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well now that the college fall practice is over and the biggest travel tourn.(jupiter) are done what are your hopes, dreams, and aspirations for yourselves or your sons in the draft? Do you have an advisor? Have you been contacted by pro scouts and/or heard any round projections? I went through the process last year so I'm a veteran and it was the most exciting and nerve racking time of my life.Now I'm excited for everyone else and have a nephew in the draft and want some feedback from others
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Hopes: That our son remains healthy and injury-free. Smile

Dreams: That he helps his team to the College World Series.

Aspirations: That he is one year closer to graduation and that the pro thing will take care of itself if the hopes and dreams are fulfilled.

Having been at a point earlier this summer where I wondered if it might all be taken away, we will relish every time our son is on the mound from here on out. We have learned a lot about him in recent months that we had "hoped and dreamed" but never knew for sure...and that is that he is one tough cookie who can overcome some very difficult obstacles.

He had a terrific Fall and he is more determined and focused and confident than I have ever seen him. He has grown up a lot!

Take it one day at a time. Don't look so far ahead that you miss the fun times today. And make sure they know that there is much to learn from this game.
Last edited by justbaseball
Take it one day at a time. Don't look so far ahead that you miss the fun times today.

This is great advice.

We got so caught up in worrying about the draft during my son’s senior year of high school that we really didn’t enjoy his last year of high school like we should have.

Here is to wishing every player an injury-free year.
Good post BIGSTIK. Like theEH, I appreciate the posts by justbaseball. I would love to meet him some day. I think Justbaseball has expressed a lot in his last post. With his son’s injury, his time consuming recovery and then his ultimate success when he went back on the mound, I think Justbaseball has had his feeling agitated and then put into perspective. We are fortunate that he can share that with us. The roar of the crowd means a lot but it’s the quiet moments that have the most impact.
If I could give one piece of advice to a young player in the minors it would be to focus on the immediate challenge and not be distracted by the lights of MLB on the horizon. It’s a tough challenge and although the future rewards can be great, there are few examples of instant gratification. Minor league baseball is a period of time that will tax their resolve ---- but then no one ever said success was easy. Wink
I agree JBB post says it all! I have learned alot from you, despite what happended to ED, he and your family stood strong. I admire that immensely. Smile

I hope your dream comes true because we're gonna have to substitute the hot dog for a Omaha steak sandwich! Big Grin Then again, we could head downtown for the Upstream BREWERY! THINK POSITIVE.

We are just hoping for another successful season, which could be his last and that our player remains healthy also and we will ENJOY every moment like we have for the past two. Will try to get to more games and just have fun!

Those of you who have sons draft eligible out of HS, do try to put anxiety aside and let your son enjoy himself, while you do the same. You will NEVER get back those HS years, they are precious!
Hey thanks a lot friends! I didn't want to make this thread specifically about our son. I just thought that our experience has put things into a perspective that I didn't have when he was a senior in HS.

Some say God works in mysterious ways...I believe I can now attest very directly to that.

Dad04, TPM,'s to a great year from all our boys! Cool
This is an interesting topic. Since justbb knows, I think Eek, how much I am pulling for ED, I too will add what a healthy approach he seems to have. Also, my best to Dad04, TPM and all.
A few weeks back, on a different site, I read a post by a very knowledable person. Indicated a major DI program had a very substandard season in 2006, on and off the field...because of the draft. Team had several potential high picks. Those picks, minus one, became so anxious about the draft, it carried over and affected their seasons and affected the team chemisty, adversely. While it seems that might be overstating all the reasons for top players not performing as expected, it does illustrate some of the pressures the draft, scouting does create. Some have the worry about whether they will be picked at all. Some have the pressure of where they will be picked. As Fungo suggests, though, the life after is really what this is about..and that life also is only a bed of roses if you stop and smell them a bit along the way.

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