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Pirate Fan is right, your son still has to "tryout" in order to make the team. Your son may have looked great during his showcase, camp, high school game, but once he is on that campus, in the college environment, things can and do change.

Your son has to work his tail-off during the summer, prior to college, and then again in the fall when tryouts occur. There are no guarantees!!!! I watched kids that I thought were decent ballplayers get cut! They were either sophomores or juniors. Your son still has to prepare and perform. Nothing should be taken for granted. That's why I laugh when I here about kids that I know who are at D1 schools, and are either not playing, starting, or whatever. I'm not try to be mean in my statement, but these kids had abetter chance of getting a better education from a smaller D3 school, plus stand a better chance of playing right away, and even saying this, there are still no guarantees!!!!!

Every high school player dreams of playing at a big D1 school, an ACC, SEC, Big 12, etc., school, or even being scouted for the pros from high school like a kid from our area was this past June. This is very, very rare. Have your son give himself the opportunity to play, if that is what really matters. Don't let him say to his friends that "I'm on this D1 schools team," when in reality he may be on the bench for a very, very long time!!!!

Do what's best for your son and get the great education that is needed for the future, and also have some fun playing baseball!!! JMHO
while i do agree it is better to play right away,it takes lots of character and humility to earn a spot as a sophmore or a some point wheather it's college or the minors they will fail.that's part of the master's what you do after that counts.
number one question, is it the school i'd go to if they didn't have baseball.imho
In general DIII as you go north is very strong. Most of the NJAC schools are extremely strong which is why they were rewarded with I believe 4 or 5 bids last year which is UNHEARD of in DIII Baseball. I think as in any situation you've got to like the school first, baseball second and MAKE sure you understand the style of coach you are getting. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE THEIR STYLE FOR A PLAYER. I run into this all the time. For Instance: Player is basestealer goes to a school and after two seasons has 14 SB's. He's upset the coach won't let him steal so he transfers. Look at the coaches track record, the highest a player has ever stole in his program in his career was 22. He doesn't run, and if that's your game don't go there. Also, a program might be up and coming because they changed coaches or something, so do keep them in mind some programs are going to have growing pains as they have gotten their feet under them. We one 8 games my 2nd year, and 29 my 4th year. We had alot of recruits turn us away only to see us beating their schools over the next two years. Some saw the opportunity to play NOW, and make a difference. I know this is alot of info but remember, until your child buys a house, this is the biggest decision he has made so far in his life!

Good luck to all!

Great point you make regarding the coach and his style of play---every coach has his own style

On our team for instance our coaches like speed and aggressive play--our outfielders and middle infielders are all 7.0 or better in the 60-- we want our 3B,1B and catchers to be mashers

When my son played in college they loved speed in the OF--he ran a 6.4/6.5 60 and wasn't the fasted guy in the outfield

Originally posted by COACHDAD:
FRANKLIN PIERCE UNIVERSITY - Which will be the schools new name in 07. Finished ranked 3rd in the country this year. Top div 11 team Coach King recruits the best players. Their is a JV team and they do one beautiful job developing the boys in this system. Very hard to make varsity squad. GREAT SCHOOL - BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS GOOD LUCK

Unfortunately their academics leave something to be desired for the non-pro prospect.
I didn't mean to be offensive- apologies. I live 20 minutes away from the school and have spoken with a RHP from my hometown, who I won't name, who was drafted his sophomore season I believe. He told me that the academics were much easier than his friends who had gone to Bryant, Bentley, and other schools in the NE-10. The general knowledge around here is that the school is easy to get into if you can pay for it. Some students from the class ahead of me got in that were mediocre students. I'm just going but what I know and have heard. I'm not saying that FPC is horrible by any means but there are much better options solely for academics in the northeast, if one is not planning on playing pro ball.
Tom R, alot of choices but academics may be a factor, maybe not. Tufts, Babson,Brandeis,UMass Boston among a few in Mass. Trinity in Hartford is in the city,Southern Maine is right in Portland which is a great small city and is a great BB program. The NYC area has alot of choices, Montclair State, Kean, Ramapo, Drew, FDU Madison and so on.

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