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I was waiting to get everything squared away before posting. Some here already knew via PM's and I want to thank you all for kind words and support!

Update, PO jr is out at €$#£ state & has commited to SFSU! So grateful for the oportunity to continue playing college baseball. 

This past year has been stressful to say the least, but our belief is that all things happen for a reason. He was released from ____ state in April 2015. He then commited to SFSU in May & the coach was let go 7 days later. With nothing in writing, we waited, only to find out July 20 that it would be the first coach PO jr ever talked to during his HS recruiting, Tony Schifano taking over & he welcomed him with open arms. New assistant, Tyler LaTorre is a local hero, who played for the Giants, ran local camps & works out with the same trainer.  His mother was my sons preschool teacher. None of this insures my son of anything without hard work again, but it sure seems that things happen for a reason.

Lastly, over the years I have been blessed by this site & have learned so much from so many of you. Just when you think you have everything squared away, college baseball throws you a curve. A couple of posters on here have been especially supportive along the way. As crazy as this journey has been, the latest twist is really cool. Cabbagedad & I joked from time to time how cool it would be if our boys would get a chance to be on the same team. Looks like that will happen come fall. You can't make this stuff up!

Go Gators! 

"Baseball is a Metaphor for Life" "Runs Determine the Outcome of the Game, Not Hits"

RIP Augie Garrido

Last edited by Picked Off
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This is very good news for sure. Congratulations to PO, Jr and to the PO family. Close to home too. Seems as though you will have 2 favorite teams and your favorite player within 7 square miles!

Just terrific the way this has worked out for your son, cabbagedad's son and for Tony.

I really want each of them to do well.  No doubt Tony will build his teams with high quality people.

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