look excellent with only 2/5 of their starters going right now. When the other 3 starters come back, it could mean 100-105 wins this year for the Cubs.

Let's not forget about the Sox, who are surprisingly decent so far. The hitters may be good enough this year to make up for the weak pitching.

It might be fun to compare position by position, so here's my take on it:

1b Derrick Lee over Konerko, offensively and defensively Big Edge Cubs

2b Todd Walker over Iguchi, slight edge to Iguchi on defense, Walker one of the great hitters in MLB. Edge Cubs

ss Cedeno even with Uribe/Cintron, Cedeno on his way to superstardom, give the Sox credit they knew Uribe played way over his head last year so they picked up Cintron who the D-Backs gave up on. Some would say this is an edge to the Cubs, but because Cedeno is a rookie, we'll call it even.

3b Ramirez over Crede. If this was a defensive position, you may say Crede, but it is a corner and Ramirez' superior hitting and improved defense give the Cubs a strong edge here.

Lf Murton over Pods. Pods most overrated player last year, an igniter on a team that relied on power in the end to get it done. Murton blooming into a star and Pods may not hold his job all year. Big Edge: Cubs

Cf Pierre over Anderson. Great cf and leadoff, Pierre is superior to Anderson who is a Minor Leaguer. Superior
edge: Cubs

Rf: Journeyman Dye over Journeyman Jones. Slight edge: Sox

Bullpen: Huge edge Cubs, no need to get into that

Starting pitching: The Cubs are better now with 3 hands tied behind their back. When they return, Miller, Wood and Prior make it no contest. Big edge: Cubs

Bench: Sox have Makowiak, very nice, but the Cubs' depth at that position with Mabry,Hairston (who could start for the Sox at 2b, LF or CF) and others. Big Edge: Cubs

verdict: Cubs will have to battle in the tougher NL, but are frontrunners for the WS. Sox have to fight overconfidence too compete in a watered-down AL. The Sox need to make some moves if they are going to make the playoffs. It will be fun."

Methinks Fastballdad lost a bit of steam off of his fastball...hasn't posted in a few days...He's interviewing for the Cubs job. They like him for his typing skills...that qualifies him to manage the Cubbies.

Go White Sox!!!!!
Last edited by BeenthereIL
That's the biggest probalem in our world today. Noone has a sense of humor! Wink

It isn't me who lost some steam off my fastball (when your throw 60, you better not lose any steam) but the scrubs.

I'll stick by those matchups over the long haul, (how good would Konerko and Dye be hitting in the # 4 or 5 spot in the Cubs lineup?) but right now not looking so good, huh?

Anyway for the sake of reality, I'll say it now, but maybe not again. FOR THE RECORD: The scrubs stink and the Sox are great. Like I've said.....The Sox' success is the best thing that ever happened to the scrubs...wait and see.

I will not however, give up my scrub fandom because they are bad......don't want to be like so many of those Sox fans who suddenly showed up last year. And one more thing Beenthere....I can tell deep down inside you still carry a torch for the Cubs. bear3a
Last edited by FastballDad
I'm here to defend FBDad.

1) He really is occasionally funny.
2) He means well....most of the time.
3) He sticks with his team.
4) He is great fun, as is rosy, to pick on, regarding their beloved flubs!...errr phillies??'s summer... not september!...stop your wishful thinking!

BaseballDad1954....good call... the fact is Dusty's OK and the players are NOT!...Hendry is the REAL problem and the corporate executive's are giving him a pass... because they are so used to the Peter Principle examples in their everyday lives.
Things are really bad......when your rivals start throwing you compliments, they really have no concerns regarding that rivalry. And so it is that we are in that era where the White Sox are enjoying their golden days and the scrubs are as bad as ever. Enjoy it Sox fans, you don't know how long it will last.

Thanks Soxnole, but when was I trying to be funny? Ha. I do mean well....most of the time. And yes I am sticking with my team, tho it is very hard right now. Soxnole, do Rosy a favor and don't lump us together. He is much more rational than I and that distinction should be made.

The Cubs will be back!

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