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I wanted to post this as a seperate thread from the other.

Took the daughter to school today, naturally everybody is a little out of sorts.

She sent a text earlier and talked about the fun she's having.

She just called, which I didn't expect. They have a fire in the dorm and they are all outside, have been there for 45 minutes (1045pm).....All she knows is it wasn't her room because they were in it when the alarm went off.

But there is smoke and lots of fire trucks.

What a way to start your college career....for the whole family!!!
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Well this thread sure puts things in perspective. We dropped off both of our kids yesterday, it was a long 6 hour drive home last night. Wife did pretty good, didn't flood the floor of the car with tears, though she did shed more than a few.

I imagine that both of mine got a good night's sleep, especially son since his first class was at 7:30 this morning (at least, I sure hope he got a good night's sleep!?)

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