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What is the standard, if any, for team fundraising at the D3 level? It is a highly competitive, nationally ranked in 2017 program on the rise.

What are the typical expectations, amounts, individual requirements and so forth from the organization? This new to me and just trying to get a general understanding of what to expect.

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Fundraising happens at every level, including D1.  And the answer varies by team and program needs / desires.

Could be for expenses related to the team's Spring break trip.  Maybe it's a capital campaign for a new scoreboard.  I've seen anything and everything at both D1 and D3.

Many programs will do a kickoff event in the late Winter to raise expense $ for that coming season.  Dinner, silent and live auctions, special speaker, etc. 

Some programs will do a direct ask...we want $XYZ from each player (no obligation of course) to cover miscellaneous expenses for this season.

I wish I could "bound" it, but I can't.  We've been asked a floor of $500 so far.  The ceiling is whatever they can get.


Each year, they had a golf outing, and team branded gear for sale. After those were compketed they would come up with an amount for the diamond club. It baried form year to year depending on the other fund raising efforts. It was never too much. It would helo cover the spring trip and feeding them between games, plus away games transportation. He/we spent more on his fraternity dues.

Last edited by BishopLeftiesDad

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