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2 years ago in little league...I came to every practice..every game...and i put out tons of effort...and my coach just had somthing against me...i played 3 innings 1 at bat every single game...soon i started asking for more playing time...and asking to pitch...he laughs at me and asked if i was kidding. The very next year my coach was one of my fathers greatest friends, while my father was in the hostpital, before he had died, he promised my father that he would work with me to perfection. He did, and that year we dominated every single game we played against my old coach, ever since i started old coach always thought there was tension...and when ever he talks to me...i ask him...are you kidding me?
Till this day i have not talked to him
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Just let it go. The previous coach was not a good coach if he failed to try and develop all his players to the best of their ability. But then you will meet many people in your life time who will be biased in one way or another. Just smile next time you see him and walk on by. You'll be the better person and you're much too young to start holding grudges. Smile


Great post. clap

Such emotional baggage only weighs you down.

You will find that people often fail, or make such mistakes, for a lot of reasons, many of which you can't see or will never know. Often times they feel, but cannot express, their guilt or feelings. (or others won't let them)

Compassion, and understanding are adult charcteristics and the stuff of true champions...champions not only in sports but in life.

Last edited by observer44
Yeah I was in a majors game and it was the championship. It was me against the opposing coach's son on the mound. Good game overall, we won at the last at bat when I benefited from a terrible call. Well he was my coach the next year and the same thing happened. I got minimum PT. Now he is the assistant JV coach and we get along just fine. It was just a matter of differences and we have ironed them out. Let things take time and time will heal.

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