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Wow- it's been ages since I've posted, but I still pop in now and they to keep up with "old friends".
This one prompted me to post though- if it's legit. I certainly hope that the names used were not the real kid's name, or I would urge a moderator to delete this thread.

It's a small world- information is so easily accessable- this kid could get wind of this and it could devestate him. Hope it's fake.

Originally posted by TRhit:
total internet illegality

Do you have a link or some other source for this law? I have seen similar discussions on other forums but no one can produce any leagal notices that verify this. I have searched the internet for copywrite and other law and came up with very little that is specific in nature to this concept. If the owner of the forums are indeed liable for this act I wish to inform other forum moderators of this.
Originally posted by cong:
Originally posted by TRhit:
total internet illegality

Do you have a link or some other source for this law? I have seen similar discussions on other forums but no one can produce any leagal notices that verify this. I have searched the internet for copywrite and other law and came up with very little that is specific in nature to this concept. If the owner of the forums are indeed liable for this act I wish to inform other forum moderators of this.

I would say something like this would come down to profit. If someone takes something off another site and makes money without giving credit then you could have a lawsuit. This is basically what happens in the music industry.

Think of it as the plagerism you were taught not to do in high school English.
I have to assume the original link was changed, as it appears to be a legitimate news story, and not all that big of news, at that.

Having said that, I don't know how anyone can say that posting a link is "illegal internet activiy". Copying information from someone else and putting it on your own website as if it is your own work would be plagarism. Posting a link on a forum to another site is certainly not the same thing. When you click on that link and it takes you to that site, you can clearly see who created the original information.

He has changed the original post and gone to another story ----tells you something about the original poster does it not

I think it is about time for this character to be erased from the site forever

my three sons

The original post was a cut and paster from a site which specifically does not allow it and he additionally did not cite the source---typical ANDY
Last edited by TRhit
The original post included no link, just some other different story, with names mentioned but no source.

Andy, please from now on include links when mentioning people to all of your stories so we know they are legit. If not we will take the stories you share as "hearsay".

Where is a link to the first original story?
These garbage ANDY/Frank Martin/multiple id ... posts do serve a valuable purpose - IMO.

You get a chuckle or two out of some of them - but more importantly they are a very direct reminder - IMO - to all of us - that bottom feeding leeches like Andy exist.

On the internet - and in real life.

Leeches that go out of their way to find the bad in the game. As opposed to the good.

Read all of his posts IMO - and let them serve as a reminder of just another aspect of this great game.

Caveat emptor.

Last edited by itsinthegame
That Lawyer is almost too funny.

They should not respond and let him hang himself. It is amazing how full of themselves some professionals are.
I hope the local paper gives it headlines. Make sure the headlines are factual and he has no basis for a suit.
The members of the firm would be embarrased by this.
I had a lawyer who acted for a male in a divorce situation. The wife got a court order to have their house put up for sale. lucky me I got the listing. The husband was uncooperative and after a year the court ordered him to sign it.
I sold the house myself and the legal emails started.
Told me to watch my back and that I hadn't represented the husband in this transaction and was in breach of my duties to him.
I told the buyer about it and he asked if there was anything he could do to help. I laughed and said "you couldn't increase your depodit to cover all the commission?" he pulled his cheque book out and wrote the cheque.
The deal closed and he tried to stop me from being paid. I emailed him and thanked him for the FREE legal advice and laughed in his ear.
Never heard a word from him again and our insurers thought it was a joke. I have turned lots of business away from him as well.
The Lawyer is a fool.
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
That's better. I get a kick out of some of the stuff he posts, including the link to sportspickle is helpful and legal. Roll Eyes

Me, too. I think a lot of his stuff is thought-provoking and interesting. Sometimes even relevant! How about let Frank be Frank? Why should he have to be what we want him to be? It seems no matter what he posts there are a few posters (no names) that immediately push the negatory button. Our little neighborhood (HSBBW) should allow for dissenting voices.
Ok I'm ready to take some hits on this...

I realize Frank/Andy among his other alias' drives some crazy, including my self at times. But I am guessing that "total internet illegality" isn't even a legal definition. In an open forum on the internet inaccurate/ half truths/ copied and pasted information is out on the web every where.

I may be naive but I don't think Frank is endangering this site. For the most part people see what most posters are and aren't, lets not start the "he should be banned" conversation it comes around every year or so.

TR you've done the unimaginable and made Andy/Frank look like a victim (just a little humor). Wink

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